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 Promo 6/8/23

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Join date : 2023-07-13

Promo 6/8/23 Empty
PostSubject: Promo 6/8/23   Promo 6/8/23 I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 05, 2023 8:43 am

A great week for Percival IV is a great week for the world, and last week was just that. A fantastic result for the good guys! Target, and myself, we went up against two other wrestlers who allegedly trained together and were friends, yet which team showed true chemistry? Trust between both partners? It was us. Not only the best tag team in this tournament, but the most united duo in this company! The other 6 participants left? They still don’t trust each other. None of them are convinced they won’t be stabbed in the back at any moment. We do not have to worry about that, and last week was proof of that. I’m a little disappointed some people thought I wouldn’t play nice with my partner, and I was not trustworthy. Tell me, when have I ever shown that? Since my first appearance in PCW I have shown nothing but respect towards every competitor and every trash-…GREAT city we have been in! I can only hope people do not doubt me anymore. And what a win it was, right? I would even go as far as to call it a perfect win. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the pure raw power of my fist was enough to knock out Niles Jenkins and allow Target to secure our victory and bring us one step closer to our goal, the Blind Faith trophy.

I referred to us as the good guys, and as you know every story has a bad guy. And once again this role will be played by who might be the only man in this company I do not respect. Two weeks ago, not only was it the first episode of Triumph, it was also my first match as a professional wrestler. I went up against a man millions of people respect. A megastar in both wrestling and Hollywood. And what did he do? He disrespected me. Never took me seriously before our match, and once I defeated him in an “upset” victory, he refused to accept the fact. Those are the true colors of the man known as Nobi and I can say that with confidence because last week he showed his true self again, allowing his good friend Mercadier de Leon to beat up two defenseless men after their match was over. What kind of man does that, Nobi? A coward. And despite all your cowardice and your lack of sportsmanship, everyone seems to look the other way. “He’s so conflicted! He doesn’t know how to react!” It’s a joke. But fear not, because this Sunday. When I defeat Nobi for the second time, I will expose your precious White Knight for what he truly is: A two faced, egocentric scumbag. This company deserves a role model, someone who every viewer can look up to, and no one fits the bill better than I, a man of class, an honest man. And even if the worms in Cincinnati don’t appreciate me, like we have seen with Chicago and New Jersey. They will soon come to understand that my actions towards Nobi were necessary. And that he is nothing but a fraud.

And if one of our opponents is a fraud, the other is just outright crazy. Mercadier de Leon, I will admit, has been very impressive over the past two shows, so much so that I almost feel bad he has to team up with someone who hates sharing the spotlight. Now, I say almost, because it seems de Leon cares only for representing his God, and nothing else. First off, as you all know I am very respectful and of course this means I respect every religion. Buuuut…my family, every achievement they accomplished over centuries we did it all by ourselves. There were no silly Gods or Deities involved, and everything I own is due to hard work. In my eyes, dedicating my life to a God who not only might or might not exist, but probably isn’t even aware of who you, Mercadier de Leon, are…well that’s just no way to live, is it? And besides, out of everything you could do to spread the word is WRESTLING really the best option? It just makes no sense. One would think you get off on beating people up and just use God as an excuse…I meant all of that respectfully, of course. I would never mean to offend such a devoted man as yourself and take shots at their beliefs. I am not that type of person.

I said this last week, and I will say it again. There is nobody I would rather team up in this tournament with than Target Smiles. We are undefeated in singles competition. We are undefeated as a tag team. And this Sunday we will remain undefeated after we defeat Nobi and Mercadier and book our place in the finals of the Blind Faith tournament! Sunday. Cincinnati. Another win for the good guys.
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