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 Blind Faith promo

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Join date : 2023-07-13

Blind Faith promo Empty
PostSubject: Blind Faith promo   Blind Faith promo I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 26, 2023 11:56 pm

Scenes after Triumph.

Noooooooo! No! No! No! This. Can’t. Be. Happening. To. Me!!!!

Matt Miles, you absolute scum, do you think you’ve won?! Huh?! You think you’ve beat me?! You didn’t, that just now does not count! You hear me???!!!

Let me make it crystal clear, tonight was just a formality. Our match? It didn’t matter. You had a one in a million chance of leaving as the victor and congratulations you just won the lottery, but so what? What did that fluke victory earn you, Matt? Nothing! You still have to go through both Target Smiles and myself at Blind Faith and you still have to rely on that backstabber good for nothing who couldn’t even beat the lesser of my team.

And being the lesser member of a tag team is something you must be very familiar with Matt. You think I don’t know my wrestling history? Ten years ago, you were just that, partner of a man who was set for higher highs than you could ever dream of. Of course, things don’t always go the way one might think, but just the fact that people thought that of you is a stain on your career I will never ever experience. Everybody knows I’m the reason we’re in this final. Just like how everyone knows management is the only reason you two made it all the way here despite hating each other. Against any functioning team you would have immediately been eliminated but lucky for you, you managed to dodge us until the final. The two of you getting to wrestle in the main event? It’s an illusion, it has always been one. You don’t respect each other, you don’t like each other, and to be honest Matt, I don’t blame you for not trusting a man who is second guessing himself at the very last moment.

Which brings me to Damian Mordeau. A man who has the gall to call me generic and a joke, while acting quite pathetic for a man who’s about to challenge for a final and a chance at becoming the first ever World Champion. Me? I have no doubts as to what will happen, never in my entire life have I regretted a decision, and anything I go into? I will simply win. You say Target Smiles defeating you helped you get into the right state of mind but if you ask me all it has accomplished is prove your worst nightmares might be closer to reality than you expected. Had you grown accustomed to Matt saving your back over the past weeks that the moment you were alone you panicked and didn’t know what to do? I mean, if we consider the fact that you have not won a singles match in PCW that might be closer to the truth than we think. Which is why you are of no concern to me come Sunday.

As for my good partner, Target. You know, we work very well together. Better than anyone expected us that’s for sure. Yet, I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself. Every week I try to be the nice guy that I always am and hype you up for the dumbest fans on earth that can’t appreciate greatness. And you? Every week you call me a coward, a cockroach, untrustworthy, the list goes on. May I remind you the only reason you’ve been getting victory after victory is because of my cunning and very fair and honest plans. I’m starting to think you don’t really appreciate me as much as you should. Because while good while it lasted, after that trophy ceremony our partnership will come to an end. Three weeks ago, I would’ve been content by ending things on friendly terms, but since the announcement of the PCW World Championship match, that has changed. And I’m sure it has changed for you too. It is nothing personal after all, not unless you make it so. We all want to be champion, unfortunately for you some people will always be better suited for that role, and even more unfortunate you are going against the very definition of a champion.

There is nobody better suited to lead this company, to be the first man to hold the most important piece of gold around here than myself. A man of class, handsome, young, built like a brickhouse. A man who hides himself behind a mask, behind a fake smile, is not a man fit to carry PCW. So I will be a good friend to you, one last time, and take that burden away from you. We all know it’s too heavy for you to handle. But there’s nothing I can’t do, that is why there is only one possible result come Blind Faith.
Percival VI and Target Smiles win the Blind Faith tournament. And Percival VI leaves Blind Faith your PCW World Champion. There is no deeper story. No redemption, not a wholesome comeback, not an unexpected first champion. No, simply my victory, nothing else.

It is the history of the Lights.
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