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 ♱ The Path I Must Walk ♱ [Blind Faith, #1]

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Mercadier de Leon
Mercadier de Leon

Posts : 27
Join date : 2023-07-06

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PostSubject: ♱ The Path I Must Walk ♱ [Blind Faith, #1]    ♱ The Path I Must Walk ♱ [Blind Faith, #1]   I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 26, 2023 9:45 pm

My own failures can be excused, justified. I can look back at each misstep I take and treat it as a expérience d'apprentissage. A learning experience, as you call it - realizing where I went wrong and correcting my mistakes so that I do not repeat them. Losing to Nayati, I can move past that. I understand that he is a powerful man, a strong fighter. He has no prétexte, when he fights, for him, what he does in the ring is all that matters to him. That is a level of discipline I can respect. After all, self-discipline is what it takes to succeed in this world with whatever it is you want to do. Whether you are a paragon of virtue like Nobi, a student of des reus like Nayati, a man looking to discover his true identity like Target Smiles, or a slave to his God like myself - you must hold true your convictions in your heart, press forward no matter what befalls you, and when you stumble, when you fall, there is only one thing to do - "Relève-toi", as mon mère as always said, "Get back up, Mercadier, for if you do not walk this path, then none of us can."

That solemn path I do walk to this day. If I am ever pushed off the path I have no choice. "Relève-toi, Mercadier", I hear her voice, and main ferme de Dieu guides me back to where I must walk, where I must fight. Blood stains the road behind and uncertainty paves the route forward, unknown is my destination, unimaginable are the obstacles I must face, and unbreakable is my resolve. The strength I have within me to fight, comes as I said from the firm hand of God that holds me to that higher standard to which I have come to live under. And that is why I said that my own failures are those with which I can live with… But when I fail my God… When I falter for His tasks, for His edicts, when I cannot execute my vows as the Vidame, that is when my blood freezes, my heart swells, mon esprit souffre, it hurts me in the deepest chambers of my existence…

The only redemption I have to offer my God… 

Is the blood of the wicked. Le sang des méchants, spilled in His image, destroying the shadows that block out the beautiful light of my God. When the unfettered radiance of His will can no longer be contained, that is when I can face Him again and kneel down to apologize, to even feel bold enough to ask for forgiveness.

Be that as it may, I have neither the time nor the privilege to sit idle and wallow in my own regret. My ascension météorique in this company, my straight path to the top after coming in and dominating for my first few weeks, came to an abrupt end at the hands of Target Smiles and Percival VI. Fair enough. You cannot win them all, and between myself, Nobi, and those two, I was the least experienced wrestler by far. Douleurs de croissance, we can chalk that up to growing pains. Perhaps it was not written for me by my God to become the first PCW World Heavyweight Champion. Perhaps He did not consider the top belt of this new fledgling company to be of enough importance, a proper hindrance to my mission just yet. The time for me to slay that beast will come when it is due, but for now, I have another focus.

I called it a bénédiction, a blessing from my God, in my debut, when I realized I would be in a triple threat match. Two offerings given to me to massacre in my God's name. That, I considered a blessing. Then whatever shall I call the opportunity presented to me at Blind Faith?

Consécration. It is the only thing I can call it. The ultimate opportunity to dedicate my heart to my God. To bathe in the blood of His enemies, the wicked, the malfeasants, those who willingly choose to live outside his light. Sin is not just the act of defying God's orders it is the act of defying God's EXISTENCE. No man is perfect, not even myself, especially not myself, yet even in my worst times, even when the shadows of the unrighteous grow strong enough to block from my view la lumière de Dieu, I hold, steadfast, remembering always that He is there above me to guide me to his light.

Yet the shadows of the sinners that lie before me in this Prodigy Championship ladder match may be stronger than any I have seen in years.

Archie Collins, the man who defies death. Who better to start with than yourself? In a way, you consider yourself beatified, blessed by the Heavens. Yet your crime is as clear as the limp in your walk, you infirme indigne, undignified cripple whose existence offends the fabric of God's will itself. Why are you still here? Do you ever ask yourself that? Why, you, when so many good men perish in the most unthinkable ways, are still alive, still here, still breathing, par la grâce de Dieu, you are lucky, you are not blessed, and I will show you that the fact that you are still alive and so unfortunate that you must cross my path, that you are in fact cursed, that God did not save you, he DAMNED YOU, je t'ai damné au sort de me rencontrer, you have been damned by my God to cross the path of the Vidame, Mercadier de Leon, and there at Blind Faith I shall show your place in this world, I will remind you that you are vermin, filth, an existence sans valeur, a man without worth, a man with no value - God spared your life that night but at Blind Faith, I won't.

Destiny Dior, a symbol of baseless pride, the face of unfounded vanity, une icône de porter plus que ce que tu vaux, an icon of wearing more than you're worth. Within you is an ego bigger than the pool of your ability and eventually people like you have to come to realize that arrogance is just a shield for the insécurité that comes with the self-awareness of being a failure. But to that same point, I am completely and utterly failing to find even a smidgen of self-awareness underneath your placage brillant et brillant. It is all an act, a farce, a veneer. The foolish are the loudest. That is what mon mère used to tell me about the heretics in our village who would scream blasphemies at us. "Ignorer les hérétiques, Mercadier, ignore them, for their curses against God are the cross they will carry in their darkest times." That is a lesson that has rung true for as far as I have been able to see. I mean just look at yourself, Destiny - hath God not punished you enough? Born in the projects, peaking at college level volleyball, having to expose yourself on video calling yourself a "vixen" when the only thing you should be called is a whore? Fear not any longer, you are lucky because your destiny shall be the ultimate fulfillment of your otherwise worthless existence… an offering of blood to my God, turning not to dust but instead a ray of light through which his luminosité shall shine upon our world.

Kasey Kash, you are un rebelle, but to what? To your family perhaps? Society? How terribly cliché. Hide your face beneath that paint. Desecrate your skin with those hideous tattoos. Speak as boldly and brashly as you wish. It will not change your reality. It will not bring you any closer to the happiness you seek. People like you, who cannot even respect the bodies that God has blessed you with, will never find meaning in this world. I know you had once called yourself the "Antichrist" of wrestling but I will not and need not dignify your foolish martyrdom. You are a lost soul, chasing the shadow of your father who chased the shadow of his, and so on. A doomed bloodline, une famille d'invalides, there is not a single success in your entire lineage… So why drag it out any further? Why not put an end to it here, after all, it seems as though I'd be doing you a favor by giving your insignificant life some finality and purpose. If you fancy yourself the Antichrist, allow me to redeem you, I shall put you through the cross I carry on my back in my God's name like a nail, and finally you shall find meaning in your own life, as a piece of the foundation of His light.

Now Nayati, while you were the first to beat me, and I cannot take that away from you, I am beyond glad to see that you also have managed to learn the taste of humility. Earlier I said I respect your discipline as a devotee of the mat, but how can a man so close to the ground expect to stand on top of the world? You are brazen, foolishly overconfident, you called the man who defeated you with relative ease even, "fodder". That is not the integrity I'd expect of a man who promises to take wrestling to the next level. That is what you fail to understand, not that I necessarily expect you to. Nayati is not a prodigy, Nayati is not the future, and as much as you wish to shout your name into the void, "Nayati, Nayati, Nayati", when I stand above the ladder and unhook the Prodigy Championship for myself, in the name of my God, the Prodigy Championship in MY posession, in HIS possession - it will be I who shouts MY name into the Heavens, as loud as I can for my God to hear it, "Mercadier, Mercadier, MERCADIER."
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