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 The Dawn of the Alloyed Powers

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Maximus Steele

Maximus Steele

Posts : 25
Join date : 2023-10-02
Age : 34

The Dawn of the Alloyed Powers Empty
PostSubject: The Dawn of the Alloyed Powers   The Dawn of the Alloyed Powers I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 06, 2024 11:39 pm

Conquest Colosseum was supposed to be my night.  I walked into that arena with a fire in my heart, ready to carve my name into professional wrestling’s history books forever.  But things didn’t go as planned.  I came up short.  And trust me…it stings.  I didn’t just lose a match, I lost an opportunity to show the entire world what the Iron Titan is truly made of.”

I’ve faced hardships all my life.  From the steel mills of Pittsburgh to the squared circle, I’ve fought with everything I have for every ounce of respect I’ve ever received.  Failing at Conquest Colosseum was a bitter pill for me to swallow, but it’s in those moments of defeat that you truly find your character.  Failure is only failure if you learn nothing from it and within that cage, I learned a great deal about who I am.  I will not allow one loss to define me.  I will keep going, keep pushing forward, because though the main event of Standing Room Only may not be in the cards for me this year, there is still a place for the Iron Titan…still a reason…still a purpose for what I’m doing here.

It's why I decided to get involved in the world title match.  Why I decided to step up and align myself with Matt Miles.  Because I know what my purpose here is.  To instill a sense of respect into this company that has been sorely missing lately.  You see, I don't know Matt Miles well.  We’ve never crossed paths before this.  But I’ve seen the fire in his eyes.  I know it all too well because it’s the same one that burns within mine.  When I saw Salvation do what Salvation does and interfere in his match, I knew that it was time to act.  It wasn’t just about helping Matt, it was about sending a message to Sabertooth and his little sidekicks that their reign of terror will not go unchallenged.

Matt Miles is a man who’s fought for everything that he’s achieved, just like me.  When you find someone with that kind of resolve, you don’t just stand idly by and watch them get fucked over.  You step up.  You fight alongside them.  You do whatever you can to make sure that justice is served.  That’s what was instilled in me from a young age, working in those mills.  And that’s why I got involved.  That’s why the Alloyed Powers were forged.  Two men, bound by a mutual respect and a shared goal…to bring down Salvation and restore honor to PCW.

But to get there, we must first go through El Landerson and Japanese Jesus.  Two men who are about to be the first to find out what it means to step into the ring with the Alloyed Powers.  We all know what’s on the line here, but this is about more than just earning a shot at the tag titles…this is the debut of a new era…a new force that has arrived in PCW.  Landerson…I’ve been in the ring with you before and in a way, I respect how you’ve always managed to maintain the attitude you have.  Despite all the setbacks, you still go out here, always looking on the bright side, always trying to bring a smile to the faces of the people who pack those arenas.  I respect that spirit, Landerson, but this company…it’s no longer about smiles and cheers.  It’s about survival.  It’s about dominance.  It’s about making a statement.  Your never-give-up attitude may be a nice message for the kids, but it’s far, far from enough to last when you’re matched up with the Iron Titan.  And Japanese Jesus, you, on the other hand, like to walk around as if you own the place, despite never accomplishing anything of note, as if you’re a deity among the rest of us mere mortals.  But you’re not…in fact,, in that ring, you become much more martyr than deity.  And when you face me and Matt, it will be no different.  You will find out that your divine delusions can’t save you from the punishment and brutality that is coming your way.  You may be strong, you may be tough, hell, you may even actually be the Son of God…but when the bell rings, the only thing that matters is that you’re in our way.

Matt and I…we’ve got something that the two of you don’t.  Drive.  Purpose.  Determination.  And the actual skill to back it up.  We’re not coming into Triumph to win, we’re coming to dominate.  To show Salvation and the rest of the world that the Alloyed Powers are a true force of nature, forged from both respect and a common goal.  We’ve both been put through the ringer over the last few months, but we both are fully aware of what it takes to get to the top.  And this match…this match is the beginning of our journey to the very top of PCW’s Tag Team division...where we can get our hands on Salvation.

Landerson, Japanese Jesus…I know you both think that you have what it takes to step into the ring with us…but you don’t.  We’re not just fighting for ourselves this time.  We’re fighting for the future of PCW and everyone in it.  We’re fighting to bring down Salvation and save this company.  Every match is a step towards that goal and you two are the first domino that must fall to make it happen.  Conquest Colosseum didn’t go the way neither I nor Matt would have liked.  But we will move forward.  We have nothing left to lose, but we still have everything to gain.  The Iron Titan doesn’t break, he merely grows stronger.  Matt and I…we’re just getting started.  El Landerson and Japanese Jesus will merely be the first to step into the forge, but they will be far from the last.  We have our eyes set on a much bigger goal.  Salvation.  They made a mistake crossing us.  And they will pay the price.  The Alloyed Powers aren’t going anywhere.  Win, lose, or draw…we’re coming for you all.  And there isn’t a damn thing that anyone can do to stop us.
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