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 Debut - Triumph 23/07/23

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Join date : 2023-07-13

Debut - Triumph 23/07/23 Empty
PostSubject: Debut - Triumph 23/07/23   Debut - Triumph 23/07/23 I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 22, 2023 8:51 pm

A man stands in a huge hallway, this is the insides of House Manor. Behind him, an army of maids and butlers.

July 23rd, Chicago Illinois.

Save the date. Save the location. Because on that day, in the “great” city of Chicago! The biggest event in professional wrestling history will take place…The first episode of Triumph? Pfft, no way. The debut of the great, the mighty, the future and present of professional wrestling: Percival VI.
And that would be yours truly, not the first, not the last, but certainly the biggest one. I come from a family of greats. Doctors, lawyers, going all the way back to royalty. And now a wrestler. We pride ourselves in our class, in honor, and in doing things the right way. So, my opponent White Knight Nobi, I give you my word that our match will be a clean and fair contest. I wouldn’t want to disrespect such a legend after all.

The maids and butlers behind Percival all look away from the camera after that statement.

Because that’s what you are, Mr. Nobi. Or would you prefer Mr. White Knight? You’re a legendary wrestler. I remember watching tapes of you and all your best matches and rivalries with people such as…uh…that’s not important! What’s important right now is you! Because it is such an honor for me to make my debut, to have my first ever match against somebody like you. And it should also be an honor for you to face me, the most exciting prospect this industry has ever seen. If there is one thing I can promise, it’s that the GREAT fans in CHICAGO are in for a treat.

But…maybe my word is not enough. After all no one has seen me wrestle before. For all they know I could be all talk and lose in two minutes. That’s what I’m out to prove this Sunday. I’m going out there, CHICAGO, to prove that not only can I hang with a multiple time World Champion, I can beat him! With all of my skill, with no underhanded tricks which I would never in my life think of doing. I can pin him on the mat one, two, three. Or I can make him submit. I have been training very hard my entire life just for this one moment. And while I’m glad it is Mr. Nobi as my opponent, were it anyone else, my game plan and my objective would not change. I’m going out there each and every week to be the best, to win matches, and to rise to the very top in record time…and to impress the fans of course! Ha Ha I would never forget about them!

Which is why I’m not sure what Mr. Nobi is expecting from me. Surely he has seen my type come and go plenty of times. Young wrestlers who talk the talk but can’t walk the walk, and after a few months they disappear and are never heard from again…such sad tales, but Mr. Nobi, I guarantee you I’m nothing like them. So if you go into our match thinking it will simply be business as usual for you, you are in for a shock. For the rest of the world, even for you perhaps, the thought of me defeating you is considered a massive upset. Yet I know, it is no such thing. Beating you is considered an upset, my next victory will also be an upset, but what comes after that? It becomes the norm. Soon enough the kid who no one expected anything from is the favorite. In all of his matches. But the first few weeks I just know my butlers are going to make bank! Isn’t that right guys, you’re putting all your money on me!

Once more they all look away

You see that! That’s trust! They know from firsthand experience just how good I am inside the wrestling ring. I know how good you are, Mr. Nobi. But you don’t have any idea of what I am capable of. Pretty big advantage on my end wouldn’t you say? So, despite all of the experience you hold over me, and I say this with all the respect in the world, aren’t we equal then? Our chances of winning are the same. Your experience, my unpredictability, they weigh the same really. And this is just between us two but I’m a much, much better actor than you.

Percival laughs and he earns some disapproving glances from the maids

No, really, I’m glad you’re wrestling again, because your Hollywood record? Let’s just say it’s not for you. But hey, hey, after our match is over and we respectfully shake hands. Maybe you could hook me up with your agent? If he can land you roles lord knows what he could do with me.
Percival checks the time on one of his gold watches.

Unfortunately, it looks like this is all the time I have for all you, I must go an train more for the most anticipated debut in PCW history! So fans, Chicago, Mr. Nobi, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for Sunday.

As Percival walks back to his training room, one of the maids shyly approaches him and whispers in his ear. He faces the camera once more.

…And after the respectfully shaking hands part…perhaps you could also grace one of my servants with your…autograph.

Percival rolls his eyes.
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