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 Creeping Death Chronicles pt. 2: vs. Teej

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Creeping Death Chronicles pt. 2: vs. Teej Empty
PostSubject: Creeping Death Chronicles pt. 2: vs. Teej   Creeping Death Chronicles pt. 2: vs. Teej I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 11, 2023 7:58 pm


A light flickers on. A small shack. A steel folding chair in the middle of the room. The single lightbulb swings slightly, casting the room in light and shadow simultaneously.

A figure appears out of the shadows. She walks slowly, arms folded across her chest. Her signature black cargo pants tucked into her boots, the oversized M. BISHOP military jacket over her torso. She looks down at the ground as she walks to the chair…

And gently kicks it over.

She looks up at the camera and sneers. JOSIE GREY.

I…am not…a happy…chappy.

Josie’s dog, RASPUTIN, runs into frame, a pack of cigarettes in his mouth. She absentmindedly grabs it from him. She pulls one out and lights it, before tossing the pack over her shoulder. Rasputin runs after it, cos he’s a good boy.

I start off my run here, with a SOLID win over a coupla top tier talents. Bryan Charles, my hat comes off to you…if I was wearing one…and Aurora…ehh, yeah. You were there too. TOP TIER talents, the both of em…and who walked away with the win? Yours truly, Creeping Death Jos’. THEN…I get the…”privilege” of facing The Homeless Hero, The Down-and-Out Deity, the HOBO KING, Jack Carlton…aaaaaaand…

Josie exhales smoke out her nose and shrugs.

Here we are. One and one. Now, don’t get me wrong, mon amies, I’m not mad, I’m not bitter, and none of this is sour grapes. Jack beat me. That’s all there is to it, and he KNOWS…he KNOWS, somewhere down the line, I WILL get my win back against him…but for now, hey. Better hobo won.

Josie shakes her head and smiles slightly.

But JUST because I’m not mad, doesn’t mean I’m happy. I’m not the Bryan Charles type, where I take my losses and just say “jeepers!” I’m not the Aurora Deathfire type to just…cower in a black hole somewhere. Nah, I’m JOSIE FUCKING GREY. I’m the type to use a loss as motivation to come back stronger, faster, HUNGRIER. What happened on Triumph? That was a feeble coyote stealing food from a distracted wolf. All it did? Was make that wolf angrier, hungrier, and more desperate.
Again, Josie exhales smoke out her nose, this time pointing at the camera with her cigarette hand.

And that’s where…YOU…come in, Teej. Can I call you Teej? Doesn’t matter. TJ, BJ, HJ, Angry Handy J…Teej. Whatever. YOU, my little dopey looking friend, are this wolf’s NEXT MEAL…and you wanna know what sucks for you? I’m going to eat you down to the fucking BONE. Not a SCRAP left for the other guy. YOU, Teej, have been given the end of the stick that’s been BURIED in shit. YOU, little buddy, are walking straight into a WOLVES DEN in that squared circle come Triumph. How do YOU think it’s going to go? Huh? Because from where I’m standing, and what I’ve seen of you?

Josie scoffs and takes a puff from her smoke, using this time to think over what she’s seen…

She shakes her head after a moment and shrugs again

Frankly, I can’t remember a god damn thing I’ve seen of you, Kid. I THINK you’re good…I THINK you’re mildly talented…and I THINK you have a general idea of what you’re doing in that ring.

Josie inches closer to the camera…

But here’s what we KNOW…about ME. One, we KNOW that I’m REALLLLLLLLLY fuckin’ good at this. Two, we KNOW that I am a God Damn NATURAL at this, never mind talented…and Three? We KNOW I have more than a general idea of how to fight. WHAT do you bring to the table, Teej? Ohhhh, you jump around a lot, right? You can FLYYYYYYY!

Josie smirks and cocks her head.

Well, what do you do when your wings get clipped, Kidd Kraaaaaaazy? What do you do…when you’re GROUNDED and unable to do the one thing you know how to do, Aerial Assassin? WHY does that nickname sound so familiar and unoriginal, by the way?

Josie’s smirk turns to a shit eating grin.

I’ll answer that! You do NOTHING…because that’s what you know how to do! You are a one trick pony, and I am a fuckin’ WAR HORSE. You’re a one hit wonder, and I’m the Rolling Fuckin’ Stones. I bring Thanksgiving to the table, and you’re bringing juice to the kids. You and I? WE are not at ALL the same, and at Triumph? I am going to USE YOU as an example. YOU, Teej, are nothing more than a bleeding BILLBOARD for what I have planned for the PCW Roster, and anybody with eyes glued to the monitors backstage will SEE, beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that I AM…the CREEPING…FUCKIN’...DEATH of this place.

Josie takes a final puff of her cigarette and flicks it away. She exhales out her nose, and tugs at the collar of her jacket.

So…to you, Teej…and to everyone else listening…I have two words for you…two very, very, important words…

Fight Me.

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