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 Creeping Death Chronicles 005: Jupiter is Just a Fuck Ton of Gas

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Join date : 2023-10-15

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PostSubject: Creeping Death Chronicles 005: Jupiter is Just a Fuck Ton of Gas   Creeping Death Chronicles 005: Jupiter is Just a Fuck Ton of Gas I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 13, 2024 10:01 pm


A shack, deep in the Missouri woods. A candle flickers in the window, the only light seemingly for miles.

A person trudges up to the shack, dragging the carcass of a deer. The Hunter approaches a nearby tree and lays the doe carcass down, grabbing some rope and a nearby hook attached to a rope-and-pulley system in the tree. The Hunter quickly ties the hind legs together, hooks the binding, and pulls the carcass up into the air. They pull a large Bowie knife out of a sheath on their belt, place it against the deer’s throat…

And slices.

Blood sprays against the leaves and dirt, staining them a deep crimson. The Hunter slowly removes their hood and facemask…


Josie watches the blood spray, expressionless, stoic. She sneers slightly before kneeling down in front of the crimson waterfall. She reaches her hands out, into the blood, cupping her hands to catch it. She slowly pulls her hands back…

And pours the blood over her head. Her dirty blonde hair turns nearly black. The crimson streaks over her face. She sits, cross-legged, staring at the carcass as it bleeds out.

This may seem dramatic…but, I’m French…so…

This actually has nothing to do with anything…I just ran out of time and also need to eat, so…two birds, one stone, all that…

Josie pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her vest and sits near the blood spray, some of it splashing on her face, cigarette, and hand. She doesn’t notice, or care.

Here in PCW, I am making my name each and every time I step through that curtain. I am watching the Twitterverse…or…X…verse…X…sphere…

Josie stares off for a moment, scratching her chin…she suddenly snaps back to it.

I’m watching social media, and the votes are fuckin’ in. JOSIE GREY, THE NEXT BIG THING. I’m barely out of my rookie year here in wrestling, and I’m already a multiple time - AND CURRENT - champion. Who finally put down her archnemesis in Rin Asakura, won the Sparks Championship, cheated death AGAIN, AND has two thumbs?

Josie double thumbs up and points to herself.

This moi.

So, here I am, walking into Convergence with a heart full of confidence and a chip on my shoulder, and I find myself against Jupiter Sonofbitchin’ King.

Well, Hey, Jupey baby.

See…I don’t want you to get this twisted, sugarplum. I think you’re just dandy. You’re a hot talent amongst hot talents, my favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, AND? You’re cute to boot. You have the world at your fingertips and the wind at your back, dontcha? I mean shit, 2024 could just be the year of BIG JUPE!

BUT…BUT…and, just like yours, this is a BIG BUT…

You’re not getting there…yet.

Because, SADLY, Sweet Jupiter King, you’re facing a GOD DAMN KILLERat Convergence. You’re facing THE fastest rising star IN this glorious industry, and that person…is Josie…fuckin’...Grey. I have the KEYS to this industry at my fingertips, I am riding a God damn TSUNAMI of momentum, and I am headed straight for YOU. I have the utmost respect for you, Jupiter, you’re a damn fine talent and you’re going to do great things, but if you think you’re going to do that using ME, then you’re just like the rest of the people I’ve embarrassed, humiliated, and disposed of:


At Convergence? I’m going to beat the everloving shit out of you, out of respect for you. Anything less than MY best? Is an insult to you, the fans, and the people that are working hard to build PCW into something extraordinary. So you will get EVERYTHING I have, my friend. You will get every OUNCE of fight I have, you will get every DROP of desire in my body, and you will get every single god damn POUND of my heart when we step into that ring. You will get Josie Grey at her very, very best…because you DESERVE that.

The problem, darlin’...is that that’s a really BAD situation for you to be in.

Now…do I expect a big fight from you? Fuck yeah, sweetheart. I expect a damned donnybrook. I expect bombs to be dropped like this is war time.

But I want YOU to know…everything YOU give? I’ll give right back, plus what I raise. Whatever you raise, I’ll call. Whatever you play, I’ll be right there with you…because that’s what you deserve. You deserve a fight.

And…Jupey baby?

Bringing a fight is kinda my whole shebang.

At Convergence, the world is gonna see two prodigies enter that ring, and do what they do best. The fans, the people backstage, the entire PCW roster…they’ll be watching US with eagle like eyes, Jupe…because WE are the future of this business. WE are what raises the bar, night after night, and WE are what make the old guard shake in their boots, counting down their days until we force them into retirement. You and I? We’re cut from the same cloth…we take our opportunities, and we make the absolute best of them.

But, Jupiter?

At Convergence…you will see, first hand and front row…that MY best? Is THE best in this industry.

I have come into this industry and shocked the world damn near daily. My CV speaks for itself, I am exactly what I say I am.

A Natural.

A Prodigy.

A God Damn Killer.

And at Convergence, the truth will become undeniable. It will become fact.

Water is wet…the sky is blue…

And Josie Grey is the Best in the World.

So Jupiter? I want you to prepare yourself. I want you to call your parents, call your friends, call everyone you care about…and make your peace.

Because after this? Your world will change…Your life will change. YOU…will change.

Because after this? Your career, your destiny, your LIFE goes down a completely different path.

And I will continue my march to the top of the mountain.

You know what you have to do, Jupe.

Fight Me.
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