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Destiny Dior

Destiny Dior

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-07-08

TRIUMPH 003. | VS. NOBI.  Empty
PostSubject: TRIUMPH 003. | VS. NOBI.    TRIUMPH 003. | VS. NOBI.  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 09, 2023 11:25 pm


I don’t consider myself to be unlucky.

It would be almost insulting to act like any of this shit would have luck involved to begin with, even if shit had gone the way I’d wanted it to go so far. For proof or further insight into my frame of mind, look no further than the way I was talking upon coming to PCW. I had my eye on the top of the mountain. Hell, I still do. While I’m sure there were people who said I was doing too much for someone so new, or thought I was biting off more than I could chew, would there even have been a point in showing up if I didn’t want anything and everything?

Something something about shooting for the moon and landing amongst the stars.

If I could go back to day one in PCW and tell myself anything, it would probably be, “Bitch, this shit ain’t gonna go the way you think it is…at least, not right out the gate.” And you know what? I’m not gonna fucking cry about it. I’m hardly a victim of circumstance. I got off to a good start. I emerged as a standout, even with dead weight like Charlie Carter threatening to wipe us both off the map in the Blind Faith Tag Team Tournament. I proved that I had what it took to shine even when eating an L. That’s cute, but 1.) it’s not enough for me, and 2.) I haven’t quite managed to get back to that point as it stands right now. I don’t want consolation prizes or moral victories, and I don’t wanna have to do mental gymnastics to try and justify my place here. I’d much rather let my work do the talking…and for several weeks now, my work hasn’t been up to the standards that I set for myself.

The thing about backsliding is that it only goes on for as long as you let it. I’m putting a stop to this shit now.

Not with luck. Not with being in the right place at the right time. Not because fate decided to smile upon me for some reason…but through ability. Through work. I know deep down that I can beat anyone standing across from me. I need to get back to proving it.

Funny, right when I wake the fuck up and decide that enough is enough, I get put into a match against Nobi. I’m sure there are whispers in the halls saying that makes me little more than a lamb being led to slaughter, right? That an upstart like Destiny Dior couldn’t hope to get back on the right track when being put up against one of the longest-tenured and most lauded wrestlers currently running around in these circles? On paper, yeah, maybe it would make sense to believe that, but I don’t need anyone betting on me. I don’t care what the betting odds look like going into this match. I’m seizing this opportunity to right the ship the same way that I would even if I were facing someone who was as new on the block as I was.

The way I see it, I’ve been gift-wrapped an opportunity. When the bell rings on Triumph, I won’t see “The White Knight”. I won’t see one of the most beloved heroes in all of wrestling. I won’t see the guy who’s won titles, hearts, and minds all over the world. The role that Nobi will play in my life when we face off with each other is purely functional. Yes, he’ll be my opponent, but in terms of the function that he’ll play? He’ll make a real good springboard.

Maybe, in a way, you’re in a similar frame of mind, Nobi. I mean, we both tried our hand at becoming the Prodigy Champion at Blind Faith, and we both failed. Maybe there’s something in you that also wants to bounce back, but there’s no possible way you could be approaching this with the same amount of urgency that I am. You’ve got a wealth of goodwill to fall back on, an entire career of accolades and clout to cushion the fall whenever things don’t quite go your way. I’m navigating the most crucial time in a wrestler’s career – the very beginning. This gap of time is my only chance to lay the right foundation, get off to the right start, and ensure these years aren’t wasted.

I know what the dirt sheet clickbait looks like if you win – “another dub for Nobi”, “The White Knight does it again”, or even worse, probably some carefully-doctored bullshit with even more carefully-chosen words about how I put up a valiant fight just to lose or whatever. That’s not what I’m showing up in Huntsville for. I know you’re not the type to brush people off, Nobi. I know you’re not assuming the worst of me or writing me off, and that’s in your best interest considering that I don’t plan on losing. I’m not stupid enough to think it’s gonna be easy. You’re like, what…two or three times my size? And again, there’s the obvious experience advantage that you have. A betting man would say I’m fighting from behind, and I won’t say that’s the way I like it..but you gotta believe me when I say it’s nothing that I can’t handle.

For you, Nobi, the good news is that there won’t be any shortage of chances to bounce back. Next Triumph, next pay-per-view, next month, next year, whatever. The world keeps turning because, somewhere down the road, The White Knight collects another win.

But not on this night. Not this match. This one belongs to Destiny Dior. Call it an upset, call it the heist of the century, whatever. Just know that my hand will be raised when it’s all said and done.
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