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 What It Means- Triumph 06-08-23

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Join date : 2023-07-23

What It Means- Triumph 06-08-23 Empty
PostSubject: What It Means- Triumph 06-08-23   What It Means- Triumph 06-08-23 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 31, 2023 2:50 am

What does it mean to protect…

Glimpses of a rigorous training reel flashes. Nayati throwing his training partners around the ring, ko’ing another with a kick to the head, and later having throwing combos at another landing a final haymaker before going back to black

Does it mean to do so with strength? To be the strongest within the room while others cower at your power? Does it mean to do so with a goal, people to protect, people to watch over so that they do not have to live in fear?

More reels of Nayati wrenching multiple different submission moves. A guillotine that has people squirming and failing to get out, a bearhug that has someone flailing in a panic, and a sleeper hold that causes another to pass out. 

Is it to know when to let up, when to know your opponent has had enough. Or is it to protect when you embarrass someone to the point they lose the will to fight?

Out of the darkness walks Nayati, dressed in his ring gear showing off his tribal tattoos, training gloves, and with an overall dark demeanor.

My family, love em to bits, we grew up under a difficult lifestyle one that always led us to question what protection really was. Was it the comfort of knowing that the next day was guaranteed, that we could have that comfort that life was going to go our own way someday? I can’t tell you the answer, hell I still search for it whenever I actually feel it worthy to start thinking about it. But in that time, all I could think about was how I could protect those close to me. Bullying was rampant, people hated us cause they believed we were low-class trash. Those biases lead to my siblings cowering, ever wondering if this would stop. And so to protect them, I got stronger. I got faster, I got smarter, and I learned how to hurt. Hurting was my job 24/7 with my siblings, hurting those who got in their faces, those who thought it right to try and besmirch our names, anyone who looked at us funny. I protected them all against that lifestyle because they didn’t need to keep being afraid. Once we got out of that, once we finally got the opportunities we wanted, we soon drifted and found out how to live our own lives. College, athletics, whatever called us we did. I still keep in touch, with them and they do as well with me. 

The room flickers and Nayati gets out of view only for light to shine back on him, this time dressed in the suit he adorned during his first interview on PCW programming. Sharp dressed, he begins to speak again.

Little did they know, or little did I think, I began to love being this textbook of pain. I wasn’t that smart when it came to actual schooling, but man did I love causing pain. So while I went to college I did so with the interest of learning what it meant to cause pain. Boxing, taekwondo, karate, anything that could teach more and more I learned because it caused me happiness. Who knew being known as the protector could cause such glee and a path in a different direction. But I mean that’s all I know, and I don’t mind that. Because not only have lived my life as a protector, I did so with the goal of moving out of that mindset, and now with these new paths that have opened up to me, I can do just that. No longer a protector trying to protect others, but a savant who works so in tandem with his savagery. People talk of idiot savants, of savage savants, many different adjectives to fit with his. But I am just, pure, and titled just Savant. By my own hand yes, but because I have yet to see people who can try and disprove me otherwise. In my ventures to this exact company I have fought many opponents, all wanting to take me down a peg because they thought I was cocky, so full of myself. They all thought it came from a realm of ignorance of those around me but they found out quickly it came from a realm of knowing WHAT I CAN DO. So many people they try and find their limits, the exact point of contention that causes them to remain stagnant in their lives or abilities. And while that’s all good and all, they do so in the heat of battle, in the heat of where people are able to capitalize on their one track mindset. Not me, while I don’t know all of my limits, I know one thing and one thing only. You can never stop learning, but if it becomes so detrimental to who you are as a being, then you’re already weak. 

PCW is not ready for the monster that is going to be unleashed. My first opponent is not ready for who they are about to step into the ring with. My only advice to them is to realize that sooner rather than later. Because you are stepping into the ring with a man who has done nothing but fight all his life. Not because he wanted to but because he had to. Then that need turned into a lifestyle, that lifestyle turned into a passion, and now it has become my whole damn focus. Being able to break people through their mind, their will, their body, or even their pride, I will break it. IF they recover from it, then they’re strong, stronger then they think. But if they can’t, then oh well, no use for them in the future. This match is going to showcase the start of my life’s ambition, and it’s going to give each and everyone one of you will glimpse into the mind of THE Savant, a man with so much to teach, Nayati.
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