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 The Name's The Game - Triumph 06/08/23

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Matt Miles
Matt Miles

Posts : 25
Join date : 2023-06-27

The Name's The Game - Triumph 06/08/23 Empty
PostSubject: The Name's The Game - Triumph 06/08/23   The Name's The Game - Triumph 06/08/23 I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 30, 2023 10:26 pm

The scene opens with a well-dressed Matt Miles leaning over some kind of counter, whisky glass in hand. Swirling the golden liquid around, he smirks.

“Here’s to two main event matches and now two main event victories— and hey, my head’s even alright this time…”

Miles downs the drink and chuckles to himself… when slowly his mood shifts to one more somber.

“But this week it’s time to hit that magic number. The Blind Faith Tournament finals are just one more win away. So I should be happy, right? I’m one step closer to that Blind Faith Tag Team Tournament Trophy and I suppose there’s an element of truth there. I am glad to be one step closer to glory, to cementing myself as the top billed name here in PCW, because no building block is more important than its foundation. There’s a lot of pride to be had in being able to add more gold to my trophy cabinet… but along with that pride I have to be honest and say that I can’t help but get this sinking feeling in my stomach — like a pit — and, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to shake it. I recently thought back to all the times I’ve competed in a tag team, all the times I’ve shared championship gold with them, but ultimately when I had Damian Mordeau standing on the apron, holding on to that tag rope, reaching out his hand, a feeling of dread briefly washed over me. I got my head back in the game, of course, and not a moment too soon because for a moment I was almost dead to rights but I got to thinking about where that dread is coming from. Now, I knew that, if Mordeau and I were to win this tournament, he and I would have to share the glory… but truth be told I didn’t see that as a realistic outcome until last Sunday. Call me crazy but I typically wouldn’t expect the guy who put his boot through the back of my head doesn’t strike me as the type to be about teamwork. I half expected him to try something and he just… didn’t. So now it’s sinking in that I really might have to share the early glory in PCW with the same person who tried closing this guy’s tab early.”

Miles brushes his hand through his hair with his free hand before taking another drink from his glass.

“That said, let’s look at the positive side, shall we? What happened at the end of the debut episode of Triumph weirdly gives our team an unexpected advantage that no other pairing right now has. While everyone else is getting to know their tag team partner through the matches in this tournament, I already know I’ve got a snake slithering behind my feet waiting for the right time to strike and bite at my heel. It might sound crazy to think of that as being a positive but at least I know the kind of man Damian Mordeau is. He’s the kind of man who’ll stab me in the back to get ahead, to cut corners if it means making tough matches a little bit less difficult, but I’d be a hypocrite to chastise him for the very same misdeeds I’ve been guilty of committing in the past. So, while I may not like him, while I may not trust him, at least I know where he and I stand. It’s shaky ground, yes, but it’s like the G.I Joe PSA used to say: Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. So while I still don't put any faith on Mordeau's allegiance I really do believe we can win this whole damn thing."

A sigh.

"But August twenty-seventh is still a ways away and I’d be remiss to lose sight of what’s right in front of me: Zack Fantana, who has been tearing it up from the moment he stepped through the door, and everyone’s favourite Queen of Wrestling, Azumi Goto.”

Leaning forwards and resting his arms on the counter, Miles looks directly at the camera for the first time.

“Zack, I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass. I know you’ll see through the bullshit. You’ve got about the same experience doing this as I do. You’ve travelled the globe. You’ve been there, done that… but that’s the problem. Those who try to hide their scars often make them the most obvious and the kind of closed off, jaded, chip-on-your-shoulder vibe you’ve got going on ironically makes you about as easy for me to read as a picture book. I don’t know your story but I’ve met plenty like you to know the kind it is… but unfortunately this Sunday you’re not going to be the main character. The same goes for you, Azumi. I'm not going to pretend like you and I have ever shared more than a glance when we’ve been in the same locker rooms but you don’t need to be friends with someone to read who they are. That comes from watching matches, listening to them when they’ve got a microphone in their hand, and while I respect everything that you've done in this business I can tell you confidently that with both of us on our best days I’m walking out with my arm raised. You've reached incredible heights, yeah, and you could easily argue they’re higher than my own but over these past two weeks you've been lacking something that I know for damn sure I haven’t: Conviction. Azumi, if you’re lost and you’re looking for your purpose, our first time squaring off couldn’t have come at a worse time for you because I know exactly what I’m here for. I have my purpose and it's triumph.

Miles raises his glass.

“So here's to that."

"Here’s to Triumph.

With one final drink, the screen fades to black.

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