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Join date : 2023-12-18

PostSubject: THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH #005   THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH #005 I_icon_minitimeSat 16 Mar 2024 - 23:57


The men and women of this company believe that… winning… and victory… is what they must strive for… what they must achieve to maintain their… image. They are not capable of… understanding that their lives… and their careers are going to be full of ups and downs… that they cannot control what cannot be controlled… the inevitable situation is… they build themselves up onto this… mountaintop.

They hold themselves in such a high regard… that one loss rattles them to their very core.

One loss is enough to break that very shaky foundation upon where they placed their image of themselves…

A man that was almost as wise as we are once said… that the only certainty in life… is death itself… but those who came up with such a saying skipped over one… key detail… one other certainty in what humans call life… is that we… AZAZEL… are eternal.

We are not capable of experiencing death. You most certainly can kill our vessel… because he is human… but we are an entity. We cannot die… we… are eternal. We are here to sow chaos into the very fabric of the wrestling world and THAT... is what nobody here is seeming to understand… they believe we are here to win match… after match… after match. They believe we care about championships… that we are here to attempt to go undefeated…

We do not need to win every single match to spread our message.

We do not need to defeat anybody to spread our message. Our message is delivered in violence… in destruction… in chaos… Prestige Championship Wrestling… we can wait for a chance to reign supreme over this company… as we said… AZAZEL… the very thought of who we are… we are eternal. People will come and go as they please… but we… we will always be around. We are aware that our time is coming to reign supreme… we can hear the sounds of the four horses as the seven seals begin to break… and we are going to ask each and every one of you to… come and see.

We ask that everyone pays attention to our match with the reigning Prodigy Champion… Maximus Steele.

Because this is the first seal breaking… this is the beginning of the end times… this will be what sets off the chain of events for us to unleash chaos into PCW… and we seek to drag everyone down with us. Maximus Steele… Matthew Miles… Damian Mordeau… The Con Artist formerly known as Target Smiles… each and every one of them… and everyone else on this roster.

They will all feel the wrath of AZAZEL. They will all fall down… one… by one…

We will introduce them all to their maker… and we will show them all what a fraud he is… and it all… begins with you, Maximus.

You are the scapegoat. You… are the one they send to us… they do not seek your return after our meeting, Maximus… you are aware of that, no?

You might hold yourself in such high regard that you do not see a world in which you do walk out of this not caring nor understanding what your role is in this matter… but we will show you… we will show you that you can win all the matches previous you want… that you could climb the highest mountains this planet has to offer… and go to the deepest caverns… but none of it can truly prepare you for when you go face to face with us.

Because we are unlike anything anybody has ever faced before… we will keep on getting back to our feet… no matter what it is you throw at us… we will keep doing so until you realize that you can never… truly… win. You are in a losing battle and you keep attempting to patch the ship before it sinks… but you will.

Your body will begin to shut down… your vision will begin to get blurry… taking a breath will get harder… and harder… and harder… and you will hit the floor.

We do not care who you claim to be… we do not care about who you may have defeated before you came face to face with us… only that you have come face to face with us.

Only that you are here to accept your fate. Accept your role as the scapegoat… we do not know what you seek to gain from this matchup, Maximus… we do not know if you think that you can… free our vessel as Matthew Miles seemed to believe he could… because he cannot be freed. He cannot be salvaged… but you… you are the unknown, even for our vessel…

He does now know of you… he does not know of how you fight… he never experienced it before… but we do not need to understand how you fight to defeat you… as we have faced many such people who have claimed to be undefeatable before you, Maximus. You are not anything that we, AZAZEL, have never faced before.

And that is what will be your downfall… because like many others here… you are not sure of what to expect… you will not know how to react when we take your best shots and show no sign of damage… you will not understand… you will think this is some sort of joke and eventually we will begin to show signs of damage… that we will eventually begin to show some form of crack in our armor… and when you eventually realize that we do not have an off switch… or a weakness to exploit… that… that moment of realization…

…that moment is when you will truly understand your purpose… you will understand your worth… you will understand that this is the end…

And you will begin to beg for mercy.

But mercy is not a certainty in this life…

The only certainty in this life?

Is death itself.
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