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 An Appropriate End

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Augustus Dornberg

Augustus Dornberg

Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-04-14

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PostSubject: An Appropriate End    An Appropriate End  I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2024 11:54 pm


It happens to all human beings at some point, even those of us who have pushed themselves to an elite level as I have. Failure can break a person or it can reveal character and further steel their resolve to eventually succeed. My loss to Howlett made something clear to me that was not before I took him on: that there were still facets where my wrestling style could improve. He was able to take advantage of one misstep and snatch a victory away from me.

I haven’t forgotten it. 

My plan was at first to go into Conquest Colosseum undefeated and win that event’s titular match and go from there, but that setback made me rethink all of those prospects. When I was not invited to participate in the Colosseum, I was neither angered nor disappointed. I was relieved. Why? Because I was granted even more time to sharpen my skills and prepare for a return to the squared circle to which I have given so much of my life already. Now that the time is at hand for my return I rejoice in the opportunity that my patience has afforded me. 


The White Knight. 

You are half of the first PCW World Tag Team Champions, the Skyward Knights. You have formed many great teams and have conducted yourself with all of the presence and power of a true Hall of Famer. From EAW to your time in Japan’s Strong Style Wrestling, your championship reigns in the Omega Wrestling Alliance, your time as a bastion of sportsmanship as a member of The World’s Finest. Everything that you have contributed to the sport has been deserving of respect and praise. 

Even now, more than a decade into your career, your power astounds. You are a legendary wrestler who is someone I will certainly not show the same lack of courtesy that I did to Scott Howlett. You are above such pettiness on my part and in actuality you are a source of admiration. Your career and list of accomplishments are something any student of this deadly game should aspire to and study to understand. 

Despite my respect for everything that you’ve done, I have to regretfully inform you that your time draws to a close. As mighty a warrior as you’ve been, as stout a champion and as giving a mentor as you have become, the inevitable effects of time are starting to show. While your iron is still strong, it has proven that it can be bent if not completely shattered. Case in point, your encounter with TJ Alexander. I watched as he was able to systematically break you down and cause you to utter the words “I Quit”. 

Such a happening would have seemed impossible years ago, but time has worn you down, Nobi. Over the years all of those allies, all of those that you have mentored have either been driven away from this sport by attrition or have forsaken you, opting to go their own way instead of living up to the principles that you have shown throughout your career: commitment, discipline, a strong sense of justice, being a patriot and a family man. While I consider most of those respectable if not outright admirable, one has to wonder if such platitudes have been embodied by the wrong messenger if absolutely no one has anything to do with him after espousing them. 

I do not consider you an enemy or a blight on the industry that we toil in. On the contrary, I consider you to be a worthy foe. It is why I’m almost saddened about what will take place on Triumph. Five years ago, you may have handled The Grand Inquisitor with little problem and I’m not ashamed to admit that to your face. Your courage, strength, ability to endure punishment and your physical conditioning would have served you well as I was still learning.

But now I am the master, and you are but a shell of the amazing athlete you once were. 

How do you expect to beat me with one hand? I saw the damage that was done to you and I saw that even before that you had already been broken down mentally as well. The Nobi of old would have never given in, even if it meant that his body would be crippled beyond repair. Now, most wrestlers would see your crippled hand and mangled fingers as targets to exploit. Such actions are beneath me. 

You will be beaten. 



And when I am done, there will be only confirmation that your time, as glorious as it was, has passed you by. Many wrestlers make the same mistake that you have. They stick around too long, they toil endlessly believing that they can re-attain the glory of times gone by.

Until a more effective wrestling machine replaces them and ushers them into retirement….forcefully if necessary. 

Augustus Dornberg has no quarrel with you, Nobi. He’s not a long-time adversary or a scorned former pupil or even a young cretin trying to make his name at your expense. I am on a march towards wrestling greatness, a destiny preordained before I was even born. That march will not be stopped by you or anyone else. There will be no magical comebacks or admirable displays of fighting spirit that you have become known for over the years. 


This will be the end. Alexander took your spirit, I will finish breaking the body. Not out of pleasure, not out of malice, but because that is the very nature of our sport. With the past still clinging to life, the future cannot fully breathe and grow to its full potential. So, Nobi, you will be vanquished for the final time on Triumph. It will be the appropriate end to a legendary career, one that only The Grand Inquisitor can provide.

Do not grieve.

Through my assimilation of your style and spirit, your legacy will carry on eternally.

Thank you.
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