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 The One True Shot Caller. #004

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Alejandro Rivera

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-03-15

The One True Shot Caller. #004 Empty
PostSubject: The One True Shot Caller. #004   The One True Shot Caller. #004 I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2024 11:12 pm

So. What should we be talkin about? Should I be talkin about how I got looked over for this PPV, and the guy who I BEAT was given a title shot, while I had to be sat on the fuckin sidelines and watch with a smile on my face and watch him fail, again.

For a kid known as some prodigy, he ain’t done shit to earn that nickname. Someone wanna explain to me how that works? I beat the kid, and he’s the one that gets himself a title shot. That’s lit a fuckin fire underneath me. That… that has given me the fire I need to show the world why I’m the fucking One True King.

James Christ.

Prodigy Champion.

That’s a nice belt you got there, Christ. It’s a belt I got my eyes on now. It’s a belt I’m tryna show that I deserve more than anybody else. I’m tryna earn me a shot at it. I know I got the grit. I know I got the fire inside of me to hang with the best in this company, and to show the fans all around the fuckin globe that I am a fucking KING.

The thing that’s pissing me off the most is that I am currently a king without a fucking crown. This will be my step towards that. This will be me showin the people runnin this joint that givin some fuckin kid who’s balls ain’t even dropped yet a shot at a belt that he didn’t deserve over a MAN who showed him he ain’t fit for this fucking industry. He ain’t fit for MY fucking industry.

James, you been holding that belt a hot minute, but you’ve been defending it against bums. Nobodies. People who don’t deserve a shot at it. So all you’ve really done is lug around a belt you ain’t really had a chance to show what you’re worth. Show what you can do with that belt cause, lets be fuckin honest here, nobody has put you through the ringer yet. You can try and play nice, but some of those bums you been fighting are just that. Bums.

But not me.

People take one look at me and immediately they rule me out of a lot. They don’t think I’m a fighter. They just think I’m some fat fuck who gets out of breath when I get outta bed in the morning… and I LOVE to prove people like that wrong. So I hope to fuckin god you ain’t the type to be ruling me out before we even face off, cause that’ll be your One True Mistake.

I’m cut from a different cloth than the rest of these pricks on the roster. I am a FIGHTER. I back down from no man. I fear nobody. There ain’t a soul on this planet that I’d be scared of stepping into the ring with. I welcome everyone and anyone. I’m here to show the world why I am the One True King… because I am sick and fucking tired of being overlooked for people who don’t deserve the shots I earn.

I should’ve been fighting you for that Prodigy Championship at Conquest Colosseum. Anyone with a functioning set of eyes and an iq over thirty could tell you that.

I’m so sick and fucking tired of being overlooked. It’s been a running theme for me my whole fucking life. Nobody treats me with the fucking respect that I goddamn deserve. I have put in the hard yards. I have spilled buckets and buckets of blood for this industry and still people have the fucking NERVE to disrespect me and not give me what I fucking DESERVE.

You, James Christ. You’re gonna be an example. You’re gonna be steppin into that ring with the OTK and you’re gonna be put to sleep. I’m gonna show the world that I DESERVE a shot at your belt. This is my life that people are fucking with when they don’t give me the respect I earn.

I live to fight. Its all I know. People like to call it just a gimmick, but it’s my fucking life. I’ve been fucked around in this industry for too fucking long… people like to think they can just get away with messing with me, or my family, scot free. They think that theres not gonna be repercussions for fuckin with the OTK.


Fuck all that noise.

The One True King is coming to collect what’s his.

I’m coming to get the respect that I fucking DESERVE.

I’m coming to collect my fucking crown.

You’re just the guy they put in front of me to start it all… you’re gonna look back on this day someday, Christ… and you’re gonna reminisce about how you were the start of the rise of the One True King in Prestige Championship Wrestling… and how it’s the only fucking thing that people remember about your career.

I’d say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do to you… and to do to your public image in this company… but I’m sick and fucking tired of having to apologize for wanting to further my career… I’m sick and fucking tired of apologising for wanting to have people respect me… I am sick and fucking tired of having to say the words I’m sorry when I really don’t fucking mean it.

This is gonna be the first time we face off, James… it won’t be the last. Cause once I’m done with you here, and collect my dub… I’m gonna come back and take your title… and claim my fucking crown.

This is the beginning of the One True Revolution, James… you’re just the first hurdle… you’re the first challenge… and the One True King is gonna take your fucking head.
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