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 Arata Asakura

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Arata Asakura

Arata Asakura

Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-07-01

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PostSubject: Arata Asakura   Arata Asakura I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 01, 2024 1:09 pm

Arata Asakura 20230216_095628
Arata Asakura Tumblr_pfyg6uqaFE1s0zdtdo2_1280

Wrestling Name: Arata Asakura
Picture Base:  Seiya Sanada (2019 - blonde hair & beard)
Current Nicknames: War Doctor, The Dragon King, The One Real Shogun, Golden Dragon
Height:  5 ft 11’
Weight: 220 lb
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Special marks: The left eye is functional, but the scar passes through it vertically (the result of the fight in his universe) (Covered by eye contacts)

Disposition/Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gimmick: Who is this person? He looks like a monster that has been terrorizing the world for years, but you no longer can feel this negative energy from him. The emptiness disappeared from his eyes, and calmness and sincerity took its place. It's still Arata Asakura, but this man came from another universe where The Golden Dawn never existed. However, this man is not focused on using his divine power to destroy the world and kill people. On the contrary, Arata does it to help good prevail, but also to save lives. Arata from another universe is not only a heavily decorated wrestler, but also a doctor, and these skills have allowed him to save his companions hundreds of times. This Arata is an honorable and good man, although he also has a bit of a sassy approach in him. But what is he doing here? One of the purposes of his appearance was to destroy the evil Arata. The second, is the terrifying prophecy that destroyed his world, so he wants to protect this one.

Theme Music: ‘Time of Dying’ by Three Days Grace (Nightcore)
Special Entrance [Optional]: TBA

What are your character’s motivations for competing? As a warrior, he wants to protect the world from evil that ruined his future. As a wrestler, Arata wants to continue on his inspiring legacy.
Tendency to Cheat: Choose from these options: If Needed

Wrestling Debut [Optional]: March 2019
Favorite Match Types [Optional]: Shogun Rules Match, Japanese Deathmatch
Favorite Weapon [Optional]: Bokken
In-Ring Achievements [Optional]:
✰ 1x ALPHA Wrestling Spirit Champion (75 days)
✰ 1x ALPHA Wrestling Grand Champion
✰ 2x ALPHA Wrestling Zenith Champion (inaugural)
✰ 1x ALPHA Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion (91 days)
✰ 1x ALPHA Wrestling Chase for the Case (2020) holder
✰ 1x ALPHA Wrestling World Tag Team Champion (w/Aaron Arkham) (126 days)
✰ 1x VICTORY PRO World's Heavyweight Championship
✰ 2x Wrestleworld Shogun Champion (Inaugural) (1st. 238 days)(2nd. 113 days)
✰ 1x Wrestleworld Golden Crown Champion
✰ 1x Wrestleworld King of the World (2021) Winner
✰ 1x OWA World Champion
✰ 1x OWA Keys to the Kingdom holder
✰ 1x OWA Spartan Champion (184 days)
✰ 1x OWA Outlaw Champion
✰ 2x PH Grand Champion
✰ 1x PH Ascended Prime Championship
✰ 1x SSW Grand Japan Champion
✰ 1x ICW World Heavyweight Champion

Other Achievements:
✰ WW KOTW Tournament (2020) finals
✰ First Triple Crown & Grand Slam Champion in ALPHA Wrestling
✰ OWA God of War (2020) Finals
✰ 2x OWA Great War Winner
✰ OWA Dimensional Warfare Winner
✰ ALPHA Wrestling Hall of Famer

Common Moves:
✰ Roaring Elbow
✰ European Uppercut
✰ Spinning Elbow
✰ Short-Arm Lariat
✰ Two Leapfrog followed by a Dropkick
✰ Springboard Front Missile Dropkick
✰ Basement Dropkick
✰ Running Corner Kick followed by Legsweep and Slingshot Dropkick
✰ Mule Kick
✰ Enzuigiri
✰ Spin Kick
✰ Mid Kick
✰ Penalty Kick
✰ Diving Yakuza Kick
✰ Armtrap hammerlock transitioned into a bicycle knee lift
✰ Running High Knee
✰ Bicycle Knee Strike (sometimes followed by Moonsault)
✰ Double Knee Strike
✰ Diving Double Knee Drop
✰ Snap Dragon Suplex
✰ Saito Suplex
✰ Dragon Suplex
✰ Exploder Suplex
✰ Northern Lights Suplex
✰ Tiger Suplex
✰ Fisherman Suplex
✰ Sit-Up Powerbomb
✰ Ushigoroshi
✰Vertical Suplex lifted and dropped into a Headlock Elbow Drop
✰ Package Piledriver
✰ Moonsault
✰ Kotaro Krusher
✰ Rope Hung Triangle Armbar
✰ Dragon Screw Leg Whip
✰ Flapjack
✰ Twist And Shout
✰ Middle Rope Diving Hurricanrana
✰ Reverse Frankensteiner
✰ Diving 2nd Rope Turning Cross Body

Signature Moves:
✰ ‘Double A’ – Cartwheel Pele Kick
✰ ‘Hakai Satsu’ - Wrist-Clutch inverted Scoop Brainbuster
✰ ‘Blessing of the sky' – Golden Triangle Moonsault
✰ ‘Ayatsuri’ – Double wrist-lock knee strike to a kneeling opponent
✰ ‘Painkiller’ – Hurricanrana Driver to a kneeling opponent
✰ Flip DDT

Finishing Moves:
✰ 'Golden Dragon' – High Fly Flow (No one ever kicked out)
✰ 'Touch of Gold' – Crossface
✰ 'Raikiri' – Shining Wizard to the back of opponent's head

Desperation finisher:
✰ 'Brutal Reality' – Crucifix Armbar followed by elbow strikes to the head (with intention of knockout)

Notes: I hate pirate render.

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