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 The One True Wake Up Call. #003

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Alejandro Rivera

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-03-15

The One True Wake Up Call. #003 Empty
PostSubject: The One True Wake Up Call. #003   The One True Wake Up Call. #003 I_icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2024 12:14 am


Where do we start this off at.

I think the best place to start this is with how… shit… this run has been. The OTK here in PCW is what, one and one? Ain’t the best. Then I gotta deal with a proud boy and his plastic bimbo in the other fed I call home. I already gotta deal with some racist old fuck who has nothing better to do than call me homeless and trying to belittle my intelligence… tryin to spin a narrative that I’m washed and I ain’t ever done anything worth anything in this industry.

THEN… I gotta deal with his plastic filled bimbo tryin to spin this narrative that I’m some neanderthal that doesn’t care about nothing besides violence. Tryin to say that I don’t care about wrestling. Trying to say I don’t DESERVE the glory I’m aimin for… which is bullshit

So I already need to deal with two dumbfucks like that outside of PCW. Now I get put up against some young gun who probably thinks of himself as this next big thing. This new prodigy. This new guy who don’t need to prove anything to anybody cause he thinks hes king shit. He thinks he’s THE guy.

Now I gotta deal with this disrespect from someone else and I gotta say… I am fuckin sick of it. I am sick of being against these people with no respect for anything but what high spot they can do and get some more internet clout and more stars from these internet marks that live in their mothers basement.

Jonah don’t know about putting in the hard yards. He don’t know about putting in the effort. All the training a guy like him does is he goes to a trampoline park and practices how many extra rotations he can get into his flips while pretending like he’s some good guy when he’s the furthest thing from it.

All he is, is some young punk that has no respect for this industry or the people who was here before him and kept this going while he was shitting himself and wondering when the next episode of sesame street was coming on the TV while Mommy and Daddy wondered where they went wrong.

Let me break it down for you, Jonah.

You’re a disgrace.

Not only to your family.

But to the industry as a whole.

And I’ll be damned if when I do eventually leave the boots in the ring that it’s left in the hands of people like you, who lack the respect for this industry that it deserves. Because people like you make me sick.

People like you make me worry about the future of this industry. I don’t want to see wrestling as a whole crumble when people like you decide it’s not worth putting in any effort cause you realize people are gonna get sick of you and the amount of flips and twists you can do before you fall and break your necks.

You know who will still be there when you and the rest of these flippy shit dumbfucks get bored of wrestling?

The people who love this industry.

The people like me.

Because this is all I know. Fighting is all I know. This is my life… but you don't know nothing about that. Coddled. Had all these dumbfucks in the audience under your influence and had them raising you up and hailing you as the next great in this industry when in actuality there's a thousand other kids just like you and you can be interchanged at any given moment.

You’re not special, Jonah.

No matter how much you’ve heard it from indie fans who haven’t known the touch of a woman in their entire life,

And I’m gonna show you just how unimportant you really are when we go toe to toe… and you find out the hard way that you ain’t cut out for MY industry. That you ain’t BUILT to go where you need to go in MY industry.

That you’re just another guy with some flashy moves that people get mesmerized by… and ignore the fact that your moves can be done by a dozen other people on this roster alone.

Stepping into this ring with me… you’re going to get exposed as a fraud, Jonah.

Your true self will be shown to the world… to the fans… and they'll turn on you… because they don’t really care about you, Jonah. They just want the high spots… they want the quick eleven second clip they can post on the socials and get all the likes and follows on their accounts while claiming they’re a “journalist” or whatever the fuck.

You probably think this is gonna be some walk in the park, don’t you?

You think you’re just gonna be fighting some fat old fuck who’s past his prime, don’t you?

You just see me as an easy trip to the pay window.

You’re a fucking idiot.

I hate you, Jonah. I hate the air that you breathe. I hate that you’re here… taking up a job that could be given to someone who really deserves it. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve the love and respect of these fans who don’t actually love you, or your message.

You’re wasting your potential… and I think thats what I hate the most.

That you don’t realize the opportunity you have… and you think you deserve this just because you got the backing of some people who’ve never even set foot inside the ring, people who have never had a match… and will never know the trials that someone like me has gone through to get here.

I hope you’ve enjoyed your time in the spotlight, Jonah.

Because I’m going to make you wish you never fucking signed your name on that PCW contract you probably keep framed in your bedroom.

Long Live Alejandro Javier Rivera.
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