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Damian Mordeau.

Damian Mordeau.

Posts : 19
Join date : 2023-07-02

PostSubject: THE RIGHTS OF PRESTIGE. [07]   THE RIGHTS OF PRESTIGE. [07] I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 07, 2023 11:26 pm

“What exactly gives you the right to be in this match?”

I remember those words of yours very clearly, Alexander. I remember just how ball-sy you were on that night and I have to admit, I began to wonder to myself what exactly did give me the right to have been in that match since I had just recently lost out on becoming the PCW World Heavyweight Champion. The more that I did begin to think about it, the more that it began to sting a little. Losing out on becoming the next contender to either of the championships here in Prestige Championship Wrestling was something that I never expected, I never planned out on being an outcome, and it left me with nothing left. That’s why I had walked into last week’s big event with no expectations, no promises made for me, no vows to take for the future. Last week, there wasn’t a message to be sent. There wasn’t a tale to be written. There wasn’t a moment where you’ll come to see a vision of sorts. There was none of that and there’ll never be any of that, no matter how hard you might look into these things.

I conquered Nayati and then I walked away. I showed him how prepared he was for the spotlight and within seconds, he crumbled under the pressure being applied. See, Alexander, I had watched you the following week ever since our initial meeting and whilst I could’ve been impressed by your efforts? You fell harder than even I could’ve. That night I saw you fall to the masked man, you couldn’t seem to pick yourself up from there and it became embarrassing to watch. It became your own embarrassment to see you crumble and barely able to pick yourself back up since then. Smiles became the champion after he picked you apart within that ring and I know, deep inside of your heart, you feel that notion that’s telling you that it could’ve been you. It could’ve - and maybe just should’ve - been you as the champion.

Though, let’s be all honest with ourselves here. Let’s take the moment to be as truthful as can be, Alexander. You were never going to succeed here, you were never going to find yourself at the top of the mountain, and nobody will ever see to make sure you get close to the championships that are here. After all, you seem like a man who is deflated after losing out on becoming the contender to the Prodigy Championship before Champion’s Vow. You don’t seem like someone who truly cares as much as he once did in that four way match. You’ve barely shown up, you’ve barely made any notice, you’ve just been laying back and letting the world move on. To be quite honest with you, Alexander? You’re doing the right thing by letting the world move on without you. As said before, there’s no place for you on this journey. There’s no place for you upon this mountain. This is nothing for you. You could be a World Champion at a very young age but that doesn’t make you any way special in the slightest.

Have you become the World Heavyweight Champion right here? I didn’t think so. Have you become a champion at all here in this company? I didn’t think so. You might’ve become a champion somewhere else but here? No, you haven’t truly earned your place upon the mountain quite yet. Then again, nor will I ever think you will. Whilst the same can be said for me for the multiple championships that I’ve won in Japan, you don’t see me standing here and bragging about something that doesn’t matter here. You don’t see me blabbering about the things that I have done elsewhere that make me look really good but hold no value in other places. You might expect people to know about where you’ve done this or where you’ve done that… but nobody knows, honestly, and nobody really cares as much as you might want to for yourself. Alexander, there’s nothing for you to withhold over anyone’s head that makes whoever believe that you are better.

All it is, to me, are hollow words. Fragile words.  

You throw stones at a glass house, it will break. You throw stones at anything you might tell, it will break.

So, whilst you might stand there and pretend that you can do better than me again. You’ve got so much more to learn. At the age of twenty-two, I don’t expect yourself to be so smart and know about what this sport can do to someone like you. I don’t think that anyone could’ve told you about the dangers that might lie ahead of you. I know, for a fact, they definitely haven’t told you about me. You’re nothing but just a set of nicknames and a few championships on the independent scenes. The only thing you hold that is worth any value is one accomplishment: not getting pinned within a fatal four way match. That’s all you’ve got, that’s all you can hold close to your chest, and that’s all there’ll ever be. I’ve the tournament trophy in my possession to show the damages that I’ve done – and can be further done – to this company. You, Alexander, hold nothing.

And on Sunday night, when you think that the world is holding on hope for you to finally overcome the odds and do what some might think is unimaginable. All of that hope, dream, and whatever the fuck there is holding you up will die on the spot. I will become relentless with you, I will make an example out of you, and leave you a broken and forgotten man. This isn’t because you got one over on me, this isn’t because you got the championship shot and I didn’t, this isn’t because of any of that. All of this is because you asked one question, the wrong question. Now, allow me to ask you something, Alexander.

What exactly gives you the right to be in my company?
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