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 Standing Room Only RP

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Join date : 2023-08-03

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PostSubject: Standing Room Only RP    Standing Room Only RP  I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2024 10:19 am

Standing Room Only RP  Will-Ospreays-Rear-in-Pain-After-AEW-Revolution

(We open up and we see TJ Alexander sitting in a little media room, he has a mic to his mouth, TJ who is wearing some blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.)

“So here we are chaps, just a few days away from Standing Room Only where the pay-per-view is stacked from top to bottom, and with a lot of things are on the line, almost every championship is on the line, and pride is also on the line, everyone will be looking up higher on the show but what they should be looking for is my match, my match isn’t up high on the card but it’s almost as important to any championship match, it’s on the equal level to being a championship match because bragging rights and pride is on the line.”

(TJ coughs)

“My match has been on the way ever since Kevin Hunter and Sam Steele took it upon themselves and ambushed me, jumped me from behind and decided to target me, ok no worries, but it didn’t stop there, I went head-to-head with Sam Steele a few weeks ago, and I’ll admit Sam Steele got the victory, but Kevin Hunter has also tasted defeat by the hands of Matt Miles last week on triumph, so at the moment we are both on an even keel, we are both looking for that next win, but between us Kevin Hunter, it isn’t that plain and simple is it.”

(TJ pauses)

“Kevin Hunter It isn’t as simple as that is it? Because the minute I met you in ECWF, I knew you were a cunt, I knew you were a bastard, and I knew you used and abused the system to gain your own advantage, but you have skill in the ring, so I somewhat gave you respect, but as the time has gone on, all that respect I had, as forced as it was, has gone, I do not respect you, I do not like you, and the business would be better without you in it, in fact you’d probably should have retired way before this, but that ego of yours will not allow you too will it? That ego is as big as ever and you cannot fathom being not in the spotlight, you cannot fathom seeing others do well, and you cannot fathom seeing me getting the spotlight either can you? It isn’t as simple between us is it? But now at Standing Room Only, we put this to the forefront and we fight. But Kevin I know what you’re already thinking, and that is that you’ll easily subdue me and beat me right? Wrong, you’re so wrong it’s not even funny, because with every day since I’ve met you, I’ve grown, every day I grow as a man and I know how to get ahead of you, I know how to plan and decide a strategy and execute it against you.”

(TJ pauses)

“Kevin everything you have won in your career can’t be taken away, it can be questioned, but it can’t be taken away, but in this match, everything is against you, not me, sure If I lose, I lose I fall down the pecking order and I work myself up again, but if you lose, the entire WORLD sees what happens, if you lose, no scratch that WHEN you lose, you will not only be down the pecking order, but your entire career is questioned, a black marker on your career is not a good look for you, but it will happen, WHEN I beat you and put you in your place, I can see you doing what you do best, and running off and hiding away, not taking responsibility, like you did in ECWF, when something doesn’t go your way Kevin Hunter, you disappear.”

(TJ smirks)

“And at Standing Room Only what I’ve just said will come true when I beat you, you will not be found, you’ll scurry away into another promotion and start again, in hoping it works out, but here’s the thing now Kevin, everyone’ know your game, they know that you do not want to work hard, companies know you only want to be GIVEN title shots and other opportunities, those titles shots and other opportunities deserve to go to others who actually work hard, knuckle down, something you’ve lost touch on. You’ve lost touch because your ego is so big it overshadows everything, well Kevin, you are not OWED anything, hard work will always overcome what is OWED, and you will find out how hard work I am.”

(TJ smiles)

“I know in the past you’ve beaten me, I know in the past you’ve been a little step ahead of me, and I know you had other situations where you was able to beat me, but now at Standing Room Only, it’s just me and you old timer, just me versus you, unless you have Sam Steele, waiting in the wings for when you are on the ropes, and then even then, everyone will know you can’t do it alone. But really it’s between you versus me, and I know I can get the job done, you’ve always been a little step ahead, but now I know what you have up your sleeves bruv, I know you can pull out every cheating way to get the job done, and I know them all, I will be ready and will be on high alert, there’s nothing you can do to surprise me now.”

(TJ pauses)

“Everyone will be saying that you’re the favoured to win this match, but that’s when I will overcome the odds and beat you, that is when I will finally top you off the mountain that you’ve placed yourself and see you tumble down, I will be brining every ounce of fibre I have, and I will be out-doing you, out-classing you, and out-wrestling you finally, finally I will be the man ahead of you. I will be the one with my hands raised and winner, I will be taking the pride and I will be the fuckin’ man.”

(TJ pauses)

“I know that you’ll downplay my chances, and downplay me overall and you won’t see me as a threat, but that’ when it’s gonna be your downfall bruv, when you take your position for granted, then it’s get taken away by me, when your pride is taken away from you by me, it’s gonna be embarrassing that it will make you run a mile and leave PCW. And when you do leave PCW, don’t come back.”

(Scene ends)
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