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 The Last Rodeo - Promo 1 - Standing Room Only

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Christopher Sabertooth

Christopher Sabertooth

Posts : 24
Join date : 2023-10-30

The Last Rodeo - Promo 1 - Standing Room Only Empty
PostSubject: The Last Rodeo - Promo 1 - Standing Room Only   The Last Rodeo - Promo 1 - Standing Room Only I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 24, 2024 8:36 am

The Last Rodeo - Promo 1 - Standing Room Only Cool_t38

The camera fades in, revealing the dimly lit Sanctum of Salvation. Flickering candles cast long, ominous shadows across the stone walls, adorned with symbols of faith and fury. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation and echoes of past battles. At the center of the room stands Christopher Sabertooth, his chiseled form partially obscured by the darkness, his eyes reflecting the fire that burns within him.

He slowly raises his head, revealing a face etched with intensity and purpose. His gaze is unwavering, locked onto the unseen enemy that awaits him in the ring. Sabertooth has fought through blood, sweat, and tears to reach this point—the main event of the biggest show in PCW history. But this isn’t just another match; it’s a crucible, where legends are forged and destinies are decided.

As the final moments tick away, Sabertooth slowly clenches his fists, the tension coiling in his muscles like a spring ready to snap. He’s ready. Ready to step out of the Sanctum and into the spotlight, where his legacy awaits. The Sanctum of Salvation has served its purpose. Now, it’s time for Christopher Sabertooth to do the same.

Prestige. Honor. Greatness. Words that have defined the legacy of Salvation in PCW. When dark clouds shrouded the company and threatened its existence, I became the beacon of light that shined through and guided us all to the promised land. We are mere days away from PCW’s biggest night… A night that wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for Salvation freeing this company from the shackles of mediocrity! In return, I do not care for your adoration. I must fulfill my duty regardless of the popular opinion. Duty to whom, you may ask? 

I bore the responsibility of putting food on the table for EVERYBODY in the locker room. Wrestlers, staff, and managers alike. There was no time for selfish ambitions to be brought to life. I knew that the success of my vision was what would keep PCW alive. Standing Room Only is the fruit of all my hard work. The biggest stage in the history of this company and I built it brick by brick, with my brothers and sisters beside me. 

Mercadier. Arata. Even Jupiter. For everything you have done, I thank you. Together we showed PCW what true excellence looks like. We became the measuring stick for success. The golden standard for the rest to follow. Those who learned from their encounters with us became stronger. Some have labeled this the Salvation era-- And yet, plenty stand in our way waiting to usher in a new era at our expense. I don’t take offense to all the hatred directed my way. If I make you feel any emotion at its extremity, I have done my job well. What I don’t appreciate is people being ungrateful. If it wasn’t for me, poison like Matt Miles or cowards like Damian Mordeau would have run this business to the fucking ground! Time after time, everybody wants to bite the hand that feeds them. It’s a human flaw that we never seem to overcome. People take greatness for granted but the moment Salvation steps away, you will BEG us to come back. It would be too late, I am afraid. 

Which is why, I can’t let it happen. I can’t let PCW slip away from my hands. I can’t let Kasey Kash become the face of an organization. A man close to his deathbed will never spring life into a company. Kasey Kash is a withered shell of a man he once was. The demon Azazel did a number on him and while I understand better than anybody else what it feels to be a prisoner in your own body, I have the acuity to know when the battle is lost. 

Kasey, I appreciate the passion you carry yourself with but you’re an old dog waiting to be put down. You’re in pain. You’re broken. Time has run out and there’s nothing you can do about it. Yet, you cling on to every ounce of energy you possess for one last hurrah. One last moment under the sun. You bested Mercadier amongst others at the Conquest to earn this opportunity… I was impressed. Especially knowing what you went through with Azazel. But let’s not give credit to the people that don’t deserve it. Matt Miles played no part in the return of your sanity. It was Azazel’s battle against me-- I did it. I weakened the demon, not for the kindness in my heart. I did it because I was in your position not too long ago. When I begged for help, nobody listened. I couldn’t just walk away knowing another man suffered the same fate that I did! You should be thanking ME!

But I don’t expect that out of a brash mouth, washed up, broken excuse of a man. Standing Room Only isn’t the ascension of the Last Outlaw. Far from it! It’s a mercy killing of a man too delusional to know his time will never come. You get to keep your pride intact knowing you went down against the greatest to ever lace his boots. There’s no shame in admitting when you’re outmatched. Sixty Minutes. That’s how long I have to inflict pain like nothing you have ever experienced. Trust me, you’d wish Azazel had a hold over your life again after I am done with you. And those sixty minutes aren’t bound to any rules. Any regulations. I am free to torture you to my heart’s content. I am free to call upon my brothers and sisters who helped Salvation become the juggernaut it is today. I am free to sit upon my throne while my army tears you apart, limb for limb. 

Unlike your ‘friends’ who only act out of their selfish motives, my brothers and sisters do this for the love they have for me. They do this for the sanctity of this industry. While the rest of your allies fight their own battles, Salvation will stand beside me regardless of what transpires earlier that night. Keeping the key to the Kingdom is of the utmost importance for us all. The moment my grip around the PCW World Championship weakens, the foundation that this company was built upon will begin to crack and crumble in front of the world to see. I cannot let that happen. Not after EVERYTHING I have done to stay here.

If I had deemed Kasey worthy, perhaps I would have eased my grip and let fate decide who stands as the victor. But Kasey is as hollow as his ambitions. And as delusional as a blind man with a gun. He aimed and fired his shot but missed entirely. In fact, he signed his fate the moment he chose the stipulation. An Iron Man No Holds Barred match against the Greatest Man To Ever Exist? Who does he think he is?! If it was a straight-up wrestling match, the world still wouldn’t have bet their money on you! You’re trying to bite off way more than you can chew. 

I am doubtful if Azazel’s influence has truly drifted away because Kasey with his little T-Rex arms is trying to box with God. Can you even last sixty minutes without giving yourself a heart attack or two? Kasey, if it’s a fair fight you’re after-- It wasn’t fair from the moment you won the Conquest. A faction or not, you’re NEVER going to amount to the greatness of Christopher Sabertooth. I have sold out more shows than I can remember. I have put this industry on my back because I fucking can! And I am going to give you the biggest night of your fucking life. The biggest paycheck you will EVER see. All for the sake of being under my feet when I raise my hand as STILL the PCW World Champion.

Your last hurrah comes courtesy of YOUR champion. When I do beat you, Kasey, you really should consider walking away. I feel nothing but pity when I see your face plastered over the TV screens. You reek of desperation. You reek, in general. 

If you wanted to egg me into letting this be one-on-one-- You need not try again. I am ready. I am willing. And I am more than fucking capable of handling business by myself. YET, I don’t need to prove that to anybody. My career speaks for itself. Salvation WILL be at ringside. Salvation WILL bring justice to PCW. Salvation WILL thrive till I decide against it! 

Because I AM Salvation. I AM the truth. I am the judge, jury, and executioner. Kasey Kash, I have seen through your facade. I know who you are and what you’re capable of. For the sake of PCW, I will bring you to justice. 

This isn’t the ascension of the Last Outlaw. It is his Last Rodeo.

And motherfucker, I see red. I am running right through ya.

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