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 Long Live The Warlord | Standing Room Only 1

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Posts : 6
Join date : 2024-07-20
Age : 36

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PostSubject: Long Live The Warlord | Standing Room Only 1   Long Live The Warlord | Standing Room Only 1 I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 23, 2024 1:47 am

I’m at peace with losing to Tomi Venus two weeks ago.

But yet... I shouldn’t be. I know that.

It makes no sense for me to be in the position that I’m in and feel this way. After all, soon I’m entering what my as well be the biggest match of my career. I’m entering a match where I will be fighting five other people. The first ever Extreme Elevation match in the history of this company. Someone else in this position, under these extreme circumstances (pun intended), would be stressed. Especially when you consider that as far as the six of us goes... I’m the closest there is to a “middle man.” On one end of the spectrum you have Nobi, who is without a shadow of a doubt a world reknown athlete. A man who has shed his blood, sweat, and tears for dozens of promotions. And on the other end... you have someone like El Landerson. A man who says the same old shit week in and week out; who hides his ugly face behind a mask. A mask to conceal himself from the world. A mask to conceal who he truly is. I am not doing this for some selfish desire unlike Nobi, who wants nothing more than to redeem himself after all of the unfortunate losses he has taken over and over these past few months. I am not doing this to get back at someone like Uiriamu Minami, who wants nothing more than to avenge his loss to me. I am doing this to HELP the company as a whole. I am doing this because I am the only man who is fit enough to. I am man who sits alone at the center of this ideological conflict, and because of that, I should be in a state of complete tension. I should be feeling pressured and strained due to the position that I find myself in, but I’m not. And I’m not going to lie, at first I didn’t know why that was. I didn’t know hhow I could find myself to be so calm heading into this match, hell, recently I was even going out of my way to force myself into feeling some other type of way, but as much as I tried... I just couldn’t. As much as I thought I needed to feel that stress running through my veins in order to take this match seriously, I couldn’t force myself into feeling that way. And now... after sitting back and giving myself some time to think about why that is... I understand. I understand why I can be at peace. I understand why I don’t feel the weight that should be on my shoulders. I understand it all, as clear as day. Because the truth of the matter is... this is just who I am. I was born to be in situations like this, I was born to find myself under harsh circumstances, and after expericing this same pressure over and over again, I have finally learned to just accept it as part of who I am. I have accepted the fact that I am man bound to emotional strain. I am a machine made for matches like Extreme Elevation. I am a soldier, one that is built for war, and now that I know what war I am fighting for... I have no reason whatsoever to feel any kind of stress. I can leave that all behind, because I know my duty. I know what I must do at Standing Room Only, and so, I am at peace with whatever struggles destiny has to offer me this week, as long as that destiny also offers me the chance to walk out as the victor.

Destiny is a fickle thing, isn’t it?

Men and women rely on it, shaped by this perception that their dreams are all inevitable, cast together like it was foretold on sapphire tablets, precious scripture that heralds forthcoming sounding of trumpets. But this world is a bitter and cruel place where the average person’s “destinies” die repeatedly. However...


They are, after all, molded by idealistic outcomes. Desirable victories, twists and turns in the road that are suited to one’s ultimate desires, but that’s not realistic now, is it? We don’t all enjoy the luxury of smooth sailing towards that horizon. We suffer setbacks... we suffer defeats. Our dreams get halted, our intentions made a fool of by the mistress of fate. They all contradict any and every conceived understanding of one’s destiny. Destiny is always pure. Destiny is always rich. Destiny is devoid of anything uncomfortable merely consoling us with a treasure trove of comforting anticpations. Again, this world does not operate. For even the creator, the trials and tribulations faced are the sole, true inevitability anyone can put their money on. If that is “destiny,” to be challenged, to embrace the setbacks, to overcome those difficult obstacles, then destiny is somrething true... something real to actually grasp onto. But in reality... it’s simpl a manifestation of delusional hopes and expectations for the future. Then it is absolute folly.

The only “destiny,” the mere concept of it, that maintains any sort of credibility is CYRUS securing a memorable victory and continuing his ascent towards his first of many goals... becoming the Prodigy Champion.

The main thing that you all need to realize... Nobi... Landerson... Mary Addams... Jayce Carver... Uiriamu... is that I am a very arrogant person and I make no apologies for being so. I hedge my bets on my vast wisdom and immeasurable experience. I can sympathise with the difficult that is dealing with such a person like myself and especially one who quite frankly doesnt need to be this way to beging with, but such is life. I have done this song and dance enough to know that for whatever the challenge I receive, it eventually falters in the end. It has never been enough and while you may feel a certain way over being dismissed, this is the reality of the situation that you all are facing. I’m repeating this point and I don’t mind do so as it is the holy truth that should be tattooed into the very fabric of this goddamn company, carved into each marble step of the ascension to challenge me: IF YOU THINK IT... I’VE DEAL WITH IT. If you’re convinced that you’re the greatest, then I have already defeated those who thought they were the greatest. If you’re convinved that you are the single best representation of this company, then I have already buried numerous others to become timeless. I’ve heard it. I’ve dealt with it. I’ve defeate dit. And no matter what you say or do isn’t going to convince me otherwise. The thought that I’ve already defeated a hundred men and women JUST LIKE EACH ONE OF YOU over the years. The thought that I’m having my time wasted dealing with more rejects trying to usurp my throne is absolutly MIND BLOWING. None of you can grasp this unchanging fact that will all of this might just be impressive against your peers, while it might be enough, I’m not among those peers and it sure as hell isn’t enough. And you know, it’s probably a good thing that I don’t spend any more time having any ounce of care for the yet to be filled promises of otmorow, because I would actually have a bit more venom in my fangs dealing with the nonsense instead of backhanding it out of play. Point is... none of you have any substance. It’s hope. It’s blind faith. It’s a promise that’s trying to be sold to me and I have just seen enough empty promises made throughout my life to know that chances are maybe one day - JUST ONE DAY - you all may become greats in this industry, but unfortunately you all of you... you will NEVER be CYRUS great.

Destiny is absolutely fickle.

It relies on the belief of men and women who are simply not accomplished enough for their words to carry any weight. People who are unproven to thrive at the top, proven to be capable of overcoming anything and everything that is set in their ways. Delusional might define me in some aspects, but only through the lens of those merely ignorant. I am here to change the game. I am here to break all of the rules. I am here to challenge the norms and create a blueprint that this company will follow bullet point after bullet point after fucking bullet point. I do not miss and I do not tell a single mistruth when I call myself one of the best that this company has to offer. I am here to help lead this company into a new generation... a new era. An era that is formed, that is molded, in my image.

You all believe that it is your destiny to walk into Standing Room Only, reach for that contract that is hanging from the rafters, and secure your shot at the Prodigy Championship. I hate to break it to you all, but that’s not going to be the end result. You see, if the perceived destiny of others bothered me, it would have gotten the better of me a long time ago

I consider it a great weakness for one to cling to a concept like destiny. It’s hopium being pumped into their veins like a drug to reassure them that no matter what happens, it will eventually arrive and they will get whatever they have been longing for. It’s defiant to the world around then. You’re uncomfortable over comparisons, uncomfortable with the truth of the odds that you all are up against, but rationalising it all under the umbrella of “destiny” is like a warm, comforting blanket, beside a raging campfire, in the middle of winter. You all fail to truly separate yourselves. Ambition is not a rare trait. Everyone has it. Many are as determined as you all are. Ambition, the desire to be the very best, to perfect your craft, it’s not any different to most. Yet the reality of the matter is that it’s not always enough. For all one does to persevere despite the odds, for all one does to fight to the best of their ability, for all one does to improve day after day, week after week, month after month, sometimes it simply isn’t enough. You can shout that you’re the most ambitious person to ever grace this Earth and it will take you far, but how far it takes you is still something nobody can safely assume. Everyone plateaus eventually. But I am here to prevail with a story that transcendes everyone. I am here to outlive kings. I am here to outlive champions. I am here to outlive generations.

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