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 No Prestige for Old Titans - Standing Room Only I

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No Prestige for Old Titans - Standing Room Only I Empty
PostSubject: No Prestige for Old Titans - Standing Room Only I   No Prestige for Old Titans - Standing Room Only I I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2024 12:58 pm

Hayden Isaac Monroe stands in a luxurious, well-lit room, the walls adorned with framed photos of his family and prestigious moments in wrestling history. A large Monroe family crest is prominently displayed on the wall behind him with the golden lion in front of a shield of red and gold. Hayden is dressed in a sleek, custom-made suit, his hair perfectly styled, and a confident smirk on his face. He stands in front of a large mirror, adjusting his cufflinks before turning to face the camera with the tensions palpable in the air before he speaks while casually leaning against a marble-topped table.

Maximus Steele… The Iron Titan. It’s quite fitting for you to be the first person I stand across the ring from at Standing Room Only. You had your time in the spotlight here as PCW Prodigy Champion, you came from humble beginnings to represent the poors as you fought your way out of the steel mills, you scratched and clawed your way to this point with the dreams the middle class have. I get it, honestly. Grit, the rough edge to make people see you as untouchable, unbreakable, indomitable, but let’s be honest with ourselves. The truth is that Maximus, it’s over. The era of men like you, standing tall in this company, it’s done. You see, you represent everything that used to be. The old way of doing things in this company or even the country of America. As new as you may be to this company, you are definitely the old guard in mentality. The men who believed that because they put in the hours, just because they bled and sweat for this business, it meant they had every claim to be owed a position at the top of their industry. However, the reality is the business never cares about how hard you’ve worked. It doesn’t care what you’ve sacrificed to be where you are today. Results are the only things that matter in this world and with that said, there’s no room in this company for men who have the mindset of relics as you do. You may call yourself “The Iron Titan”, but you are something worse than that, Maximus. You are a monument of a bygone era, the last of a dying breed of men in this world, holding on desperately to whatever scraps of relevance you could find to the point where you have attached yourself to the hip of Matt Miles to have a single spotlight on you as PCW Tag Team Champion. However, here’s what happens to titans – they all fall. When they do, it is never with a bang, but with a whimper. You’ve spent your entire career trying to prove you’re tougher, stronger, better than anyone else who stands against you, but what happens when you meet someone who’s not stronger? What if you meet someone who is smarter, faster, and destined to take everything you’ve built and turn it into dust right before your very eyes?

Hayden Issac Monroe smirks before he stands up from the marble-topped table to walk towards the camera to look into it to show the conviction and intensity behind his eyes.

At Standing Room Only, I make my debut on the greatest stage this company will have for years to come. I will make history as the one wrestler who can say he has debuted on this platform, but I don’t intend to simply step into the ring with you, Maximus. I intend to end you in front of the largest audience we have. It’s not simply because of my disdain for you, but because it’s what needs to happen. It has to happen for this business to evolve past the primitive virtues you represent, to move forward into the future and new age that I as a Monroe will instill into this company, and there will be no brute to stop me from it happening. The Monroe dynasty is the future of this industry. Maximus, you represent the old world, where muscle and might were all that matter, but this is no longer your world. This is my world. This is the world of Monroe. It’s all about prestige, power, and influence, but you made it personal when you decided to look down upon me from my origin. You joined the rest of the poors when you decided to look at me and simply see a child. You made the mistake of believing I’m simply another guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, riding the coattails of his family, and believing that I didn’t perform any work to build myself into the man I need to be to fulfill my destiny. Did you think Jacob Senn made my training easy? Do you think I didn’t have to fight, bleed, or sweat on my own training simply because I came from money or was trained by one of the best wrestlers in the world? However, that’s the difference between you and I, Maximus. While you were swinging hammers in the steel mill, I was fighting to prove I’m not just another rich kid playing wrestler. While you were working on steel, I was working to prove that the legacy of Monroe wasn’t something simply handed to me — it’s something I’ve earned, day by day, night by night. Underestimating me, it will be your weakness and allow you to crumble at Standing Room Only.

Hayden Isaac Monroe proceeds to walk back into the mirror to adjust his attire to make sure everything looks presentable to make sure there is no issue or error on his presentation.

However, that won’t be the only weakness you present, Maximus. You’ve allowed yourself to believe you are indomitable, but you’ve got a blind spot. You’ve been so focused on being “The Iron Titan” and your war with Salvation, you’ve forgotten what it means to adapt. You don’t know what it means to evolve to the present situation standing before you and just when you believe you can, that’s where I’m stepping in at Standing Room Only to prove you wrong. Standing Room Only won’t be where Hayden Isaac Monroe simply beats Maximus Steele — it’s going to be where Hayden Isaac Monroe exposes Maximus Steele as nothing more than a monument to the past. I’m here in Prestige Championship Wrestling to take everything you’ve ever worked for, everything you hold dear in this world, and make it mine. I’m here to show you that you have been passed, there’s a new standard of prestige in this business, and evolution has passed you by. When everything is said and done, when you have been humiliated and beaten until there is nothing but dust left in the middle of the ring, you’ll finally understand what it means to face The Prince of Prestige. So, I want you to be prepared for what is to come, Maximus. Take your time training, spend time with your family, enjoy every pleasure you had as the man you are today because at Standing Room Only, you will witness the end. You will see everything you’ve built crumble before your very eyes, because I’m not just coming for a debut win against you, but I’m coming to take your place on this roster. I’m coming to end your reign as “The Iron Titan” and establish true power in this company. The Monroe legacy will live in PCW, stronger than ever, while yours… well, yours will be just another chapter that ends.

As Hayden Isaac Monroe finishes making sure his attire is perfect, he walks over to a jewelry box to place the family crest ring he has fashioned before on his hand, turning to the camera to look with confidence oozing out of his face before standing one last time in front of the camera.

Take a look at me, Maximus. Take a long hard look at what wrestling perfection is. This is what the future holds for this place and you will not be the one to prevent me from the destiny I have been chosen to fulfill as a Monroe. I’m not just another man who will be able to conquer, but I am the future of this industry. I am the golden standard of professional wrestling that every person after Standing Room Only will come to recognize. I am the one who is going to carry this company onto his shoulder and climb the mountain to the very top and make PCW along with myself undeniable. I will enter Standing Room Only with the full intention of redefining what it means to be the best in this business. When I leave you broken and defeated, when your time as one of the exceptional men on this roster comes to an end by my hand, the world will finally see who stands at the top. It’s not the poors, it’s not the middle class, but it is the elite of this world as they should. Why? Because… bitch, I’m HIM!

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