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Destiny Dior

Destiny Dior

Posts : 5
Join date : 2023-07-08

PostSubject: TRIUMPH 002. | VS. MATT MILES AND DAMIAN MORDEAU   TRIUMPH 002. | VS. MATT MILES AND DAMIAN MORDEAU I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 29, 2023 10:26 pm


You can call me a lot of things, but you can’t call me a liar.

I said that I would be victorious in my PCW debut, and I was. I said that I’d give Charlie Carter the fight of her life, and I did. I kept it clean. I kept it clinical. I only concerned myself with winning and getting that coveted winning start that so many upstarts chase after but never actually attain.

I’ve always taken pride in being self-made. In a business where so many people can use anything from nepotism to looks to money to coast, I decided right from the beginning that I wasn’t gonna cut corners. Go watch back the footage from my match last week. I was the better woman that night. Based on what I know about Charlie, she shouldn’t have any trouble giving credit where it’s due. With her, I’ll grasp at anything within my reach. I obviously don’t really know her. Shit, I never laid eyes on her before the Triumph premiere, but I better get over it quick. We got work to do.

The idea of putting blind faith in anyone else and depending on them is…a foreign concept to me. If I go out there and compete on my own and eat an L, I know it’s all on me. All in the same breath, if I go out there and win, I know I earned that shit. For better or worse, I prefer to rely on myself. I have no reservations about leaving my fate in this business in my own hands because I know how deep I’m willing to dig in order to do something worthwhile. The idea of being in a team just never crossed my mind. Being a tag team partner is about breaking up pins, watching someone’s back, and knowing how they think. Or at least, that’s how the good teams function. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, I guess. I can’t promise that Charlie will have a best friend in me, but I can guarantee she won’t have an enemy. Last week was all about business, and as far as I’m concerned, this week is a business endeavor, too. The playing field is supposed to be level, right? All of the teams are supposed to be weird ass combos of people who don’t know shit about each other? Okay. I’ll play ball.

You know this about me already, Charlie…I like to win, and I keep getting back up and putting my opponent through hell until I can’t get back up anymore. What I learned about you over the course of thirteen minutes is that you like to fight and you’re hard to keep down. I can work with that. Wins are the currency used to get your hands on anything worth having in wrestling, and with that being paramount, you have my word – I’ll do everything I can to get myself, to get us to the next round in this tournament. When it came time to see how shit broke down in a one-on-one situation, yeah, I was better, but for once in my professional life…this shit ain’t just about me. One single loss sends us packing from this tournament. Here we are, just two weeks in, and they already threw us into the main event. That’s not an accident. The powers-that-be aren’t just relying on Matt Miles’ clout to carry this whole match. Somebody somewhere thinks we’re money after last week, and I’m tryna prove them right. I’m not ready to be done with this shit. You better not be, either.

Speaking of clout…yeah, I’ve heard of Matt Miles. He was running around as some bald dude named Lannister’s protegee before it had ever dawned on me that wrestling was a realistic career path. And yeah, being an established name is already paying dividends for him, considering he’s walking into his second main event in two weeks. That could be the earliest stages of someone potentially being crowned as a promotion’s franchise player, and that in and of itself might be more than enough to intimidate someone in my position.

All it means to me is that you’d make the perfect springboard.

That’s not my ego talking. That’s just common sense. On paper, “Destiny Dior and Charlie Carter defeated Matt Miles and Damian Mordeau” sounds good, and the visual of it happening looks even better. It’s just in our best interest to take this main event spotlight and parlay it into a win that helps us advance in the tournament. It’s a win on more than one front. I get the feeling that somebody somewhere believes in you too, Damian. Why else would you get to lock up with an established name like Kasey Kash on week one? It wasn’t so that someone with a name like his could walk in here and steamroll over you. It was a test for you to see how you’d stack up against a journeyman. If you’re already being singled out for great things, more power to you, but it’s our job to put a halt to that for now. Damian Mordeau can be the next big thing. Matt Miles can carry on being one of the longest-tenured stars on this roster. They just can’t be the winners. Not on this night.

You can have everything but the victory.

And when I do something very uncharacteristic and put my blind faith in Charlie Carter, I like to think that she’ll make that gamble worth my while.
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