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 "Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II

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James Christ

James Christ

Posts : 20
Join date : 2023-12-01

"Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II Empty
PostSubject: "Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II   "Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 26, 2024 8:38 pm

"Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II Lm8w8qk

“It amuses me. It amuses me just how much people choose to hear what they want to hear.”

“Did I ever say the Prodigy championship - the very championship that I hold right now, that I have elevated to heights never before seen in this division - was beneath me? I said I was over facing every bimbo Barbie sluts from OnlyFans, or every schmoe off of the indies who thinks he's the god of flipping, flopping and acting like a fucking circus act - that I wanted some competition. Hell, maybe I was wrong to assume you would think this would be an accessory piece after you were the inaugural Valor champion - and that this would be a stepback. Who knows what direction you want to go with your life and career, sure as hell isn’t me; but to assume I feel too entitled to be the Prodigy champion now after the blood, sweat and tears I put into rebuilding this division in the image of Christ? You’re out of pocket, Sawyer.”

“After I commended you. After I gave you the respect that you deserve - this is what happens. Figures. But that’s okay, what should I have expected from a man who speaks as if he’s some Ivy League English professor. Saying big, eloquent words - but never actually saying anything worth merit, or with meaning behind them. Talking in a full circle before getting to the point - the same point that I made, that you and I have blazed an identical path in this company. I can see - ‘from my lofty position as Prodigy Champion’ - that the next logical step in my career was to challenge you. That the next hurdle in my way of truly diving into this industry was to challenge the next big thing.”

“That’s you.”

“You urge me to challenge you for the right reasons and not the wrong. I do challenge you because there’s no one left and I’m tired of facing fucking fodder. I do challenge you, to challenge myself. I do challenge you - to beat you. But there you are again, talking in circles Sawyer. Speaking just to fill the void of silence that’s left around you, I bet. Must be lonely only having some abomination of a pet to talk to, huh? I was never the type to need someone to listen to me. I was a kid who was a notorious run away; I wanted to be further away from people - but you relocated out of heartbreak, not desire. Sorry about your sister, but life is a bitch isn’t it? Some would use that to strengthen themselves, toughen up a little bit. Hell, I would have went out and hunted those fuckers down.”

“But I guess relocating to the mountains works too. Surprised that wasn’t the route you took when you were beaten for your title.”

“But Christ is your savior, aren’t I? Admit it, Sawyer. I showed up, challenged you, and gave you the very reason for the motivation you have for this week - my Prodigy championship. Yes, you heard that right - MY championship, and make no mistake about it - it’s not going anywhere. You can think whatever you want of me. You can question my ability to adapt until your mutt buries his head in it’s ass - but that proves how little you pay attention, and know nothing about your opponent. I’ve adapted. I have no professional wrestling training. I came into the PCW with one professional match under my belt. I’ve had three, almost four, years of high intensity Muay Thai training and thats it. I’ve adapted from one form of combat to the next - seamlessly, mind you. Two losses and that’s it. Every match won by knockout or tap out. I’ve adapted to the world that you’ve held in your hands - and it must irk you, doesn’t it?”

“You scratched and you clawed for your spot in Kingdom Pro. You had to fight from the bottom several times in order to climb up that mountain - oh, those mountains you love so much. You came into PCW and had to scratch and claw your way through the Chamber of Valor; someone who was, at this point, a former World Champion elsewhere. Then you turn to see me. On the same war path that you were; tearing through the competition that - yes, Sawyer - is a class lower than what I expected to be for, at the time, the second-tier division of this company. I defeated world champions, Sawyer. I defeated a man who had just broken, and set the new record, for the Prodigy championship reign in order to become the champion. You know - just weeks separated our signatures drying on the contracts, but in those weeks I established myself as a force. As a champion. A few weeks later, they then decide to make a whole, brand new division out of nowhere and you just so happen to be involved in it.”

“Wow, it must have been a hard climb.”

“But now - all of a sudden - you have these big dreams of holding the Prodigy championship? I guess Christ really is your savior. But while you quote song titles like a fucking pre-teen girl on Tumblr or whatever website they use now, you need to remember one thing: While I’ve been less than enthused about my level of competition for this championship recently - I have beaten men who have carried the championship in this company - WHILE they held it. So while you have these big, elaborate dreams of the Prodigy championship? I have the reality of knowing that I can, and soon, will be challenging for the big prize.”

“You can claim that this is your step forward in your career; but beating you is MY next step. The next step closer to the PCW Heavyweight Championship.”

“At Standing Room Only - I will be the last one standing - on the top rung of that ladder - holding MY championship.”

"Christ is Your Savior." Standing Room Only II OIrJzrB


Aaron moved through his office toward the standing mirror in the corner. The one where he would periodically check his suit for wrinkles or lint, or whatever - but this time he used the mirror to fix his dress shirt. From a sloppy half-tuck, to a full tuck. All buttoned up, even the sleeves. He twists his necktie into place, tightening the knot. “RAQUEEEELLLLL” he shouted out. There was a new tone in his voice.

Earlier Aaron was close to a full breakdown. Fearful that his client, his money maker … his friend, was going to hang him out to dry. But Aaron was clever. And in just a few mere hours, Aaron brainstormed an idea that he knew would bring him back to Jamison’s side.

The door to the office opened just seconds after Aaron’s yell. Just seconds after he turned and grabbed his jacket that was previously, lazily, thrown onto the sofa. Aaron smiled when he saw the gorgeous blonde enter the office, but for reasons far beyond her beauty.

“I want you to pull the PRODIGY GROUP contracts of Lennon and Jonah - shred ‘em, burn ‘em, shit on ‘em for all I care. If they don’t plan on following through, I don’t want or need ‘em.” He said, devoid of any sympathy or compassion.

“And get me Sebastian Monroe or whoever the hell I need to speak to - on the phone - NOW.” He shouted again, now as he was slipping his suit jacket on. Once more, turning to the mirror to make sure it fell over his body right.

“Monroe on line one, Sir.” Raquel’s voice came through in clarity over the intercom, to which Aaron turned and pressed the flashing ‘ONE’ digit on the intercom, then the speaker option.

“Sebastian, Aaron Elliot here - the agent for James Christ. …. Yes, listen. Real quick. You and I need to have a little sit down. There needs to be something on the winning end of Standing Room Only for Jamison. Sawyer would have a title should he win, but Jamison? You’re longest reigning champion, period? I’m thinking - World championship.

Aaron wore a smile that stretched his face. It wasn’t one of happiness, or even entertainment at his own behalf; but this was one of evil genius at work.

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