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 My Shot - The Last Stand

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PostSubject: My Shot - The Last Stand    My Shot - The Last Stand  I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 8:37 am

(The scene opens up and we see TJ Alexander, dressed in blue jeans and a short-sleeved black t-shirt with a gold chain around his neck, inside of his hotel room, TJ is sitting in a chair, leaning back)

“Congratulations are in order James you’ve become the longest reigning Prodigy champion in PCW history, you have set yourself and etched yourself in stone and in the history books, but as I’ve been watching you from afar while I deal with my own situations, I have watched you specially, I know, you’re not a flashy guy in the ring, but you have a work ethic that is high-intense, a work-ethic that has pushed and driven you to become the longest reigning prodigy champion, but with that being said, all that it’s time’s up for you bruv.”

(TJ smirks)

“You see James I’ve said I have been watching you for a long time, since you’ve become the Prodigy champion, you’ve been an excellent fighter, a top-notch fighter in-between those ropes but the one thing is, all you’re opponents have been similar to you, there’ve been somewhat carbon copies and think they too are street fighters, or cosplaying being in the movie fight club as extras, but they’ve always come as the losing end against you, and that’s why you have been continuing to win and win and keep that prodigy championship in your hands. But I don’t think you really truly and utterly understand something, that I am no carbon copy, I am my own man, and I am my own style, a style of which you have very little knowledge about, your ground and pound against a opponent will not wash with me bruv, not only have I watched your matches, studied you, I’m got speed and agility, I’ve got moves that I haven’t even pulled out of the bag and I have kept in my back pocket, and I am ready to pull them out to get that prodigy championship. Other than our styles being different, we have a similar story, we’ve both scratched and clawed our way through to get where we are, we booth continue to do so, maybe it’s because of our size and stature that we have to fight a little more than the rest, maybe it’s because we’re looked down upon for other reasons, but one thing for sure is, we’ve both earned what we have.”

(TJ pauses)

“But you James have something that I desperately want and that’s the Prodigy championship, you’ve held that with high-regard but right now you’ve done as far as you can with it, I will do the rest, I will elevate it, I will have more of an impact on that championship, than you have ever done, I am not a street fighter like you, but I’ve grown up like you, always watching and keeping my eyes open on the streets of London, the capital of the United Kingdom is a bomb waiting to go off at anytime, and you’ve had to develop extreme senses to pass your way through, riots seem to occur every day in London, it’s a boiling pot, but I fought my way out, I fought my way into this business with every ounce of fibre I can muster because it was a dream, a dream I NEEDED to happen and I have.”

(TJ pauses)

“James you have put yourself on a high elevated level, through the training your doing and acting like a mad man, but it’s all an act, I know it is. I know it is an act because frankly it doesn’t faze me, I’m not scared of you, not one little bit, but you’ve managed to scare a small portion of opponents you’ve had, so I guess it’s worked for you. But when we meet in the ring, standing across from you, I’ll look you dead in the eyes, and knock your teeth down your throat. I’m gonna get that prodigy championship this week on Triumph - Last Stand, you can fight me or just allow it to happen, either way; I’m taking that title from you. Just so you know, you’ve had a good run, but it’s fitting that this week’s edition of Triumph is called last stand, because it truly is your last stand as Prodigy champion, I bet every opponent you’ve had has made this statement of taking your title away from you, but the only thing is, I’m actually gonna’ do it. Not only am I gonna keep up with you and your fighting style, pound for pound, I am gonna push you to the highest limits that I can push, I will not side-step, back track or lose concentration, I am fully focused and dedicated to get that prodigy championship, and there’s nothing you can do, absolutely nothing, I have unparalleled commitment coming into this match, James you will not measure up to my unparalleled commitment and that’s when you will lose to me.”

(TJ pauses)

“James I want you to look yourself in the mirror and take stock, take stock of your accomplishments and be proud of them, but also clean the Prodigy championship up real nice for me, because at Last Stand, I am the new Prodigy Champion, just know that, ya cunt.”

(Scene ends)

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