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 The "Complete Shot"

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The "Complete Shot" Empty
PostSubject: The "Complete Shot"   The "Complete Shot" I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2024 8:16 pm

{The screen static jumps for a moment before it cuts to a shot of the inside of the Legion American Jiu-Jitsu MMA gym in San Diego California and this is where we find none other than the man himself, Uiriamu Minami, going through the process of a very intense workout as he prepares for his next match and we watch him working out over the course of the next couple of minutes before finally it cuts to a shot of Uri sitting on a bench with a towel hung over his broad shoulders and a bottle of Cucumber-Lime Gatorade in his right hand}

Uri: Hello PCW. Before I even get to touch on this week's Triumph, I must address the little pink elephant in the room that is Cyrus.

Now I know that Cyrus is under this like *MASSIVE* misconception that he won our match the other week but I'm afraid that I have to pop that little bubble that is his precious itty-bitty-teenie-tiny *ego* before he tries to make it grow any bigger as you can only get so much with a PARTICIPATION trophy in this case!!

You see Cyrus, you didn't actually *do* anything other than stand around like a freaking goofball at senior prom and stand off to one side with the school mascot while *I*, Wrestling's Hottest Property, was the one who actually won the match!!

{Uri stops and takes a pull from his drink}

Uri: But enough about my first victory here in PCW and let us move onto my next opponent on this week's edition in the form of you, El Landerson.

Now I get it, you're a comedy wrestler. You're walking Fool's Gold because you're borrowing some indyrific luchadore from Southern Florida, maybe from the No Named Key or Ybor City perhaps, and you go around acting like you’ve not a care in the world and that you’re the ultimate hero in any given situation.

And then you just had to cut that promo and show me just how bloody ignorant you truly are.

Firstly you are of the ignorant belief that just because Triumph is taking place in your home town that you’re going to instantly be the winner simply because of what, you have the “hometown advantage”?? Lando, you don’t seem to understand that while yes, we are going to be wrestling in your hometown, that doesn’t not mean that you’re going to instantly win because it’s a little hard to strut around like the winner of a cock fight when you’re gasping for air as you’re being choked out.

That is the pure and simple truth.

I mean did you even hear the drivel that was coming out of your mouth, Lando? You’re so full of arrogance and bullshit that you honestly believe that you’re going to beat me by simply stepping into that ring this Sunday and that I don’t have a chance in hell of beating because of it…and people have called *me* arrogant in the past…but I’ve got nothing on you in terms of sheer arrogance, that I can freely admit.

{Uri takes another pull off of his sports drink, where he starts to laugh a little bit as he does so}

Uri: At Triumph, you’re not going to be walking in automatically the winner, but you are going to be screaming in the most exquisite pain as I tear you apart piece by piece in the middle of that ring, I’m going to do the most despicable things to you right in your front of all of your family and friends and most importantly of all, I’m going to be flirting with your precious little princess, Lando.

But not because I find her attractive, but because I’ll be doing it while I am making you choke your own words because you dare to dream too high above your station and because of that, you need to be shown the error of your ways, Lando, and that is something that I’m going to enjoy doing because people like you and Cypress, you don’t deserve to be in this industry because you both refuse to take it seriously and because of it, you owe the sport of professional wrestling a debt that I will make you pay in spades when the time comes and the time is coming very soon for you, Lando.

But if I may, I’d like to be serious for a moment here.

{Uri takes another pull from his drink and sets it aside before fixing the camera with a very serious look}

Uri: When I speak of people who do not belong in this industry, of people who owe it a debt that must be paid for their transgressions, there is one above all others who must be call to task and that is you, TV Know. You like to boast and brag about how great you are just because you’re supposedly this great wrestler from China and every time that you show your face, you constantly showcase your arrogance and ignorance, you’re willingness to go into business for yourself among so much more bullshit…and in the end, you owe this industry a pound of flesh.

And that is what I’m coming for, TV Know, and you can be rest assured that when everything is said and done, I will take my pound of flesh from you and TV Know, I will get my pound of flesh from you…even if I have to tear it from your throat with my very own damned teeth.

And El Landerson, this is exactly the kind of violence that you can expect this weekend from me. Because I’m not here to play to the crowds, I’m not here to make jokes or crack wise…I’m coming to San Diego to fight, to tear down my opponent and to show to PCW once again why I am one of the future stars of this company.

{Uri takes one last swig of his drink before he gets up and leaves the scene as the screen static jumps to black}
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