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 HYDE, The Clown

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Join date : 2024-09-06

HYDE, The Clown Empty
PostSubject: HYDE, The Clown   HYDE, The Clown I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 06, 2024 6:15 pm


HYDE, The Clown E2MTEpvl

Wrestling Name: HYDE, The Clown
Picture Base: Yabo
Current Nicknames: The Twisted Trickster, The Malevolent Merrymaker, The Rotten Ringmaster,  The Grin Reaper
Height: 6’
Weight: 197 lbs.
Hometown: The Carnival Grounds

Disposition/Alignment: Choose from these options:
Pure Babyface | Face | Anti-Hero | Tweener | Cowardly Heel | Ruthless Heel | Monster Heel
HYDE is … interesting. Starting off, he’s a well-traveled veteran of the game, but he could never get past that proverbial ‘glass ceiling’. He is, was, and always been solid in-ring with an excellent work rate; but never had that… it-factor. He’s tried going under his birth name and only saw brief success in Canada with two now-retired workers. He went to Mexico, earned a mask - and then a reputation for being too ‘violent’, breaking a competitor's arm on purpose. Blackballed from Mexico, he went into the United States and competed in a couple of promotions, before finding himself in Japan. Work was scarce for the Masked Gaijin, but he bounced around from Dojo to Dojo, from small-time promotion, to small-time promotion. But there came a time when cheques stopped coming.

He traveled into Europe, still looking for work - but this time in order to feed himself. It was his luck that a traveling sideshow was passing through town and looking for work. They always have said, wrestlers are just sports-entertainment carnies - so why not lean into it. He removed the mask, slapped on some greasepaint and was renamed ‘HYDE’ by the carnival manager.

In this carnival he would become close with everyone, but more specifically ‘the Strongman’ Ozias Makris and Calipso. Their bond became deeply rooted and quickly, it was something that no one else could really understand how - but not long after he arrived, it was rare you saw HYDE without Ozias and Calipso.

But his string of bad luck on the independent scene came to an end when his traveling sideshow came into town, and PCW needed a new carny. With him comes his closest friend, 'Cluck; The Side Chicken' which is literally a rubber chicken that he converses with.

Mannerisms: Before the match really kicks off, HYDE might fall into his clown schtick, becoming almost a comedy act. Throughout the match, though, he begins to increasingly grow more violent. His moves become stiffer, the impact of attacks, drivers and whathaveyou become more intense as he delves into his early to mid 90’s brand of hardcore style wrestling. And he does all of this, with a creepy smile on his face.

Theme Music: ‘House of Horror’ by Fifty Vinc [X]
Special Entrance [Optional]:
All focus turns to the stage as the loveable, innocent sounds of circus music begin to play through the sound system. Strobe lights alternating bright and happy colors - green, yellow, blue, red - dance around the center of the stage - but all for ten seconds. When the circus music slows to a low, almost sinister drone - the lights in the arena completely cut off.

The eerie sounds of a Jack in the box being cranked slowly become louder, and louder until — honk, honk.

Faint sounds of a child’s laughter, more creepy than innocent, fill the background of the ominous music. The previously alternating strobe lights that flashed at the entrance are now a solid white - showing the entrance way filled with smoke. Out from behind the curtain, the clown only known as HYDE comes triking out onto the entrance way in a miniature tricycle - honking the horn in his hand. He rides in a small circle;  and even though he wears an attire of bright, multi colors - the greasepaint smeared on his face tells another story.

He stops his tricycle center stage just when a methodical, horror-esque circus beat kicks in and begins bumping through the speakers. After dismounting the tricycle, HYDE walks down the entrance way with malice in his eyes - but a wide, sinister grin on his face. This doesn’t change, not as he nears the ring - not as he enters. It’s almost as if his face were frozen that way. Once inside of the ring, the lighting returns to normal and HYDE takes his place in an empty corner.

What are your character’s motivations for competing?
Tendency to Cheat: Choose from these options: Always | Often | Sometimes | Rarely | Never | If Needed

Wrestling Debut [Optional]: October, 2011
Favorite Match Types [Optional]: Hardcore Based.
Least Favorite Match Types [Optional]: Generic one-on-one.
Favorite Weapon [Optional]: Cluck; the side chicken : used to distract opponents - having them question his tactics before HYDE resorts to mist spray/fireball/powder of some kind/or any other thrown object into opponents face.
In-Ring Achievements [Optional]:
Ontario Pro. Trifecta Championships
RSW Absolute Championship

Common Moves: Minimum ten (10)
• Enzuigiri Kicks, of any and all variations and styles
• Falcon Arrow
• Frankensteiner
• Russian Legsweep, sometimes with use of a weapon or into guard rails
• Diving Crossbody
• (Old School) Piledriver. (think 90's wrestlers: Owen/Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Mick Foley etc). Will sometimes even do this through a table, off of the apron through a table outside, or off the apron to the floor to really fuck up an opponent’s neck.
• ‘Whoopee Cushion’ Diving Leg Drop from top rope, generally likes to do this to prone opponent laying on a table.
• Running Spinning Wheel Kick
•  Impaler DDT
•  Fosbury Flop / Backflip Tope Con Hilo

Signature Moves: Minimum of two (2), maximum of five (5)
• ‘The Carnival Wheel’ Sunset Flip Powerbomb  
• ‘Guillotine’ Lariat-STO-Backbreaker Combination [X]
• ‘Clown’n Around’ Middle Rope Tornado Flatliner, this move see’s HYDE jumping off of the middle rope.
• ‘Greasepaint Grin’. Superkick, mostly done in a flash-counter situation. (To running/jumping opponent, roll through, etc.)

Finishing Moves: Maximum three (3) and one (1) optional ultra-finisher (UF)
• ‘Carn-evil’ Inverted CHIKARA Special [X]
• 'Clown Stomp' Coup de Grâce
• UF - ‘Under the Big Top’ MK Ultra / Belly-to-Back Driver

• His wrestling style is very reminiscent of the glory days of ECW. A brawler by nature, he’ll mix in some high impact offensive maneuvers - and often use your more traditional weapons that are handy by the ring. (Tables, Chairs, etc.) It’s rare that he’ll resort into the modern day extremes of ‘extreme wrestling’, but rare is not ‘never’.
• HYDE has decades of experience, beginning in a small company based in Canada called ‘Ontario Pro.’, then to Mexico before returning to the United States with RSW under the name and moniker ‘ZERO’. He’s since wrestled in a few other promotions, but found himself without a full time paycheque. Leaning onto the trope of wrestler’s being ‘carny acts’, he found himself performing in a traveling side show act - renamed ‘HYDE’ by the then ringmaster.
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