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 Enough From the Clown

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Posts : 24
Join date : 2023-07-23

Enough From the Clown Empty
PostSubject: Enough From the Clown   Enough From the Clown I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 28, 2023 4:18 pm

We make our marks where we need to not out of desperation but out of necessity. But because people look at these as desperation ploys as ways for people to get their name out but nah I see these as something I have to do. Because we ain’t forgetting about Nayati, we ain’t forgetting about who actually runs this place. It ain’t the two champs, it ain’t management, nah it’s Nayati. It’s the man who people want to face because not only do the challenge comes from the fight but because they know I can bend and break them past the limit they’ve been wanting to surpass. But I am also the one who is people like to underestimate, those new guys, those new bloods like to come in here and make an impact and so like the fucking degenerates they are, they think this shit is like the prison yard. They want to take on the person they see first, the one with an intimidating aura, the one that they can gravitate too and make people respect them. That’s not how it works here though. To be proven correct is to prove that only your truth is right. But as long as I stay here, as long as I stand here at this point in time, the only truth here is Nayati’s truth. And that’s no one can do anything unless I am there to stamp that approval. If you want to make it big, if you want to be the next big thing, you gonna have to show me you actually got what it takes for that. And there is no failure. Because failure for many has looked like this. They get in that ring, and they get demolished, they get punished. You want to see a standard of humiliation look at the results of anyone who has dared step in the ring to me thinking they would win. Because unlike those who face me I have a standard that I am always going to hold myself to, a standard that doesn’t allow failure against the truth. The Truth of Domination. True Domination is the feeling that without a doubt you have done what should in order to maintain an order. The hierarchy that the weak are always at the bottom and are there until they finally learn to be better. If they ain’t gonna get better, they ain’t ever gonna get from the bottom. And that’s just a fact for anything you want to work toward. It’s just unlike those other things they ain’t have a force actively acting against you. The opportunity to make it or break it falls squarely with me. And these people know it because they are wanting to relgate me to nothing more than just a mere bodyguard for their fantasy.

I do what I do because I enjoy it and I enjoy beating the ever living shit out of people. But these people in the back do not want to see fit, they believe this fucking experiment is over, but they ain’t the ones to tell me that. They ain’t the ones to tell me what I can and cannot do. I am the one who does that for everyone else. I am the one who lets these assholes know they ain’t going to make it here. They want to fucking duck me and make me a fucking pawn in the game they wanna play. That’s just not me, that’s not how I do things here and I ain’t going to let it be because these assholes ain’t see talent in front of them. And I gotta do so by hurting everyone. I gotta show them at they are not going to be able to keep having these many experiments happening until they finally pull the trigger on one of them. In a sea of revolving faces, there is one that has always been there waiting, yearning for the opportunity to make this shit his own and yet they want to overlook him. Why? Because they already gave an opportunity? They already let him have his day in the sun? These monkeys are throw shit until it sticks kind of people but they ain’t realizing they walls are getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute until they don’t recognize they’re stuck in a shit covered room with nothing but shit ideas and shit dreams. I am not going to be a part of that process, I am going to make this process my own by burying your shit and showing you why you should have kept my name on your boards. You want the next big thing, you want the person you can get people to rally behind but you ain’t doing no effort to ensure that it happens. Because in this shit system with shit people in charge you ain’t going to get in a place you deem worthy of your status because they don’t want you too. This company is complicit on trying to make the new stars on a as soon as possible timeline and if that doesn’t work they forget about them. I’ve been in that situation, and you may ask why be this gatekeeper. Because these flys, these gnats that keep coming are trying to take spots that rightfully belong to me. Look at people like El Landerson, he’s a fucking goof and people like him because they like to make fun of the mentally impaired while his manager fucking takes advantage of him like they’re Chris Chan and his Mom. It’s shit like that that people laugh at, that people believe is entertaining because they’re so mentally deficient that they think it’s a good thing. And because of this spots keep getting consumed, filled by circus acts that have no fucking right being in the position they’re in. And these new people, these new fuckers want to act like they’re the hottest shit to hit the market that they’ll do anything to make a buck.

I ain’t here to have them do anything but grieve and regret. I am here to make them realize that they either get better or fucking fail in the prime time with all their fucking family looking on. And that’s just not for this man I’m facing at Paradise Lost but against every one who is going to get in that ring with me. You want your time in the spotlight, I can respect it, but you want to do so acting like a fucking fool, acting like you gotta give your dignity to do it, then nah bruh I ain’t letting that get past me. I am going to send those thoughts, those dreams back to sender because I ain’t letting some fucking fool become a star without working to show me they got what it takes. That goes for everyone watching, everyone thinking of become a star in PCW. If you want to act a fool, act a fool, but that’s not going to stop me from punching your shit in and making you my bitch. At Paradise Lost I am going to be switching this narrative of allowing idiots and halfwit pollute our fucking air. And if these people got a problem with that then they should have actually started making stars instead of throwing shit against the wall. Because that’s all we got now. We got shit talent, shit champions, and shit shows because of the fucking managment of this fucking company. The only person here with a lick of salt is me, and I have to be the fucking person that demolishes this notion that we hire clowns. Because if management don’t want to do it I will. I am going to start this at Paradise Lost. I humiliated a favorite in front of God and everybody and I am going to fucking humiliate the people who want to make it big at the expense of me. No one is going to get over Nayati ever again, and No one is going to ever say I ain’t handle my shit. At Paradise Lost, you gonna see that I hold true to my words, and that this shit is not just noise, this shit ain’t something I just say it will be the one thing are going to have to realize is a constant. Not a prediction, not an estimate but something I will truly act upon. You are in the era of Nayati where we push talent and fucking bury the clowns who want to make fun of what we do. I ain’t going to stand for the mockery y’all continue to push, for the mockey y’all continue to make of this. And with my words you’re going to have to linger because Paradise Lost is coming and I get to show you with my actions what I mean, show you that not only do I mean what I say, but an example of how I am going to do it here from now on.
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