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 I am GOD | Standing Room Only 2

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Posts : 6
Join date : 2024-07-20
Age : 36

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PostSubject: I am GOD | Standing Room Only 2   I am GOD | Standing Room Only 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 26, 2024 11:53 pm

I stand alone.



Isolated on my own ethereal plane. Not a single soul destined to ever measue up, not a single soul destined to ever share this place with me and the path carved to reach this holiest of destinations is one that cannot be followed no matter the desire. I am GOD. I am the DEVIL. I am that which reigns over domains no matter the kingdom, no matter the false figure who reigns nor the voices of the masses in their obedience to such a lie. I sit on the throne that all wish to think they sit upon, but merely just imitations of something they will never be ablr to grace themselves with.

I am omnipotent in all my FUCKING glory.

I am The Cornerstone.

I am The Warlord.

I am... THE ONE.

I will go down as simply the greatest.

Of yesterday. Of today. Of tomorrow. Of all time. I am unmatched in pace. I am unmatched in trajectory. I am unmatched in consistency and the feats I simply continue to add. I wake up and I piss greatness. I wake up and I achieve something that is yet once again exclusive to only me. I take a step and new ground is carved out for this path I have walked is once again soil never seen, let alone disrupted before. For all the equals that you consider it’s unfamilar feats that never were possible for them just part of my average life today. I continue to stretch that grand canyon between myself and next by simply breathing air in this world and immedately receiving more. More glory. More feats. Everything strengthens that immortality. I shatter norms. I shatter expectations. I exist and I add. I breathe and I add. I walk and I add. I talk and I add. I add.... and add... and add... to my legecy, to my myth, to my own immortality. Every claim of “God” becomes more and more when GOD SHIT is done. I never waver from my place. I never take a step back. I never lower myself. Ever.

And who are you?

Five insignifcant gnats who have decided to crawl their way up to God’s domain.

Pitiful, disgusting creatures whose portrayal of themsleves is a complete mockery of who I am. Blinded by delusions of self-importance, of disgraceful belief of bein worth far more than any of you trul are. You all are a speck of dirt in comparison to what I am. To WHO I am. You are a brief, fleeting existence compared to the immortality that I have cultivated for myself. Yet... I feel that none of you will ever learn your rightful place. You will never understand the imbalance that exists between me and you. Your unfounded belif of being equal to The Warlord is hilarious to an extent, but a fucking miserable joke that will eventually grow tiresome. Imagine being in such a rush to reach a destination that is plainfully obvious in it’s impossibility for you to reach?

And nothing is ever - EVER - going to change that. No feat that any single one of you can achieve will ever change this reality. For the moment you dare to try to get a whiff of the intoxicating air that fills my lungs, the swift hand of God rains down and pulverises you back into the fucking ground where you all belong, among the other specks of dirt and dust you appropriately call your peers. Even the most sick, the most ill of folk who tempt to disprove this reality are only strenghtening the truth. Pick apart the very reasons why God is God and you are still mortal. Take what God once owned, all of you and you all still have just a fraction of what makes me who I am, never entirely yourself. Uiriamu Minami still cannot hold onto the fact that I beat him fair and square in the middle of the ring. Minami is still living in whatever delusional world that he associates with. In his head he still wholeheartedly believes that he is “the next big thing” for this company. Newsflash, Minami... YOU WILL NEVER BE AT MY LEVEL! I understand that it’s a tough pill to swallow. I truly do. But it’s time to CHOKE THAT BITCH DOWN! When I first signed my name on the dotted line of my contract I instantly became the hottest commodity to ever step foot in Prestige Championship Wrestling. Not you. Not Danielle Page. Not Mary Addams. ME! CYRUS! You are the lesser man in every single aspect. God sells all, Minami. God sees beyond all of this. God sees beyond mere narratives. Much like the narrative of Mary Addams fully believing that I am nothing more than a grunt. Typical. You are so worried about me not looking at the broader picture and only worrying about what is currently in front of me. Don’t be dumb, Mary. If I don’t full focus on what is in front of me, then there is a possibility of tomorrow never coming. I mean, could you picture tomorrow never coming? Never winning Extreme Elevation. Never challenging James Christ for the Prodigy Championship. Never raising that title high in the air? Of course you can. Because not only is that going to be your “tomorrow”, Mary, it’s going to be your very reality. A reality that I have no problem assisting with creating. A reality where you will be buried in that cemetary that you love so much.

Alas, maybe I should be less harsh.

I am after all everything that you all desire to be.

The consistency. The relevancy. The permanency standing unwavering at the very top of this God forsaken world. A world that is crumbling before our feet. It’s envy that flows through your veins. Your motivations are dictated by the very notion that ultimately what you seek to be is another version of me. You wish to be someone who step into this company no matter how old it gets and measure up to, challenge and even abolish those who call themselves the greatest. You wish to become a WARLORD like me. Someone who reigns with absolute authority and command. You wish to become something that is reminiscent of a God. But the weight around your ankles dragging you back down until your feet touch the cold, harsh cement floor of reality is that you are just a regular to this world. I am IRREGULAR. I am ANOMALOUS. And despite me sounding like Thanos, I... AM... INEVITABLE. I am not just one in a lifetime, nor one in a century, but one in time’s existence itself. There will never be another CYRUS. Ever. There will be never be someone who can influence and dictate as I have. You believe that I show you what is possible, but what I show can ONLY exist when you are me. Not you. Not Mary Addams. Not Nobi. Not El Landerson. NOT ANY OF YOU! Not the regular average Joe. Not the peasant. Not the filthy insect you all are. And that’s the crux of your envy. Your sickening pride makes it impossible to face it. You will never hold the intangibles that I hold ultimately intrinsically tied to what I posses and that is never going to change. No matter how far you think you come in your career, in your life even, it will never be equal to me. That’s the truth. That’s the reality of the matter. That’s GOD. It’s an impossible battle between you and I. Let’s be honest, whenever I say something bold, something that’s seemingly hyperbole, what response do you have? A plea. A plea to stop. A plea to ignore. A plea that is ridiculous yet never once disproven. I can say that I will turn Nobi or Jayce Carver into a jobber within thirty second and who will say that isn’t possible? Who will outright say that it’s fantasy? Nobody because at my will I can snap my fingers and make anything become a reality. Much like me climbing up and grabbing my destiny while the five of you are all laying at my feet. Finally bathing myself in the undiluted truth of my stature in this world.

I am an anaconda choking the life out of each and every one of you. And I will continue reaping reward after reward as I sack the patches of dirt you make your own and RAPE your dreams right out of existence.

No, I did not misspeak.

And aren’t all of your dreams reliant on this very match?

All your hopes and ambitions of the future depend on reaching that metaphorical brass ring.

Cosplay kings with a worthless crown on their heads, stepping forth to try and contest me is an adorable affair. Your kingdom consists of only dirt. But there is only one outcome that awaits all of you... a cruel and unfortunate end. Like all the others who wear that crown and proudly alter their speech in that cringe worthy ideal of royalty, I have outlasted every one of them. Their time as such is no different to what has already been uttered before: brief and fleeting. I remain - GOD REMAINS - while all of your mortal feats die a mortal death turning to dust. Their names and their lackluster legacies are spoken just one final time before never being uttered again and disintergrate into dust floating into the wind.

I am not interested in this being a merciless affair, because it doesn’t need to be.

I’m not interested in beating you all to a bloody, unrecognizable pulp, because I don’t have to.

I’m just looking to become the next PCW Prodigy Champion.

Because that’s all I need to do...

...for now.
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