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 Forgot About Bae: Conquest Colosseum Remix

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PostSubject: Forgot About Bae: Conquest Colosseum Remix   Forgot About Bae: Conquest Colosseum Remix I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 10:35 pm

“Once again? Almost everybody wanna act like they forgot about Bae. And outta the ones that did bother to remember me? Only one of them bothered to do his fuckin’ research. Emmanuelle wanna show up right before the buzzer tryna hit 3’s but this dumb bitch missed completely. How you gonna be in a company the size of PCW and say you ain’t know somebody from Adam? I been here since fuckin’ February and I ain’t shy about saying what’s on my mind week in and week out.”

“So how about instead of saying you don’t know us from Adam, you just tell the truth and say you’re a lazy piece of shit, Emmy. Especially since one of those people you said you don’t know from Adam has been in this company since its inception. You not knowing your shit is gonna be your downfall in this match.”

“Also, anyone else wanna discuss the hypocrisy in this bitch asking me where my title wins in PCW are, like she’s gotten any of her own. I ain’t see Emmanuelle on the title histories anywhere so if you’re gonna come for someone saying that they don’t have the titles to back up their claim of having a winning mentality? Maybe have a fuckin’ leg to stand on. Otherwise I am gonna come in and cut you right the fuck down.”

“Cause unfortunately for you, Emmy? I study my shit and I read for filth. I make sure when I hit a point that I know what the fuck I’m talking about. So when I say that you’ve failed upward into this match? I know that because I’ve watched the shows. I’ve watched you blow every opportunity you’ve had in PCW, coming up just a little bit short each and every time. Prodigy. Valor. Tag team. And pretty soon? Conquest Colosseum too. Cause to me, you ain’t a standard bearer at all - you’re an example of what not the fuck to do. So I suggest you stay far outta my way, or else I’m taking you out and showing which one of us has the Mamba mentality.”

“Kobe didn’t win every game - he didn’t have to. He’s still known as one of the best to ever play the game because of his skill, his intelligence, and his heart. That’s a winning mentality, you idiot. I have a winning mentality because I haven’t given up, ever. I keep moving, I keep getting better and better, and I know how goddamn good I am.”

“But while I’m on the subject of dumb bitches, I want to bring up ‘Vidame’ Mercadier de Leon, our not so caped crusader.”

“Hi, Merc. I don’t know if your head’s too far up your own ass to hear me, but I’m gonna try anyway. I’m Bianca fucking Reed. Cause you know, when you brought up Tomi, Kasey, and Maximus, and then ‘everyone else who hasn’t opened their mouths’, apparently you just straight up fuckin’ ignored my existence to turn this into some dick measuring contest with the guys. But that’s okay, though. You don’t wanna fuckin’ acknowledge me now? I am gonna make it my personal mission to fuck you up inside that Colosseum and take you out because nobody gets away with ignoring Bianca Reed. You’re gonna know my name by the end of this match and you’re gonna regret that you ever counted me out and failed to acknowledge me for the threat that I absolutely am.”

“Maybe all I have to do though is throw you to Tomi Venus and let him have his way with you. Dude can’t pick a goddamn struggle - says that he’s just a mortal man but then says he’s gonna be greater that Jesus and Julius Caesar. Says that AZAZEL was a fraud by wants us to believe that nine sky deities decided to put a prophet into pro wrestling of all fucking businesses and that winning a belt will be his path to serving them. My main question for Tomi is this: what are you smoking my dude and who is your plug cause clearly you’re on some good shit right now. It clearly ain’t performance enhancing, but it does seem to have made you completely fucking immune to reality and let’s be honest, we all need that kind of a break sometimes.”

“Cause anyone who thinks I’m an accomplice to anyone, let alone Kasey Kash, does not have a foot in the real world. Man and I may agree on some points - actually, one thing almost all of us in this match seem to agree on is that Tomi Venus keeps opening his mouth and proving himself to be a damn fool every single time. But just because I don’t call the whole AZAZEL thing fake doesn’t mean I’m on his side. That man is my fuckin’ enemy in this match and I will set him on fucking fire if it means getting the championship shot at Standing Room Only.”

“A lot of y’all seem to be focused on domination and destruction and that’s fine. If you wanna rip one another to shreds? Go for it, no skin off my ass. But after y’all kill each other I’m gonna be the one swooping in to pick the bones, because I am not about making people bleed and shit. I will if I have to, but the name of the game inside Conquest Colosseum is survival. Be the last one standing, don’t get pinned or submitted.”

“And like a cockroach, I’m very good at skittering away when things are getting a little too hot and coming back out when the coast is clearer. I will do anything it takes to survive in this match, and I have no allegiances to anyone except myself. Sure, I got some scores I’d like to settle, but if it don’t happen? I’m okay with that, as long I get to brag about the fact that I won one of the most brutal matches ever conceived of in wrestling. Not Kasey Kash, not Maximus Steele, not Mercadier or Tomi or Nayati or Emmanuelle or Lennon or Jupiter or Roxie. Me, Bianca fucking Reed, the one that almost everyone counted out before the match even began.”

“You want to see how far I’m willing to go to survive? I will show you. Because as I’ve said before, when it comes to me and my mentality? Every match is do or die. My career is on the line, it’s seconds from the buzzer and I got one shot to make it and win the game. It’s the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, and I gotta throw one last strike to keep from losing. The pressure is on and I thrive on that. I was born for moments like this. Pressure creates diamonds, after all, and I have been dealing with pressure my entire life.”

“From ballroom dance competitions to pro wrestling and everything in between, I have worked my ass off to be the best at what I do. I’ve lived out of my car and in apartments above crack dens while I was coming up in the wrestling business, doing hair and makeup and working in salons to pay my bills while I was training. When my mother kicked me out of the house following my high school graduation, I couch surfed and put myself through beauty school so I could get my cosmetology license. I started working in the dance studio I took lessons in as a way to pay for the training I received when I was fourteen years old. I am not a stranger to hard work, or doing what it takes to survive and thrive.”

That is why I have the edge on everyone in this match, because Killer B is selfish above all else. I don’t owe anyone in this match a damn thing. I can do what needs to be done precisely because none of y’all are motivating me, inspiring me, loving me, or making money with me. That means you’re all distractions that I need to get rid of so I can focus on my end goal - becoming PCW World Champion. Seems kinda ridiculous to call it a heavyweight belt when half this match could probably pick me up and throw me into the fourth row, but we can deal with the semantics after the belt is in my hands.”

“And I will not be satisfied until that date. Kasey Kash thinks he needs this? Nah. Not like I do. No one needs this like I do, because no one in this match has been ignored, pushed aside, and disrespected in this company more than I have. To be told I had a shot after beating Roxie Gearheart, then to find out no, I actually have to fight someone else after that to get something I already earned? That’s a slap in the fucking face.”

“But winning Conquest Colosseum means that there isn’t anyone in this company who can take that shot from me. With that shot in my hands, a guaranteed title match at PCW’s biggest event of the year with either Matt Miles or Chris Sabretooth, I am going to make sure that I am never ignored or overlooked again. I said y’all forgot about Bae when I first got here and y’all have continued to forget me. No matter what I’ve achieved here, somehow it’s not enough.”

“So I am taking everything. Conquest Colosseum. The PCW World Championship. And I am gonna make damn fucking sure that my name is not only etched into the history books of this company, but into the brains of the nine other people in this match with me. I am going to burn my name into the desks of the top brass so that when it comes time to reward hard work, they know for sure which person on their roster has worked the hardest despite not getting any of the respect or attention she’s deserved since DAY FUCKING ONE.”

“Y’all spent too much time on the wrong ones when I came in and that’s the damn truth. No big contract signing, no announcement, just ‘so here’s the card and you’re up against someone we did make a big deal out of’. Like, what the fuck, y’all? It still don’t make sense to me. But now she’s gone, your shiny new toy got lost after two matches, and I’m still here grinding. Y’all can try and shut me out all you want but you know I’m right. You know deep down that your mistakes are all gonna come back to haunt you when I am declared the winner of Conquest Colosseum and when I win the PCW Championship.”

“The Reed Revolution is happening and y’all are not prepared yet because hardly any of you pays any fuckin’ attention to things. I’ve told y’all my life story time and time again, the story of a bastard child who nobody wanted, who never quite fit in with her family, the daughter of a junkie and a gold digger who’s been forced to put herself first for her entire life cause ain’t nobody else looking out for her in this world. I made plenty of mistakes and shitty decisions. But I wear my scars with pride because if that shit couldn’t make me quit then none of you have any goddamn chance.”

“I am built different from everyone else and I know that for certain. I am the flower that blooms in the crack of the sidewalk because I have figured out how to thrive no matter where I am. I make it work. I find a way to get through and to win. I’m not settling grudges here, I’m focused. Determined. Ready.”

“I am the Undeniable One, Bianca Reed, and PCW will never forget my name after this.”

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