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» MDL Conquest Promo 3
MDL Conquest Promo 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 11:59 pm by Mercadier de Leon



 MDL Conquest Promo 3

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Mercadier de Leon

Mercadier de Leon

Posts : 21
Join date : 2023-07-06

MDL Conquest Promo 3 Empty
PostSubject: MDL Conquest Promo 3   MDL Conquest Promo 3 I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 11:59 pm

You ask what you have to gain from being anything less than your completely authentic self Kasey, and the answer to that is simple… Nothing. You gain nothing. You have gained nothing in your entire run in PCW, in fact you've done nothing but lose more and more of yourself. Don't talk to me about being authentic when you had to run around under a mask like V for Vendetta chasing revenge that you weren't strong enough to dish out. And when your pathetic crusade against Matt Miles didn't work out for you Kasey, what did you do? You stripped yourself of any semblance of personality you had left until you were nothing more than an empty vessel, just a void of a person pretending to be the same "Kasey Kash" that ended up burning out into the charred husk you called "AZAZEL", to what you are now, what you will always be going forward… You. Are. NOTHING. Do you know why you're almost guaranteed to lose Kasey? It's in your own words, you are not here to win, you are not here to conquer, you are just here to make people "take you seriously"... is that right? You're once again speaking of platitudes… respect, redemption, vindication, you want to be taken seriously. You are fighting from the angle of a scorned child, your angst and emotions always get the better of you because you are WEAK. Simply put, you are not fit to be a conqueror, you are not a true warrior, you do not have the spirit or endurance of a gladiator, you are a weak and sad little man who cowers away behind masks or drugs or insecurities, you can try to puff your chest out as much as you want but insects like you will ALWAYS be crushed under the boots of Gods like myself… And if beating you the first time, the second time, wasn't enough… Stand in my way and be a casualty of greatness once more. THAT is your role in life. You will never find your vindication, your redemption, you will always be the rambling man singing about pleasantries from bygone eras, the era in which Kasey Kash just maybe, maybe, maybe would have had a chance if he was not so unfortunate enough to have come in the way of someone he could NEVER beat… Mercadier… You already know how it goes by now, Kasey.

It also seems that I overlooked one of the other idiots in this match who has a mouth bigger than their brain and nothing tangible to show for all of their arrogance. Bianca, is it? Welcome to PCW, it seems like our paths haven't crossed yet, or perhaps you're simply too forgettable for someone like me to keep in my conscious. You're another one out here chasing everything except the actual goal in sight - the victory in the Conquest Colosseum, the main event of Standing Room Only, the chance to walk out the World Champion, the chance to become PCW's first true legend - what is it that you want? No, it's not something as delusional like Kasey or Tomi, grand ideas of redemption and vindication, you are much more direct and honest with yourself and with everyone else, so for that I'll give you the tiniest bit of credit, but aside from a very subpar wrestling record here in PCW, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing here. If you think you're anything more than another body thrown into this match to let the true lions in this match have a few elk to feast on, then you actually are as delusional as these other court jesters. What you want is very simple Bianca, you want acknowledgement, you want attention, you want men greater than yourself to waste their breath speaking about you, but just because a few good women have been able to break that glass ceiling in wrestling, and I'll get to one of them in a moment, unfortunately for you Bianca, you are not one of them. I'm not much of a religious man anymore but I do appreciate the idea that a good woman is one who serves a purpose or one who keeps her mouth shut, and unfortunately for you Bianca, there's two problems there - you serve no purpose and you speak far too much, and far too loudly. No, I didn't forget about Bianca, because I'd have to know about her in the first place. But now that I do know who Bianca Reed is, let me tell you what that means for you exactly. That means, Bianca, that you have now come into the crosshairs of the odds-on favorite in this match. That means, Bianca, that you are now going to be a victim of the most accomplished wrestler in PCW's history. That means, Bianca, that you have rendered yourself nothing more than another body to be ripped apart on my path to conquest, and you want to know the only difference that comes from me knowing who you are now Bianca? The only difference is that I'm going to ENJOY what I do to you now. You said you'd skitter away like a cockroach if things get too rough, but, the boot of God is big enough to squash any bug, no matter how fast it may run away, and Bianca, with how much you buzz and chirp and fly around with no purpose or intent, you are the biggest insect in this match, and I WILL crush you under my boot.

Don't think I'm a misogynist though, because I can acknowledge a woman worthy of respect when I see one. Unlike Bianca Reed, Emmanuelle is worth her salt. I was excited to hear you say that we won't be dealing with the good girl Emmy trying to carry deadweight like Roxie Gearheart into prominence, we'll be dealing with the rabid animal that has accomplished enough around the world to truly be worthy of a title like the "Platinum Standard". That's a title that holds quite a bit of weight, is it not Emmanuelle? I know what it means to be beholden to a title that you feel you must live up to. My entire life and the first part of my career up until this point I was burdened by that title of "Vidame", held back by my vows, chained down by my promises, but now I am free. Free to wreck carnage not in the name of some God, but in the name of 'Mercadier de Leon'. That name will be one to worship going forward. I am the one who will ascend to sit on the throne of the Gods. I am the one who will become the CONQUEROR of Prestige Championship Wrestling, the one who shall stand at the pinnacle, the main event of Standing Room Only, the one who shall walk out as World Heavyweight Champion. I don't need any title to live up to, I want my name to be that title, I want people to look up and think that they want to… No, that they NEED to be like Mercadier de Leon… That is my conquest, at the end of the day. There was no God to shine light down upon this world. If the shadows of the strong are what engulf this world in darkness then my shadow shall give way to light, I will be the one that becomes deified in my conquest, through my achievements, everything there is to win in PCW shall be mine sooner than later, and the Colosseum is where I shall make that happen. You don't need to give us the rundown of that tag team match Emmanuelle, you can talk to me about cheating and playing fair and all of that nonsense but it means nothing to me. I am a man who firmly believes that the ends justify the means, and for me that end is Godhood. That end is EVERYTHING. I am aiming for the WORLD. I have already run through everything on my way to the top. Two Prodigy Championships, these tag team titles, I am part of Salvation, the faction that runs the ENTIRETY of this company, and what I'm aiming for next isn't to be the "Platinum Standard", it is to be THE Standard, the one to watch, the one to follow, the one to fear, the one to worship, this entire company, industry, this entire WORLD shall bow down at my feet once I have won everything there is to win, accomplished everything there is to accomplish in PCW, I will transcend all existing boundaries and create not a glass ceiling to break through but a ladder to Heaven that no other man after me shall be able to climb, especially not someone who is content with second place the way you are Emmy. You can keep talking about your achievements around the world but this is PCW, what you do here matters, and all you've done here is lose… and lose… and lose… Good performances, sure, but second place in the Conquest Colosseum won't take you anywhere Emmanuelle. What did second place in the Chamber of Valor get you? Nothing. Nothing except a view of Sawyer holding the PCW Valor Championship over your head as you laid flat on your back looking up on the lights. Second place in the Conquest Colosseum? You'll be the last body on top of the pile, looking up at Mercadier de Leon as he begins his ascension to the Heavens, my last stop before I win the World Championship and attain Godhood… If you want second place that badly Emmanuelle… At least you'll have the best view.

Now the last man that I need to waste my breath on once again because he's developed a fervent obsession with me, Tomi Venus. Disappointing? Sure. You can place that much stock in my words. I don't think I disappointed you when I beat you down and crushed you like the worm you are the last time you had to step up to me and learn that taking my crown for a moment, for a week where you learned just how heavy the crown was, and you learned that in this day and age, you are just not fit to be King anymore. I mean, not that you ever were, and not that you'll ever be in the future, but I think that stark reality that this was it, that this was your best, your peak, one off-chance Prodigy Championship run in 2023 was where Tomi Venus belonged. That after ten years of blood, sweat, and tears, giving your body, your back, your knees, even your mind, your mental state and sanity, after giving EVERYTHING that constituted the man that was once Thomas Venus - you have nothing to show for it. In fact, for you, for a ten year veteran of wrestling, winning the equivalent of the rookie championship in your decade anniversary was a mark of shame. That after ten years you are only as good as someone like me who just kicked down the door to your house and took everything that was worth any value. The thing is, you yourself are worth nothing anymore. You're talking like you're one of the real threats in this match but compared to real prodigies like Maximus Steele, former World Champions like Nayati, international all-stars like Emmanuelle, and a God in the making like myself, you are nothing. I won't feed your delusions any longer Tomi. You don't want to take me seriously? Fine. I bore you? Fine. You think I NEED this win? No, I don't. YOU need this win Tomi. YOU have something to prove. If you're here in your tenth year chasing the same thing I am primed to win in my first, then YOU are the one with everything to gain. Me? I'm going to do what I always do.

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