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 Conquest Colosseum - Mercadier de Leon Promo #1

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Mercadier de Leon

Mercadier de Leon

Posts : 21
Join date : 2023-07-06

Conquest Colosseum - Mercadier de Leon Promo #1 Empty
PostSubject: Conquest Colosseum - Mercadier de Leon Promo #1   Conquest Colosseum - Mercadier de Leon Promo #1 I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2024 9:00 pm


I've walked that road, it is dark, lonely, and stained with the blood and guts of those who stand in the way of the conqueror's warpath.

Blood is shed in the name of many different idealistic convictions - glory, honor, revenge, family, loyalty, fiefdom, and worship… The last one is what began my road as a conqueror as I ascended the ranks here in Prestige Championship Wrestling. My God, who's light I thought stopped shining upon this world because the shadows of the wicked blocked out his radiance… No. How wrong I was, how utterly mistaken and naive I was to believe that. The truth was always that his light, his light simply never existed, but those shadows, they have always existed, and they were never the shadows of the wicked.

Who am I, or any man really, who is anyone to determine what is wicked and what is righteous? Gods, goodness, evil? None of that exists. At least, none of those are predefined, those are not the kinds of concepts we can pick and choose to what they will be attributed to. A follower of my old religion may view me as holy, good and righteous, for shedding blood in the name of the False God I once believed in, while another, who does not believe in that same God, would label me a tyrant, a monster, a barbarian who inflicts violence in the name of a nonexistent, ancient belief. Who is to say which one of them is right? Is it some old, intrinsic notion of good and evil which will determine that fact?


What is good, what is evil, what is right, what is wrong, that is all defined at the top of the mountain, at the very end of the path of conquest. Are my ideals righteous? Are my actions wicked? I can only answer that question once I reach the end of the conqueror's road. He who stands above all else as the conqueror of conquerors can then decide for himself, whether his actions were justified. And once the world itself lies in the hands of he who has conquered it all… Then it is fact. His will, his word, that is what becomes reality, that is what becomes righteousness.

I know I am a man with strong ideals, yet I have never hesitated to back them up, I have never failed to ensure that the words I say hold merit. I made sure that my proclamations to my God even if he did not exist, even if my words fell on deaf ears, I made sure to stand on top of a pile of bodies so tall and scream my name so loud into the Heavens so that whoever out there could hear. When I speak to other wrestlers in this company and talk down to them, remind them of their inferiority in the face of Mercadier de Leon, I made sure to do so with gold on my shoulder, gold on my waist, and a winning record that other rookies of this industry could only dream of.

You see, all of our paths have intersected towards this grand climax at Standing Room Only, with the events at Conquest Colosseum setting the stage for what is to come next, at the apex of PCW. However, my path, with both of the prospective World Champions, have been set in stone from the start. No, this is not destiny or anything of the sort. This is just the inevitable result of all of my victories. I stand here amongst the other worthy competitors, some more than others, but I would really wager that I, the most accomplished wrestler in PCW, the man who ran parallel to Matt Miles, the inaugural PCW World Champion, as the PCW Prodigy Champion, a belt I held twice before turning my efforts to Salvation, effortlessly winning the Tag Team Championships alongside Christopher Sabertooth, the current World Champion. I mean seriously, what an absolute story it would be if I were to battle Christopher Sabertooth, my ally, my fellow Tag Team Champion, for the World Championship in the biggest event in PCW's short history. But I won't get ahead of myself here, I'll have to focus on the war to come before that.

To say that this is the biggest match in PCW's history to date is an understatement. A match full of PCW's top stars, current legends of the wrestling industry, and future legends as well. A rogue's gallery of champions, both in and out of this company. Well for me, PCW is all I know when it comes to wrestling. This is where my career began and this is where my career will shine brightest. Christopher's mission is a sound one, only we can help this company ascend to the next level, and make PCW the mountaintop that all other wrestlers in this world can aspire to stand atop of. When you look at the short history of PCW, it is my name above all others that is etched into the bloodstream of this company, yes, and I mean that even more than Matt Miles and Christopher Sabertooth. And why not? Is that truly such a bold claim? Those are two men who have made their careers, established their mythos, and became legends long before joining PCW. But me, I am the man who has grown with this company. Through the good times and the bad times, all the championships I've won, all of the times I've done the unthinkable to win, and win, and win again, to bounce back from every loss, every set back, and remain a champion in perpetuity… There's no one else in PCW like me right now.

The field is strong, yet there is no mountain that I cannot climb… No, there is no mountain that I cannot slice through on my path to the top. A conqueror cannot be stopped by something as insignificant as the mere idea of an impossibility. There is nothing that is impossible for one who has the will of a conqueror. Especially when that impossibility stands before me in the shape of the man who I have just not been able to beat. The man who ended my second Prodigy Championship reign, the man who has truly ascended to the level of a 'prodigy' despite coming from humble beginnings. Yes, that man is Maximus Steele, and if there's one person I truly respect in this match, it's him. Of course I'd respect the first man to truly bring Mercadier back down to Earth from the Heavens where I reigned as Prodigy Champion. You know Maximus, when I think on it, you are the one who shattered my faith. You are the one who showed me that my God wasn't the greatest thing to fear and revere… No, it was men like you, my fellow conquerors on this planet, there is nothing to fear in the Heavens when men on the path to Godhood exist in this world, right here in this ring is where men can shed blood, sweat, tears, put everything on the line for their dreams and ambitions, and transcend their feeble humanities to become the shapers of reality.

Maximus Steele, your spirit, your desire to take the crown of this company and of this industry radiates off of you. What you have yet to learn, however, my modest and humble friend from the steel plant, is that the crown is heavy. Yes, the crown of a king is heavier than even the densest iron you've forged in the past. You took my crown, and unlike with that other charlatan Tomi Venus, I was not able to take it back from you. Yet maybe that was for the best, hmm? In the time that you've won and lost the Prodigy Championship, you've floundered. I'll admit Maximus, I floundered too - only for a minute. Only for one week, where my faith was shaken, my world was rocked, my promise to my mother broken by my own weakness, my chance to atone for my father's mistakes taken away, my devotion in my God shattered and then ---

And then I just let it go. I offloaded my burden, I severed my ties, I put my faith to rest, I realized that the only God I need to pray to is my own ambition, and that the throne in the Heavens where I once thought he sat is an empty throne, a throne built on the bodies of my enemies, a throne that is mine for the taking. Humble beginnings is where you came from, in life itself and in the wrestling business too. Humble beginnings, Maximus, is where you will remain.

Jupiter, my ally in Salvation, all I can say is… The best of us will win… And I will make sure that is me.

The others in this match do not inspire much competitiveness in me. Tomi Venus is the first obvious afterthought, his entire career as a wrestler, an art which he devotes his soul to, but clearly not his brain, because in one year I have surpassed his entire career. My accolades, my body of work, my connections in this company, my potential all greatly exceed his. I think I have proven in my series with him when I first debuted and won that Prodigy Championship, that Tomi Venus is simply no match for me, and since then, I've only gotten better, I have reached new heights, while Venus remains at the bottom of the barrel where he has been for his entire career. Roxie, Emmanuelle, did I not just dispose of these two on the last Triumph? Baffles me that they'd be in contention for a spot in the main event of PCW's debuting flagship PPV event, right after losing a major tag team title match against yours truly, but so be it. As long as Emmanuelle has to carry the worthless burden that is Roxi Gearheart, she will never be able to realize her true potential… and even then her true potential is still miniscule compared to my own. Perhaps they'll just be two more bodies to try to score a pin on.

Kasey Kash has seemingly lost his whole mind since he'd gone for broke against Mercadier de Leon, and he did come out broke. Chasing a vengeful vendetta against Matt Miles to no avail, and having nothing to show for himself after all of his hormonal personality changes, there is simply no debate over the fact that I have come out so far ahead of Kasey Kash that he wouldn't be able to catch up to me ever again. He will remain back at the starting line, as the poster child of failure and disappointment, and I will look down on him with shame and disgust from the top of the mountain as the PCW World Champion.  

Nayati is a threat. He fights like a rabid animal, sure, he has a good bite, but anyone with a modicum of intelligence will find his weak point and put him down, as I've done before, the very first time we met, as he too had to lay beaten on the floor next to five other competitors and watch as Mercadier de Leon ascends to the top and walks out with the glory of heaven. Now, Nayati may not demand much respect, but even I must admit that he may be the scariest competitor in this match. He is hungry, hungrier than everyone else, he is the only man in this match who had tasted the air on the mountaintop of PCW where he reigned shortly as the World Champion, only to have it taken away so quickly, by Sabertooth. I know Nayati well and I know that he will stop at NOTHING to take back what he holds so precious. He is not merely a prizefighter, he is a starving lion, and we are merely obstacles in the way of his prey.

Yet what is a conqueror, if not a man who can even rip the head off of a lion, hold it high, stand above the pile of his enemies' carcasses, and scream his name into the Heavens…

Mercadier… Mercadier… Mercadier.

It will be I who walks out of the Colosseum, and for this I am ready to leave it all on the line, risk it all, lose it all… This is my path to Godhood… This is my path to destiny…

And I will NOT be denied.

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