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 "Trial by Fire" Conquest Colosseum I

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James Christ

James Christ

Posts : 13
Join date : 2023-12-01

"Trial by Fire" Conquest Colosseum I Empty
PostSubject: "Trial by Fire" Conquest Colosseum I   "Trial by Fire" Conquest Colosseum I I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2024 8:28 pm

“In other news, business manager Aaron Elliot has started his new firm.”


“Elliott, a talent agent known for representing high-profile college basketball and football players, was once a part of the Larsen International Corporation - an agency that blended all forms of sports and entertainment. Elliot has departed from that organization and has begun ‘The Prodigy Group’. Anchored by athletes James Christ and Lennon Armada, Elliot now looks to conquer the world of Professional Wrestling, as well as the rest of the sports world.”


"Trial by Fire" Conquest Colosseum I VbtDNqd

The walls and floors inside of the new Los Angeles, California based-office were a luxurious off-white and black marble, and hanging on the half-wall that greeted you when you opened the entry door was a black plaque that read ‘THE PRODIGY GROUP’ in gold lettering. Venturing around the half-wall, you’re immediately greeted with Raquel Haythe - the secretary that sits outside of the large, and main office in the building - belonging to none other than Aaron Elliot.

The lobby was full of kids, and I use that phrase loosely as these men and women looked to be fresh out of college, looking to compete within the cutthroat world of being a sports agent. The word had spread, Aaron was looking to bring on staff to fill his new firm. The blonde sitting at the secretary's desk looks to be a bit flustered, along with everyone else in the lobby.

Turns out, Aaron was just casually late.

The front office doors burst open and sunlight flooded into the office. Aaron strolled into the building dressed in a sharp designer suit and sunglasses that gave off the very real vibe of ‘douchebag’. He turned the corner, immediately stopping. Removing his sunglasses, he looked into the lobby at the waiting hopefuls. “What the actual fuck is going on here?”

“Uh… they’re waiting to interview for the job you posted.. Sir.” Raquel replied, standing from her chair. She had a folder in her hand full of resumes, ready to pass to Aaron

“Fuck, that was today.”  He frustratedly groaned, moving his thumb and index fingers into the corners of his eyes while lowering his head.

“But Jamison and Lennon are waiting for you in your office.” She replied.

And, almost instantly, the headache that was beginning to arrive for Aaron was gone. He snapped out of it, lifting his head - and once again, that smile returned to his face. “Perfect! And… this…” he said, waving his arm out, motioning to the lobby full of candidates … “thin the herd. I don’t have time for this.” He said, turning and entering his office ….

….. “JAMES FUCKING CHRIST AND LEMON ARMADA!” he shouted as he walked into his office.

Jamison was lazily laid out on the couch, one arm tucked under his head and one foot outstretched onto the arm rest on the other side. Lennon sat in a chair on the opposite side of the desk from where Aaron normally sat. Lennon’s head turned, moreso snapped, in his direction as he jokingly mocked her name. He smiled, pointing at her with a finger gun - “Lennon.”

“How the hell we doing? Are we fucking AMPED?!”
he said, the door closing behind him as he rounded his desk, dropping onto his stupidly expensive chair. “Big weekend coming up! Lennon, you have a major opportunity in the Conquest Colosseum match. Not only can you defeat several big names in the industry, but you can showcase that talent that brought you into PRODIGY in the first place.” Lennon nodded her head,  a smile touching her lips.

And then Jamison - of course you know you have Jonah and it’s a match I know you’ve been preparing for.” Aaron said in confidence, but Jamison didn’t move from his laid back position on the couch. His eyes just focused on Aaron as he spoke.

“I don’t need to stress the importance of this event for PRODIGY. Consistency is what we’re after: you both had a couple of off nights and hey, it happens. It’s water under the bridge, as far as I’m concerned. But I know you two are perhaps the most talented on the roster; I can see it. Jamison has beaten every world champion that the company has thrown his way, his only loss coming to Chris Sabertooth. And that being the only blemish on your record? That’s not a fucking blemish. Sabertooth is a damn legend; you are - in comparison - a rookie. You have yet to even hit your stride or reach the peak of your career, and you’re already standing toe to toe with legends.” He smirked, “That is why you’re a Prodigy.”

“You both are, and that’s why you’re here. Lennon, you and I will talk about your match later  - there’s a lot to go over. But with you, James, it’s a little more concise. When I speak of consistency - I direct that more toward you. Jonah, he’s talented - I won’t sugar coat that, but he’s inconsistent. One week he’ll show flashes of brilliance, the same kind that you and Lennon share. And then the next week, he’s flopping around like a fish out of water.” Aaron leaned forward onto his desk, elbows now driven onto the top. His hands folded into one another, but his eyes never left James - who now sat up.

Twisting his body to sit up properly, James’ head hung as he listened. When Aaron’s voice broke for a pause, he turned his head to look toward him. “Inconsistency doesn’t make champions.”

“You’re absolutely right. And inconsistency isn’t a trait of a Prodigy. Even in defeat to Chris Sabertooth, you were as tough as nails. It took a lot more to defeat you, than the legend initially thought it would. You stayed consistent to what brought you here, to what made you champion,  to what MAKES you a champion. I know we want to do this as a trial by fire, of sorts …”

“I’m not sure about this one. Lennon? Yeah, I saw it in her. Jonah? I don’t know…” James interjected. Lennon remained silent, but her eyes and head bounced between James and Aaron.

“And that’s why we don’t just let anyone in the organization, James. Trial by fire. We need to test the mettle of everyone that could potentially find footing with the help of you, Lennon and - of course - yours truly. He showed promise, sure - but was it genuine or was it just a flash in the pan? That’s your job to figure out.” Aaron’s hands unclasped, free falling to the desktop.

“Genuine or not, I’m still going to take pleasure in what I’m going to do. I’m restless, Aaron.” James said, standing to his feet. Never turning his attention to Aaron or Lennon, he paced a few steps ahead of his starting position - and then turning back to march back to the couch. “I was that close -” he signed with his index finger and thumb, “- to beating Sabertooth, and since then? I’ve been sidelined. Since then, I’ve been waiting to get back in the ring and earn that match back. I don’t care that I lost, don’t get me wrong - shit happens. But I care because I know I could have beaten him. I care because I was that. fucking. close..”

Aaron remained silent, nodding his head. He was now leaned back in his chair, his hands folded together in front of his mouth as he watched and listened to James.

“Jonah, whether or not we’re more-or-less auditioning him for this role, is on the wrong side of this one. This trial by fire, as you say, is going to be brutal - much more so than what I put Lennon through. At least with her, she’s grounded. Jonah is someone who likes to take stupid risks which I can guarantee he will try that shit in this match, and I can also guarantee that I’ll catch his ass outta’ air with a knee that takes his head off.”

“Fuck! Yes!” Aaron abruptly stood up, shouting and agreeing with James’ take. He was fired up now. James’ focus sent Aaron’s adrenaline through the roof. “That’s it! That’s the fucking WAY a champion speaks!”

“And I will remain champion after this match, that’s a fucking fact. Running, jumping and bouncing around only saves you for minutes - I will lay in wait and fucking strike when I find the right time. And my strikes? Jonah won’t survive through. I’m sorry, Aaron, but the new hopeful for PRODIGY may end up getting a V.I.P. trip to the emergency room.” James said, stopping in his tracks. His eyes finding Aaron --

-- who excitedly clapped his hands and fist pumped. “I don’t care. I’m just fuckin’ stoked that YOU’RE focused and fired up! If Jonah can withstand the onslaught he’s going to face, then we’ll look at him more seriously. But the main focus right now is keeping that title, my boy.”
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