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 "Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II

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James Christ

James Christ

Posts : 13
Join date : 2023-12-01

"Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II Empty
PostSubject: "Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II   "Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 8:34 pm

"Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II Lnb8kLo

“Let’s go over something real quick. This isn’t a guarantee; there isn’t a clause that states that if you compete in the match, you’re guaranteed a slot in this group. Nah, it’s nothing like that at all. I know all of your flips, all of your tricks, and all of your showmanship has dazzled the crowds - Aaron Elliot included; but when it comes to your future? I have the final say. If I give the nod, you’re welcomed into PRODIGY - and if I say no? Then you’re just another guy finding his way back to the hotel after the show. Alone, defeated, and titleless.”

“The spot in PRODIGY is just a hypothetical, Jonah - this match is about the Prodigy Championship. A championship that I have elevated every time I’ve stepped into that ring and have soundly defeated everyone that I’ve stepped into the ring with. I’ve redefined the term Prodigy, and that’s something that I hear doesn’t sit well with the pro wrestlers in the back. A man who cares nothing about the industry, a man who doesn’t give two fucks about the history, the legacy, or anything to do with this sport - being a champion.”


“I said it when I first entered this business. Tried’N’True Wrestling - a little rink-a-dink promotion in the middle of nowhere; I don’t care about this shit. I’m not about the glitz and glamor that everyone else seems to soak up like sunshine. I’m not about the following on Twitter or Instagram. I’m not about the fame and, honestly, could give a fuck less about the fortune. I’m here because of Aaron. I’m here to fight. And it’s been a motto of mine since the start; only the best fighters deserve to hold championship gold - and I’ve proven to be that. By knock out, or tap out, I’ve left everyone down and staring up wondering what the fuck just happened.”

“Everyone except one person.”

“I hold no ill will toward Sabertooth for doing what he does; he’s made a career in this industry and he’s a big, household name because of those victories amassed. But, I will not take a loss just laying back. Other young pups in my position would be down and hard on themselves for the loss, especially after promising victory and talking a big game. They would say they made mistakes and will learn and adapt. And when you look at those guys and girls, some would go on to actually prove they learned the lesson they were taught - others would fail more and fade away and disappear.”

“What do we do where I’m from? Roll onto them and get revenge. I guess that’s where Aaron comes into play; to pull me out of that mentality and into what I need to do in this industry. He sat me down, instructed me to save that revenge for the next person - and it’s you, Jonah. Aaron wanted me to test you originally, but that was before the events of my last match. The original test you were gonna’ fail anyway, but now? I’m going to beat you bloody. It’s nothing personal, honestly. In fact, unless you stand in my camp - I don’t care much, if at all, for you - no matter who you are. Now I’m showing up to this match with the intention of driving my knees and my elbows through your fucking skull - leaving nothing but a broken bowl of bones and spaghetti for brains.”

“Call it extreme, but I’ve made my name in this company for being the best fighter. I was that close at beating Sabertooth. There is no almost in life, it’s either you fail or you succeed - and I failed, but I knew I could have won. Shit happens and I lost, but now I get to take that out on you.”

“I get it, you’re coming off of losses and want to prove yourself as well - but know that I’m not the one, Jonah. I’m not the one that you’re going to build your name on. You want to be an Ace? Not on my watch, man. I’m sure Aaron can help you get there, I’m sure PRODIGY can help make all of your dreams come true - but I’m standing in your way and as long as I still breathe, I’m remaining the Prodigy champion. You are not in the same league with Sabertooth. I’ve seen that through your work against Sawyer, against Rivera.”

“This isn’t trial and error anymore, Jonah. You have the chance for the Prodigy championship right in front of you - the time for trial and error is over, you need to have your shit ironed out. I’m the champion for a reason; like I said - by knockout or tapout. Every single fucking time. If you’re not ready, then you’re just going to be another name added to that list, and I can tell by the way you beat around the fucking bush - that you’re not ready. You’re not ready to look me dead in the eye and go to war over something, so you talk in circles. You’re not ready to go head to head, so you bring up excuses that you can readily make after the fact. Sure, you claim now that you won’t need them - but I can guarantee that they will be the first thing out of your mouth the week after this match. You prepared it all so you can breathe easy and sleep at night knowing that you have something to fall back on when you lose.”

“And believe me when I say that you will lose.”

“You can believe what you want, that doesn’t make it true. You can believe that you’re blue, come out of a fucking lamp and grant wishes - but you are no Genie. You can believe that you’re the next Ace of this industry, that you’ll be the next Prodigy Champion - but at the end of the day, you’re just Jonah fuckin’ Aspinwall - a kid that could never truly make it up the hill.At the end of the day, you’re just Jonah Aspinwall, a loser despite all of the resources and interest that has been put into you.”

“I will keep this championship right where it belongs, and I will use you to send a message to Sabertooth and to anyone else in this company that thinks they are going to best me. I don’t do the flipping, the jumping, and the glorified circus acts that you all do. I step into the ring with the intention of leaving your skull with an indentation of my knee or elbow. I step into the ring with the intention of using my fists and kicks to put anyone - and everyone - down. Jonah, you are no different, and you will be made to be an example.”

“A James Christ looking for revenge is a dangerous one.”

"Dangerous." Conquest Colosseum II VbtDNqd
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