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» Diamonds are Forever
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 Diamonds are Forever

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Fallon Stone

Fallon Stone

Posts : 15
Join date : 2023-09-04

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PostSubject: Diamonds are Forever   Diamonds are Forever I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 26, 2024 6:01 pm

The scenery is gorgeous. On a sandy beach on a hot Summer’s day, Fallon Stone is lying back in her chair in a black one-piece bikini underneath an umbrella, a pair of thick, designer sunglasses covering her features. In her hand is some kind of alcoholic beverage — Negroni Sbagliato, by the looks of it. She takes a second to sip from the glass, making sure to exaggerate her savoring of the drink, before finally acknowledging that the camera is rolling.

“Picture this.”

She begins, her tone surprisingly chipper.

“It’s one of Prestige Championship Wrestling’s biggest events — a Pay-Per-View event for the ages — the card filled with marquee match after marquee match, with every championship on the line, and to top it all off the show ends with a newly created, grueling Conquest Colosseum match, with the winner earning a shot at the PCW World Heavyweight Championship… imagine that.”

Suddenly, Fallon snaps.


Stone slams her glass down on the small table beside her, seemingly nonchalant about spilling much of the beverage as she shakes her hand dry.

“I have worked my arse off day in and day out to build this company up. From matches against Maximus Steele and Christopher Sabertooth, to single-handedly dragging around those PCW Tag Team Championships, PCW wouldn’t be what it is today without me. Yet what have I been rewarded with?! That’s right: Nothing! Less than nothing! I was expected to sit on the sidelines! After all the sweat and tears I’ve shed, I’ve earned my spotlight… yet all these desk jockeys are either too busy twiddling their thumbs to see that or — even worse — they’re trying to push me out of it like I’m some aged actress in the twilight of her career. Well bad news! I’ve not even reached my final form! Far from it, in fact. The Fallon Stone you’d seen up until now was only scratching the surface of what I could do. You’ve all underestimated me for far too long. I have a pinfall victory over the current PCW World Heavyweight Champion, for christ’s sake. Surely that should count for something! You’d think it would. You’d think that would have automatically qualified me for the Conquest Colosseum match… and yet I was overlooked. Treated as though I’m some curtain jerker. Meanwhile these other overhyped, talentless tarts were given free passes? No thank you. That doesn’t work for me, brother. I’ve watched too many times as undeserving, underperforming hacks have been given opportunity after opportunity only to squander it time and time again. But you don’t understand how far I’m willing to go for what these people want. You don’t understand how far I’m willing to go for what I want, for what I have craved since the moment I signed on the dotted line for this God forsaken company. You’ve all heard it. Every time I step out onto that stage, the crowd erupts into cheer. They’re chanting “Fallon! Fallon! Fallon!”. My merchandise is through the roof! I’m in all of the tabloids, creating buzz for this company just by breathing the same air as those troglodytes with their flashing cameras. I’m the single biggest draw PCW has! Not Sabertooth! Not Matt Miles! Not Kasey Kash! Me! And I’m sick of everyone else getting what should be mine.

Slowly, Fallon removes her sunglasses, staring down the barrel of the camera, her eyes like daggers. She leans forward, a smirk nearly escaping out of the corner of her mouth.

“When you’re not given a script, sometimes you simply have to write your own.”

“Conquest Colosseum may not have gone my way when all is said and done but I did what I set out to do and that’s make one thing abundantly fucking clear: The gloves are off — white or otherwise. I’m not going to sit back any longer and wait for my casting call because it’s clear no one knows what to do with Fallon Stone except for Fallon Stone herself. I could lie to you and say that what happened to Roxie Gearheart was simply a matter of “wrong place, wrong time” and that she was simply a victim of circumstance… but we all know I’d be lying. She’d had that coming to her for a long, long time. The opportunity to take out two birds with one stone was just too tempting to pass up. I have no remorse about what I did to Roxie. I have no remorse about what I did inside of the Conquest Colosseum. After all, why should I? This is show business.”

“And that’s all this Sunday will be: Business.”

“That’s something you could learn from me, Lennon. Ugh. Using your family at every chance to and pander to these people. This isn’t a family affair and this certainly isn’t America’s Got Talent, sweetheart! Your sob story won’t work on me. The only tears I’m concerned about are the ones that’ll be running down your face after I’ve stomped your bloody head in. You might have convinced these people you’re worth something, that you have a future, that you’ve earned a spot in that little “PRODIGY” project, but it takes more than a pretty face and some flashy moves to convince me. You had all the time in the world to prepare for the Colosseum and you fell flatter than a Taylor Swift singing performance. Little girls like you come and go like the wind.”

With a sigh, Fallon leans back into her chair, covering her eyes with her designer sunglasses once again almost dismissively.

“You’re a dime a dozen, Lennon. But me? I’m a diamond, darling.”

“And diamonds are FOREVER.”

The camera fades.

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