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 vs Kasey Kash

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Mercadier de Leon
Mercadier de Leon

Posts : 26
Join date : 2023-07-06

vs Kasey Kash Empty
PostSubject: vs Kasey Kash   vs Kasey Kash I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2024 6:13 am

Stepping stones.

The heads that roll upon the conqueror's road must have their skulls crushed under the feet of he who ascends to the top. Eras change, and they can last as long as eons, or as short as months. Some may claim that the era of Salvation is nearing its end. Some may claim that the time for Mercadier de Leon to stand at the precipice of the conqueror's path has ended. Is that so? The master of the universe is the only one that can answer that question with certainty - Time. However, I am a man who dares to challenge destiny. I welcome that challenge, I believe I am powerful enough to shatter predestination.

Let the heads roll, I've let plenty roll in my past. 'Vidame', 'Conquerant', eventually the day that you all shall know me as 'PCW World Champion'... Those days will come, go, and then come again. No, what is eternal in this case is my motivation. That shall never waver because my motivation is the strongest in the world. Stronger than the bonds between brothers, mother and child, friends who swore to each other with blood, fiefs to kings… My motivation is MYSELF. To ascend, to reach the end of the road, to stare down destiny itself at the top of the conqueror's mountain and DESTROY everything it had in mind for me… Because it is that in my mind which I shall make reality… My shadow cast over this world as the strongest… as the greatest… As the Conquerant.

So when it comes to stepping stones, I'll give Matt Miles and Maximus Steele their due. A formidable team who was able to capitalize on the circumstances and take from Arata and I what was ours. The Tag Team Championships are now yours, not because you were the better team… But because a foolish man who was better off in the grave that I'd left him in too many times before wanted to try to use me as a stepping stone. Tomi Venus… hubris is too weak a word to describe you. Even 'foolish' is greatly stretching the definition of that word. You are simply a waste. A waste of the oxygen you breathe, a waste of the resources you consume… A waste of the time and energy of both myself and anyone else who is unfortunate enough to have to share the ring with you. And for that reason, I am going to do now what people like you deserve the most. I will ignore your existence, because your existence is not even worth my acknowledgement. You wanted to make me mad? You wanted the attention of a greater man than yourself by taking away something precious from him? You think I'm going to chase you down and give you what you want by playing your petty games of vengeance? No. You are going to be overlooked, ignored, and cast aside like you should always be… Like you deserve.

But as the road reaches the end here for Season 1 of PCW… There is one man who passed me definitively on the way to the top. The man who is the sole reason why I am not the one standing at the top of the mountain across from Christopher Sabertooth at Standing Room Only. Kasey Kash, the conqueror in the making. Kasey, we've done this dance many times this season, yet it is your growth to become what you have become today, weeks away from your battle of legends with Christopher Sabertooth, that truly impresses me. While lesser men like Tomi Venus continue to fester and devolve, your growth into the warrior you are today has been amazing to see, and that I must acknowledge, even if my acknowledgment does contain shades of bitterness. What truly is there left to say between us now? I do hope you won't be so foolish and immature as you once were to come at me with the trite and expected jokes about me losing the Tag Team Championships. Don't get so bold as to insinuate that I too was unable to beat the man you so haplessly chased vengeance after. Matt Miles was not the better man, he was the 'fortunate son' at Last Stand, courtesy of that insect Tomi Venus. Now, who's to say that I won't play the role in your match against Sabertooth that Tomi Venus played in mine against the Alloyed Powers? You see, as much as I keep my head held high with my ego and pride held even higher, I'm not afraid to stoop low. I dislike you Kasey. I respect you to a degree, but I cannot stomach the fact that YOU took that opportunity away from me. I'm bitter, I absolutely am, and while Tomi Venus isn't worth my time, you, Kasey, you are.

This match will be our final proving ground for us both. The results of what this first season of PCW has shaped us into here at the end. The potential for what we may achieve in the future, for how we walk into season two and beyond. Will Kasey Kash be the World Champion, the one who dethroned Sabertooth at the top? Will Mercadier de Leon be a flash in the pan who was never able to reach the top? Or will I simply crush you here and now, where you stand? Kasey for you, this is do-or-die but for me… This is a second chance. Right my wrongs from the Colosseum. Stare you down again, man to man, and defeat you where I stand, just as I've done before… and just as I should have done that night. You are looking up at Christopher Sabertooth but I am right in front of him looking straight at you, or perhaps when my night is done… You'll be looking up at me, my shadow blocking the lights of the arena, my existence blocking you from seeing Christopher Sabertooth, and showing you that despite everything you have accomplished… Despite the best night of your life where you SURVIVED me to win that Conquest Colosseum, despite that all… if you lose again…

That vision of you having to look up at me… You will remember that for the rest of your life.
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