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Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeToday at 12:05 pm by HIM

» Blind Faith
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeToday at 11:45 am by Mercadier de Leon

» Chrome
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeToday at 8:19 am by Sawyer

» Just two boys, two girls, and a night to remember.
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeYesterday at 9:36 pm by Tomi

» Not So Blind - 23/09/24
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeYesterday at 7:09 pm by Matt Miles

» Tilly Hellstrom ⚡
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 15, 2024 5:02 pm by Tilly Hellstrom

» Remington Ivory Prescott
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 12, 2024 11:30 pm by Remington Ivory Prescott

» Stefan McCain
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2024 6:58 pm by Stefan McCain

» Fallon Stone
Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2024 1:17 am by Fallon Stone



 Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie!

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Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! Empty
PostSubject: Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie!   Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2024 10:20 pm

Roxie Gearheart doubled over to stretch out the last bit of nerves and kinks before her match later on, however as she lifted her body back up, a figure clad in black rushed her from behind swinging a steel chair, and before Roxie could finish turning around, everything went black…


Roxie came too not sure what had just happened, finding herself pushing up off of a cold floor of glazed over concrete, gray and without character. As she pulled up to her knees, she shook her head slightly only to instinctfully reach back and checked the back of her head for blood, but only found a swollen knot from the attack. She’d figure out what the fuck hit her soon, but she had more important things to do, like win her match tonight…


Roxie came too, after yet another loss… this time against the seasoned veteran Bianca Page in her debut match, and she finds herself back in the hallway she started in twice before now, sitting down against a cold, concrete wall that had been painted over with the sickliest of white landlord paint with her arms wrapped around her folded legs, and her head buried in her knees. The loss stung, especially considering that the week before she had lost to a glorified rookie in James Christ, throwing away her chance to compete for the Prodigy Championship, after fighting so hard against Cerywen in order to get back in the chase in the first place. She shakes her head, it didn’t matter. She lost, again… and is back where she started with nothing to show for it, meanwhile her opponent continues that climb up the ladder, having gotten the assist from…

Who the fuck hit me anyway? She asks to herself as she looks up from her knees towards the ceiling, I think it was Kasey… er… Azazel or whatever he’s callin’ himself. Whatever… if he wants to go around playin’ boogeyman that’s fine, I don’t care. But if he thinks that he can fuck with me, then…

Shaking her head, Roxie pulls herself up to a standing position. She looks around at the lonesome hallway backstage and shrugs her shoulders. She knows that she could very wells ind herself back here where she started again after her next confrontation, whether it be a match or just some asshole getting the better of her like what happened with AZAZEL, but as she looked around at this somber hallway in a random arena somewhere across the world sh can’t help find a sense of comfort, because yes, she’s not sure where she’s going, at least she knows that if she fails, as long as she doesn’t give in and lose herself, she can always try again from here… something that Kasey Kash was not able to do, it seems.

We fade in from black and we find ourselves in the middle of a flood of darkness, when all of a sudden from the bottom of our screen rises up a figure pale and ghastly white, barely visible in the dimmest of lights.

Can you feel it… the cold fingers of the darkness, the emptiness that fills us all with sorrow and despair, the same chillin’ fingers that have pulled a thousand, thousand of lost souls into damnation, forever cursed to wander the void unable to attain their dreams, incapable of findin’ the grace that guides us forward… don’t y’all want ot come and join us lost souls here in the void, where we can forever continue to spew this dumb fuckin’ bullshit that keeps us talkin’ in circles, not ever reaching a real point other than we’re dark, and scary, and edgy and oooh we’re gonna get ya cuz talking in the third person makes everyone even more intimidatin’ right?

The lights come back on and we see Roxie Gearheart standing before us in her costume closet, wearing a black dress, and a long black wig, its long bangs draped over her face. She reaches up and grabs the wig and pulls it off slowly from ehr face as she reveals a raised eyebrow and an annoyed look on her face.

I’d have gone for the full Wednesday Addams look, but I was out of black lipstick and white foundation, and when I went to go get some, it turns out that Kasey Kash had bought out the entire stock, go figure. She shrugged. Hey, at least I got to bring this dress out again, it’s been a minute… anyway…

A pause from Roxie for just a moment.

When I was a kid, my grandpa would always look at me and say “One day mon petit, you gon’ leave dis town an’ go where de water, she tastes like wine.” He hoped and dreamed that I’d be the one who could break outta the pit of poverty that my family found itself in, and make somethin’ of myself. I didn’t want to let him down, so I fought, scratchin’ and clawin’ and I found the land where the water tastes like wine, and I put a goddamned house on it… because unlike you Kasey Kash… I never gave up. Even if I fell I’d pick my ass back up and I’d run headlong back into whatever knocked me down, whereas you sugar, you’re the kinda cat who would keep wallowin’ in your own bullshit unable to cope with the bitter taste of losin’ until y’all lost any sense of dignity that y’all had left.

Wanna clear example, let’s lookit our runs here in PCW. My record, I know it ain’t nothin’ to write home about. I mean, I may talk about a big game half the time, but I know that I’ve come out on the other end of a match with my eyes looking up at the lights than I have standing with my arm in the air. Hell, you’ve even beat me before, so I know y’all can go. Your run here is just as choc full of losses as mine, but the difference between us sugar, is after I failed to win a championship, I picked myself back up, dusted away the dirt, and I kept movin’ on. I kept goin’, cause that’s what I was raised to do… that’s what I owed my grandpa. I didn’t decide to get all up in my feelings, go hollow, start playing demon just so I could have an excuse to take it out on the rest of the roster.

I know why y’all decided that I was the next target of your edgy little temper tantrum. It wasn’t to raise chaos, or send me a message, or whatever cryptic nonsense y’all are gonna spew from your painted face. Nah, it’s because when you found out that we were facin’ one another at Vendetta, y’all got scared, and you decided while y’all were shakin’ in your bondage pants that you’d try and soften me up a bit before hand so I wouldn’t embarrass you and push ya farther down into the pit that y’all dug yourself.

There was another slight pause from Roxie here.

Now, mind you… I’m only really talkin’ to Kasey there instead of you… his little guest… that is, if you’re real and not just his shitty coping mechanism for his insecurities and failures as a wrestler and a man… because I at least have enough respect for who the guy used to be. Cause let’s face it, Sha… if you are real, I learned enough about the occult hanging out in New Orleans to know y’all use your kin’s names cuz that’s what gives y’all power. Look at the big bad Iron Titan, he couldn’t keep your name out his mouth and look what happened. So, nah… y’all can keep your name to yourself. Now, even if I was arrogant enough to test my luck with superstition, I wouldn’t use your name, cause I don’t respect your bitch ass anyway. because if y’all were really some calamitous entity posing a threat to the world, then you’d have been able to possess someone like me, Maximus Steel, Damian Mordeaux, or someone who actually has some fuckin’ self worth, instead of the pathetic clown you’re in now.

Roxie lets out a small, demeaning laugh towards both AZAZEL and his “vessel”.

Whatever the reality is, don’t matter to me PUHZIZEL… cuz I’ve seen my share of monsters, and you ain’t compare to any of ‘em; and I’ve found myself in much more dangerous situations than a match with you, and I wasn’t afraid of any of that… so why should I be afraid of a bitch-made imp you?

Roxie asks before giving us one last smirk, before she turns the lights out again, bringing an end to this scene.

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Don't Stop Trying. Kasey did, and look what happened to him, he hollowed out. You don't want that do ya? Keep going, Roxie!
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