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 Kash Rules Everything. #019

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Kasey Kash

Posts : 23
Join date : 2023-07-10
Age : 30

Kash Rules Everything. #019 Empty
PostSubject: Kash Rules Everything. #019   Kash Rules Everything. #019 I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 18, 2024 12:31 am

You know, I am getting so sick of having the same old story happen. Because it's the same fucking thing over and over and over again.

Salvation is the worst thing to happen to Prestige Championship Wrestling. It's always the same when it comes to all of them. But now they got me facing the replacement for Jupiter King, but honestly I’d rather face off against Jupiter King. Arata is just a last minute replacement to fill the void, and he’s just gonna come up short.

This group is already showing signs of falling apart at the seams, and now with another massive ego in the group? It’s only a matter of time before it all comes apart. It’ll start with me taking this gigantic pussy with the mohawk to the limit and showing that even with Salvation lurking around every corner, he can’t hang.

Sure, I’ll give him his props. In the past he’s won his fair share of championships, but what’s he doin’ now?

He’s just playing second fiddle to Chris Sabertooth. He’s gone from being a former world champion to just being Christopher Sabertooth’s bitch. How’s he gonna react when he realizes all of that?

I know, I know. I hear everyone saying “But Kasey, Salvation says they don’t have a leader!”

Yes they do… and it is so fucking clear who that leader is if you just take five minutes and look at them. Sabertooth is clearly the one that’s calling all the shots for that group, and saying any otherwise is just showing that you’ve drank the Kool-aid when it comes to Salvation, and Christopher Sabertooth as a whole.

I already know before this match starts that that Arata thinks fuck all of me. Why should he? We’ve never ran in the same circles before. He doesn’t know what I’ve done outside of what I’ve done in Prestige Championship Wrestling so far. He doesn’t care about what I’ve done beforehand, because it wasn’t on his radar. That is where he’s already lost.

He doesn’t know who he’s stepping into the ring with. Just who Chris Sabertooth has told him he’s facing. Arata has been here for a cup of coffee. He doesn’t know what he’s missed, only that he’s come in towards the end of the first season when, in reality when you really wanna start talking about numbers, I have carried it on my back for most of this first season. I’ve given everything I have to PCW, and at Standing Room Only I’m finally gonna get what I deserve. I got close with Matt Miles, too close. But coming close doesn’t win you championships.

I’ve beaten all that needs to be beaten on the rise to the top. Everyone that I can beat, I did beat. Arata will just be the last hurdle towards the World Heavyweight Championship. That belt is the one championship I came to Prestige Championship Wrestling to win. I know I have what I need to carry this company into the future. I’ve shown that when I’m backed into a corner, I can fight like nobody else. When people doubt me the most, I think that’s where I thrive. Nobody believed in me when it came to the Conquest Colosseum nobody believed in me, and look what happened.

I won.

I proved all the doubters wrong, and I walked away with that World Heavyweight Championship shot. This is all I’m building towards. Everything I have done in my career is leading up to this, and this is the biggest test of my career so far. I have been wrestling since I was sixteen… and this means more to me than anyone else could ever know.

This run to me… I know I haven’t got a lot of time left inside the squared circle… I think that’s why it means so goddamn much to me. People just look at me and see a guy who’s going on too long, and they just see me as a free victory. I laugh at those people.

I laugh at people like Damian Mordeau. I laugh at people like Arata Asakura. I laugh at guys like Mercadier de Dickhead… and most of all? I laugh at guys like Christopher Sabertooth.

This run is all about me redeeming myself. Me making amends for the transgressions I made while I was under the influence of… them. I’m showing everyone that that is not who I am. I am showing that I don’t need some stupid fucking gimmick, or a gangoon of fucking idiots following me around like I have a tail, blowing smoke up my ass.

I can do this all on my own. I WILL do this all by myself. I never needed anyone to further myself in my career… I never needed to ride anyones coattails to further myself… but can you say the same, Arata? Can you look yourself in the mirror… as you sit right now… and can you tell yourself that you are where you are in PCW by riding in on the back of Salvation, and Chris Sabertooth as a whole?

Look… to end this all off. Let me give you all one simple message.

Salvation can suck the back end of my dick with their mothers lips. Because Kash Rules Everything… and what Arata is gonna find out when we face off is this.

You cannot kill Kasey Motherfucking Kash…

But I dare you to try.

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