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Join date : 2023-07-23

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PostSubject: Top of the World   Top of the World I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 25, 2023 2:46 am

(The scene opens up with Nayati sitting at an interview table. The flashes of bulbs going off blinding him, the chatter of the people bombarding him with questions. A lanky man stands up and starts asking Nayati a question who just looks at him with disgust before another one comes up and asks him another question that has him shaking his head.)

Reporter 1: Nayati. What happened out there?

Nayati: (smirks and leans into the mic before talking.) What happened out there? Well I lost you half-wit. I mean we got eyes, we got the sense of sight. If we didn’t I’d answer your question with more levity but that’s just a fact. I lost. The man who was unstoppable, the man who was invincible, the man who was undefeated was defeated. And yet here I sit, here I am answering questions you already know the answer to. And yet you still ask them, for what reason? To make a headline, to make me lose cool, to make me look a fool? What is it? Because I can tell you right now I am not down for playing this game of back and forth where we wonder what happened. Because a loss is a loss and I ain’t gonna try and down play that one bit. But what I am going to do is look forward, because I do have a bigger event waiting for me. Blind Faith, a fitting title not just for the prospect of how they’re crowning the World Champs but fitting for the people they’re entrusting to be the new common in this company. Let’s talk about that shall we. So sit.

(As Nayati says this, the reporters start to sit timidly.)

Nayati: Because look at this. A ladder match with six competitors. One title for them to all bludgeon themselves to death for or to end up being the heir of everything PCW has to offer. And not only that they begin this prestige. Funny to use that word since it’s a part of the company name but if we ain’t all fighting for a little prestige, then what are we doing here? Because prestige is what? A legacy for something, a history, a thing that gives the title it’s extra shine and doesn’t relegate it to being just a second-place title.I know so many places that have titles like these as second rate, as a way to show that wrestler is going to at least have their trust. And I’m not here to play that game. What, do I need to have the approval of the back? No I don’t. Because look at me, look at Nayati. My name literally means wrestler. I didn’t do that to be cute, I didn’t do that to be cliche. I did it because that’s what I fucking am. A wrestler, a prodigy, a person you can rely on. And if they want to use this title as a way to garner trust in someone then they don’t want me. Because I’m not here to earn trust. I am here to take shit to the next fucking level. If you want someone to prattle on and be a good little champ, then that ain’t me dawg. That ain’t who Nayati is, that ain’t what Nayati will be, that ain’t ever gonna be Nayati. 

Reporter 2: Well then who is Nayati!

(A reporter shoots straight up and yells this at Nayati, and then looks around timidly with Nayati staring him down. His demeanor then changes and he starts to chuckle. And points at him.)

Nayati: You, you I like.Right scared aren’t you but you want and I’ll give it. Because let this be a lesson for all of you on WHO Nayati is. Nayati is the face of not this company, but what this company can be. The future doesn’t just start with Nayati, but acts as the bar. We ain’t here to play games and I ain’t here to humor anyone who isn’t going to give it their all when it comes to facing me in the ring. I don’t care for mediocrity and honestly while I’m talking I’ll give TJ his due. He wasn’t mediocre, he did what others couldn’t and honestly put up more than a fight than those who were handpicked by this company, one of which is in this match with me. So if that’s the talent I have to face, those mediocre pieces of shit then tell me, what is the state of this title already. There is only one winner here, and it’s me, there is no one else, there will be no one else who can elevate the title to the point of contention that it needs to be. I ain’t gonna make this a second-rate title, a title for those who just weren’t good enough. Nah this title is going to be up there, a market will be made, and people will be wanting this more than the “World” heavyweight championship. I ain’t gonna knock on that title just yet but they ain’t gonna look down on me because I want this title. Nah they gonna have to realize the person who has this title will always be a fucking equal and will more than likely take the title when they’re not fucking worried about me. And I can see the looks on some of your faces thinking that that’s not going to work, but let me tell you, when you least expect it Nayati is gonna strike.

Now what’s this gotta do with who I am. Well workhorse would be a great way to describe myself if I wanted to be looked at as a fucking slave to those in the back. No, Nayati is what I said before. A wrestler pure and simple. Cut to the cloth, no more adjectives, nothing more to add to who I am. Because let’s be honest here. You want extravagant, you want people to look at the wrestler as a commodity and to have merch for them. But that’s Nayati. Nayati is a beast, a person willing to hurt others to make a bigger impact. And he will never be second best to anyone. Ever. You’re going to be able to build an empire due to Nayati, you’re gonna be able to have faith in Nayati, and if you don’t then that’s fine by my standards, but that just means you’re going to be championing the wrong people until I come and fuck every one of their dreams up. And then you’ll figure out that you bet on the wrong person. Because that’s who Nayati is, he’s not a dream maker, he’s a dream breaker, someone who is going to make their lives a living hell because you ain’t want to swallow your pride to save your own assets. Nayati isn’t a wild card, he isn’t the person you bring up because he makes noise, nah he’s the man you bring up because you want to make something out of nothing. Growing up being who I was, we didn’t get a lot so we had to work with what we was given. So I’m great in turning shit into gold and turning gold into platinum. If you want something to mean something you look toward Nayati to make it for you. That’s who I am, the fucking breadwinner in this bitch. You want something done you have Nayati on the payroll. If you want obscurity then you look at those who are in the match with me. Nothing to do, nothing of import, nothing they have over Nayati and will forever be in my shadow. Prodigy, prodigy, prodigy, a title for those who show exemplar skills and yet the people in it are people who look toward the future like they look toward the past, backwards. Their talent presides their names, yet when you put them up in situations that are too big they shit the bed. I ain’t here to keep shitting on them, but when you know your production is the best out of the talent you face you can’t help but make the point over and over again. You see I am going to show you who Nayati is in that match if you haven’t yet figured it out yet. And if you want to know more of the story then look to the ring as well because it’s going to be a show. Not just for you, but for those who want to keep looking down at what I can do and what I am able to do. That’s a fact when you face Nayati, and that will always be the fact whether you’re ready for it or not. It’s just going to be a matter of time when I unhook that belt, when I hold it above everyone. The symbolism of being atop the tower will not just be a symbol but of what is going to come in my career and what is reality.
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