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 Chapter Three: Vindication. #016

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Kasey Kash

Posts : 18
Join date : 2023-07-10
Age : 30

Chapter Three: Vindication. #016 Empty
PostSubject: Chapter Three: Vindication. #016   Chapter Three: Vindication. #016 I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 10:39 pm

Third times the charm, so they say.

Let’s just hope this time it’ll be enough to tell everyone what's what… and give them a pretty clear idea as to who they should be betting their hard earned money on come Conquest Colosseum.

Kasey. Fucking. Kash.

Because let’s face it here. While everyone else is wanting to become the PCW World Champion, I am the only one that has the heart to even be in the conversation to win the PCW World Championship at Standing Room Only.


Because it’s my fucking destiny to. As much as everyone likes to try and downplay my career trajectory. As much as people like to sit around with their thumbs up their ass and act like they’re better than I am.


I am down for making this a dick measuring contest between us all cause I have you ALL beat in that department, by a country mile at least. But it doesn’t need to come to that.


Because I won this match before anyone started talking.

I won because almost everyone immediately went the direction I thought they would. All, minus one, who have spoken about me went in the exact direction I was hoping they would… I was praying they would go down the route of me… because it is the lowest hanging fruit they can reach for.

It is the easiest thing for each and every one of them to try and blow out of proportion and claim I am something I was VERY clearly not… but they wanted to spin a story and paint me as this psycho who faked being possessed for six months to further their own agenda.

In their heads they have this picture of me that is the furthest thing from the truth. Nobody knows what I went through, even though I have been crystal fucking clear about it all. I have not left out one detail about what I’ve been going through. I’ve been honest about my therapy, how this has ruined the lives of countless people around me and how I haven’t seen my kids since.

But… I talked enough about my personal life in the last one. Let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this one, shall we?


God… you must’ve given Chris Sabertooth your brain along with your balls when you started riding his coattails, huh.

Why should you take me seriously?

Gee. Let’s think about this, shall we?

Because what do I have to gain from being anything less than my true, one hundred percent authentic self? That is all I have ever been. When I tell someone I am focused, driven and that I am coming into this with one clear goal in mind then that should be your clue to take me fucking seriously. I have nothing to gain from coming into this with, as you love to call it, “a selfish grudge”.

You don’t take me seriously cause you think of yourself as this higher being. “Vidame”, right? A person like you doesn’t deserve a title like that. What someone like you deserves is a wake up call. Someone to drag you down off of your high horse and show you what the world is really like.

That someone is going to be me.

Because I need to. This company cannot function with people like you… people like Jupiter King… people like Christopher Sabertooth at the forefront of it. What you don’t understand is that with people like you trying to spearhead this company what you’re doing is being the reason for its demise.

PCW needs to be rid of Salvation. Because we do not need, nor want you here… and I will be the one to save the company from you.

Now… Thomas.

Let’s talk about you, yeah?

Let’s not try and pretend that everything you have said about me was just you “pretending to be mad”. You don’t get to set off a chain of events that leads to you finally getting yours, only for you to reply with the most bullshit excuse of “Oh, I was just pretending!”

That’s just a pathetic excuse from a pathetic excuse of a man… so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised you took that route with your reply.

You’re goddamn right I’m going to sit here and call you a failure. Because that is what you are. What have you done in PCW that should prove me otherwise? What have you done since you stepped back into the wrestling world that tells me that you’re not?

Won the Prodigy title? Sure. I’ll give you that. But you also held that belt for the shortest reign out of anybody that’s held it so far… so maybe not. Maybe you’re not deserving of that.

What you are deserving of, however, is the consequences of your actions, which will be coming to you tenfold in this match.

You like talking about how you’re “dangerous”... and how you’re still “giving people nightmares”.

You wouldn’t last a day in the nightmare I lived for half a year. You would be crying for your Mommy like the pathetic man child you are, and continue to portray yourself as. Nothing was going your way when you were under a mask, so you ditched it and tried to say it was what was holding you back… but we both know that was the furthest thing from the truth.

What’s holding you back is the fact that you’re still caught in the past. You can’t escape what was done to you to drive you from the industry and that scares you. That’s your nightmare that you refuse to escape from.

THAT is why I’m going to beat you. THAT is why you can’t hold a candle to me… and THAT is why you will never amount to anything in PCW… not while I’m still here.

A wise man once said, you don’t throw stones at a man with a machine gun. Thomas, what you’re doing is exactly that.

You’re throwing stones while you yourself are living inside of a glass house. You’re unsure of not only yourself, but everything going on around you. You’ve lost track of not only who you are, but of what’s real and what's fake in this industry.

You speaking on me and on my name in the manner you did? That made this real. You don’t just get to double back on it now that I’ve told you what you should be expecting. You wanna call me a basket case?


I do it all the time. Difference is, however… is that I’m not as fucking mental as you are. Sure, I need to be some level of crazy to be wanting to put myself through what I do in deathmatches, but you’re out here… proclaiming you’re bigger than Jesus?

Aight. So where’s Ringo, Paul and George then?

You’re fucking pathetic, Thomas. But you have your own head so far up your ass that you can’t fucking see you like we all do… you hold yourself to this standard that you yourself know you can’t, so when you do eventually fail all you do is make excuse after excuse after excuse.

I, personally, cannot fucking WAIT to see and hear what excuses you have for all of us after this match.


I was… so fucking disappointed to see what you said.

We were in the same fucking company before PCW. SWWS. We have shared a locker room. We have interacted on more than one occasion while under that banner. Not to mention, I have COUNTLESS hours worth of matches to watch in PCW… I have been in this company since its foundation so you really have no excuse to not “know me from Adam.”

Seeing someone of your caliber write me off like that was so fucking disappointing. Do your research next time. Because you have no fucking excuse to be this fucking ignorant.


You are someone I’m actually looking forward to facing. You said it yourself, out of everyone in this match, you and me are the most alike.

But one thing you said stood out to me. That I don’t “get it”.

Trust me when I tell you, I do get it. I may not have experienced what you’re going through to the extent you have. The constant being overlooked for people much more undeserving for title shots over and over again, but I have experienced it.

Look at me.

Of course I have fuckin been overlooked for other people far less deserving. Before twenty twenty, I weighed a buck fifty soaking wet. I was smaller. All I really did was high flying flippy shit and deathmatches. Of course I was left out of the spotlight in favor of people who I felt were less deserving than me.

That filled me with resentment. So I took matters into my own hands.

When I finally got my shot, I won it MY way… I won it with help. I took one of the company's favorites and with two people I considered my family, we beat him senseless. Left him bloodied in the center of the ring and I went on to hold the belt longer than anyone…

But that initial win…

That still eats at me.

I still can’t beat the guy I won the title off now, and I think part of that is because of how I initially beat him. I still have that doubt in the back of my head that my one and only victory over him has an asterisk over it from now until the end of time.

What I don’t wanna see is you going down that path. I know I probably have no room to talk about your career, but the lack of recognition and respect you’ve been given while here is something that resonates with me. No one else in this match has given you the time of day. Nobody has said a word about you, nor have they given you the flowers that you deserve which frankly… I mean… look at my response to Emmanuelle. I was disappointed.

What I want is you at your best. Not you at your most desperate… knowing this is a chance that is few and far between for you, which again in my opinion is bullshit… but I know what you might start thinking about.


If-slash-when we come face to face in that match, I want to face Killer B. Not this version of her that has this chip on her shoulder.

So. Where does that leave the rest of the field?

I ain’t heard shit from Lennon, Jupiter, Roxie or Nayati. Nor do I think we will this close to the event. I haven’t heard from Maximus since the start, which is a shame. I mean, I did technically beat him while I was under the influence of… them. But I was hoping it would be more… competitive from this “Iron Titan”.

That leaves me here.

In my eyes, ahead of most of the pack.

Out of everyone else I HAVE heard from in this match, only one has given me respect. Only one.

I am… not surprised at the lack of respect. It’s something I touched on previously but still… Jesus Christ. I expected people to touch on the obvious when it came to me… but for it to be the only thing everyone talks about? I feel let down.

I feel like I’m in this match with a bunch of pull string dolls. Because ninety-nine percent of you are just repeating the same tired bullshit I’ve heard a million times before when it comes to me. Nearly none of you are taking this seriously… and that is going to be your fucking downfall.

Because at the end of the night, there’s only gonna be one stood head and shoulders above the rest.



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