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 Chapter One: Redemption. #014

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Kasey Kash

Posts : 18
Join date : 2023-07-10
Age : 30

Chapter One: Redemption. #014 Empty
PostSubject: Chapter One: Redemption. #014   Chapter One: Redemption. #014 I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2024 10:40 pm

While everyone else is probably out here, and they’ll be using this time to run everyone else in this match down and try to discredit their character… what I’m going to be doing is telling you why I am going to win this… why this match is so important for me in my career… and why I NEED to win this match.

So… let's start with this.


That is… the million dollar question. Why did I choose to take part in this match before anyone else had? Why did I want to be the one to set an example… why did I want to put my body through hell to get another chance at the World Title at Standing Room Only after I just spent the better part of six months trapped as… a prisoner in my own mind?

A great question… with a simple answer.


This… this is my chance to… to prove that I belong like I say I do. Because the day I can’t back up my words? That’s the day that I hang up the boots for good… and I don’t feel like doing that anytime soon.

I still have so much left to prove in this industry… I have so much time to make up for after I was… taken for a joyride by them.

I was just on the cusp of… breaking through that glass ceiling that is placed above people like me… people who are never given a chance in this world to show their full potential… you see I’ve been jumping over barriers placed in front of me my whole career. I’ve been told I will never amount to anything, never will I be able to hold a candle to my fathers legacy and just by stepping inside the ring I have had people tell me I was ruining his name… and he would be so disappointed in me.

Do you understand what that does to a guy?

To be told over and over and over again that nothing you do will ever amount to anything? How you have a… a constant need to prove yourself by doing increasingly dangerous stuff? The toll that it ends up taking on your body… all because everyone keeps telling you that you will never… ever… amount to anything in your life. I mean… it’s enough to drive any normal person insane. Thankfully, however… I am the furthest thing from normal.

I’ve been in this company since the start… it's been my goal to become the PCW World Champion… more than anything it's what I have strived for… what I have aimed for… what I have tried time after time after time to earn… but I always fall just short. I failed twice against Matt Miles.


I mean… I beat him once by count out… then I lost when I got my chance again… and I fumbled that too.

Seems to be a running theme for me here, huh?

Seemed to be nearing in on a championship run of some sorts, only to drop the ball.

So… why would I want to be part of the Conquest Colosseum when, given my track record, this time will be no different from the last? That Kasey Kash will be handed another opportunity to strike for gold… and what’s gonna happen? Oh he’ll just end up falling short again… like he always does.

Kasey Kash… always seems to be living up to the potential that was labeled on him from the start.

Amounting to fucking nothing.

That’s what everyone is expecting out of me. That this run will end the same way it always does. My leaving the building with my tail between my legs never to be seen in the championship picture again. That’s what everyone wants to believe… that’s what everyone is expecting out of a guy like me.

They expect me to fumble this bag again… lose my mind and let some other fucking demon take control again for another six months. That’s what everyone wants, isn’t it? To see Kasey Kash lose his fucking mind over and over and over again for their own amusement? Because they have nothing else going on in their life to the point where they need to focus in on my life… and all the things I have going wrong for me to feel something because all they have is the same shit… over and over again.

They’re all getting complacent. People are getting predictable.

Wanna know how I know? Because I can see what everyone is going to talk about when it comes to me in this match. I can see everyone mentioning AZ-... him… and how now that he’s gone I’m just pretending as if nothing ever happened which could not be further from the truth. I know what happened with him… I understand that I have a lot of ground to make up and a lot of bridges to rebuild now that I’m back.

What people fail to understand is I lost more with him in charge than I ever could’ve hoped for… I lost out on seeing the birth of my daughter. Do you understand how… fucked that is? I nearly missed the birth of my son, and I completely missed the birth of my daughter. I will never get that moment with her. Sure, I will with kids I will end up having down the track, but that… precious moment with my daughter is gone. I will never… ever get it again.

Do you understand how fucked up that is?

I missed the birth of my daughter… because of what happened… and people, some of them in this very match, have had the audacity to even imply that I did this shit for attention… that I purposefully took myself out of the lives of people I care about the most and missed so many important moments… missed the birth of my child… missed the first holidays with my fiancée… missed my fiancée’s birthday.

That… amongst a plethora of other reasons is why I am here

It’s why I was the first to announce themselves for the Conquest Colosseum.

Because this is my chance at proving everyone what's what. Show the world why I am the way I am. Why I am still going when any normal man would’ve quit and given up by now. Because I am the furthest fucking thing from normal.

Wrestling is my life.

It’s all I’ve ever known… ever since I was three years old it's what I have wanted. It’s what I’ve done my entire life… it’s why I’ve traveled across the globe and wrestled on all but two continents. It’s what I have spilled buckets of blood for… its why I spent so many hours being sewn up by whoever had some sort of experience with a needle… or why half the cuts on my body were put back together with fucking superglue.

Because this industry is what I love… more than almost anything else on this planet.Thats what people don’t understand about me. I will do this until the day I am told not to anymore.

A lot of people have asked me the same question… why will I be fighting in the Conquest Colosseum?

Because I need to be PCW World Heavyweight Champion.

It’s why I joined up with this company… from day one I made it my mission to win the PCW World Championship… I’ve fought time after time after time to try and get a chance at touching that belt… and I’ve fallen short time after time.

This time is different.

This time… nine other people are locked in there with Kasey Fucking Kash. They are going to be locked in my environment with the most dangerous… and most motivated person on this roster right now…

You see everyone else will be telling you about how much it’ll mean for them to win this for the sole reason they just want the bigger paycheck as the World Champion… I need to win this for my story to be finished.

Because if I don’t win?

If I walk into the Conquest Colosseum and don’t get my hand raised by the end of the night? Then I don’t know whats next for me in this company.

I joined up on day one with the sole intention of becoming the PCW World Champion. Hell, I’ve beaten the second champion three times! Three! Damian Mordeau cannot lace my fucking boots when it comes to us facing off against each other. That’s how fucking good I am when the title isn’t on the line… but when the belt is on the line it seems to just… throw me off.

I don’t know what it is. I try. I give… and I give… and I give and I fucking give for this company and I have nothing to fucking show for it.

THAT is why I am going to win.

THAT is why I am going to put everyone else who steps inside the Conquest Colosseum to rest.

THAT is what separates me from the rest of the pack.

THAT is what makes Kasey Fucking Kash that fucking special.

Because I have heart. I’m not in this for any other reason other than to prove I am what I say I am. Everyone else has some ulterior motive when it comes to this match… and that is going to be their downfall. They are not all one hundred percent focused on this match, and you know what? I don’t blame them.

As I said earlier, they’re just getting complacent here. They aren’t going to give this match their undivided attention… and that is what is going to separate me from them.

They’ll use this time to try and assassinate everyone else’s characters. Try and downplay each other in this match. I won’t be like that. I know what the risks are with each person. I know how each of them are probably going to react and how they all want to push each other's buttons the most.

This whole time in between now and the match is just going to be one long elaborate dick measuring contest. Everyone is gonna see what they can dig up about everyone and try and use it against each other, but that can be their game. They can sit over there and play chess.

But I’m playing checkers. They’re playing the wrong game against the wrong guy and they don’t even know it until its too late…and they’re left laying up looking at the lights while I’m one step closer to the goal I set out for myself from the day I signed my fucking name on the contract.

This is the year I finally get what's mine.

This is the year I finally get the respect I have earned from my nearly ten years in this industry.

This is the year that nobody overlooks me anymore… that nobody treats me as an afterthought. I am Kasey Motherfucking Kash, goddammit.

I DESERVE respect. I have EARNED it by giving my life to this industry.

I’m coming for everyone's head. I’m taking no prisoners.

This match will be the launch pad that finally leads to the locker room understanding who the fuck I am, and why treating me as just some other guy was their first mistake.

Because everyone else is gonna find out real quick that when it comes to the Conquest Colosseum… they have no place to run. No place to hide. They can’t run from my destiny… they can’t escape what's about to come their way.

They’re gonna be locked inside that cage with a version of myself that nobody has seen before.

They’re gonna be locked inside that cage with The Last Outlaw.

They’re gonna be locked inside that cage with Kasey Fucking Kash.

They’re gonna be locked inside that cage with the next PCW World Heavyweight Champion.

And nobody can do a goddamn thing about it.
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