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 The Fodder Keeps Coming

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Join date : 2023-07-23

The Fodder Keeps Coming Empty
PostSubject: The Fodder Keeps Coming   The Fodder Keeps Coming I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 19, 2023 3:22 pm

Uninspired. Sloppy. Not the best performance I could give, and I’m sorry. You saw the worst of what could come from me. But even in that performance you saw domination, you saw ruthlessness from Nayati. And that’s just what you’re going to get. I don’t carry the people I’m in the ring with, I throw them around and make them work for the grandeur they want. If they want it they’ll fight for it, if they don’t then I’m just having a boring day in a boring match. But that’s not going to be my norm. I know you fuckers want something exciting you want something that brings you up from your seats. And you’ll get that from me. It just won’t be in the order you want it. You want it to happen as soon as the bell rings, but you’re going to have to wait. You’re gonna have to wait for me to tear apart those who stand in there with me. Let me play, let me show them the mistake they made getting into that ring. Because it’ll be the last thing they ever do of importance in this company. I am shaping the standard here, I am showing people that this mediocrity they’ve been stewing in, that they’ve been watching and enjoying has been wrong. It’s been nothing but the fucking worse that this company can offer and I’m sick of it. I am sick of mediocre, I am sick of letting these “talent” let their stink linger here. 

In my journey to learn, to be able to dole out pain in any way I possibly can, the talent have always been the answer. Being able to break their spirit down as swiftly or as efficiently as I could, was always my answer. And it seems to be the answer going forth. I haven’t yet met someone to tell me that it isn’t or show me that my thoughts are wrong. Because they keep falling easily to my barrage and power. They don’t have what it takes and honestly, I don’t have the patience to wait for them to do so. Taking out the garbage is going to be my goal, until I meet someone who can finally do what no one has yet to do so far, be a threat to me. But it seems that PCW doesn’t want that to happen, or they just keep pulling names out of a hat. Honestly Mercadier was probably their only ace in the hole they could put against me, and he did nothing against me. So now they got another unknown, a TJ Alexander who is looking to make a mark I’m sure. And what better way than to take out the man who has a commanding win streak so far. I’m becoming a bigger name than those in the Blind Faith tournament that they decided to put me in the Prodigy Championship match. 

I’m such a high end talent they already want me to carry such a title that is going to skyrocket not only my stock but the company to a greater height. And I’m not gonna let a small man like TJ try and get in my way. I don’t understand the fodder, the people they bring into this place here. Because there’s something about them that always just screams desperate. Desperate for a chance, for a spot they could never get on their own volition. And they think it is so easy because of the new spot they end up in. I don’t know TJ’s motives, and I can’t care enough to even think about it any longer than I am doing so right now. Because look at me. LOOK AT ME! I am the fucker who is going to keep this shit afloat with what I bring to here. And that’s going to keep bring in others, people who I have never faced before, People with different styles and ways to bring hurt. And that makes me smile, that makes me excited, that makes me know that I AM THE HYPE. I am that person people are wanting to face, that people are wanting to be in the ring with because I am the one who can elevate them more than anything. That’s some workhorse shit, that’s some reliable shit that’s some FACE OF PCW shit. I am the face of this company, face of all the talent that is going be put on this map. This company knows it which is why they keep giving me fodder, they want to have someone else that can stick, that can compete, but they keep giving me fuckers who don’t do shit. Is this going to change? Is this going to? Am I going to get competition? Not if they keep getting dumbasses like the people I keep facing. They have a wide range of people who they want to market, and they’ve been doing well. But yet, they don’t want me to face them? Why? Are they scared? Are they worried that the Real Face of PCW is going to take their spot and the work of many weeks is going to go down the drain? 

They need to pull the trigger, they need to not keep me waiting because I am going to force my way to the top if they don’t do something soon. Because the money they are losing is a lot. The people they are losing is going to continue. And the people who are going to keep being afraid to face me will also be increasing. Because I am tired of getting no one who can satiate my learning. I need more subjects, I need more people to learn and play with. And once I get that done, once I get them broken down, then I can mold them into a person who can finally learn from me. But right now, they’re just nothing more than insects. You’re going to see that again this weekend, I guarantee it.
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