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PostSubject: Perspective Is Important   Perspective Is Important I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 11:57 pm

Perspective is Important

There are a lot of things on the line as we head for Conquest Coliseum. A spot in the main event of Standing Room Only is the main thing, obviously. Challenging for the PCW World Championship is a big deal, and even though I’ve made it clear that I want to stand opposite of Chris Sabertooth to shut his ass up, I would be no less excited to test myself against Matt Miles. I could see the posters now: Platinum vs Gold. 

Perspective is an important thing though as we go to this. Everyone is going into this with their reasoning as to why they’re going to win, what they’re fighting for. Of course we all think we’re the best. Why else would you undertake a match like this otherwise? We all have our motivations. 

Tomi and Kasey in particular think that because they’re seasoned veterans or have been wronged in some kind of horrible way that they deserve their moment in the sun. More on that later.

There’s Lion-O and Sailor Jupiter, Christopher’s running buddies in Salvation. I’m sure Jupiter is just being a good lapdog for Chris, but perhaps I was wrong about de Leon. More on that a little later. 

We got the scrappers, the people who have busted their asses to get in this position. Nayati, Roxie, Lennon, Bianca, Maximus. Nayati’s a former world champion who is trying to reach that mountain top one more time. Maximus is a former Prodigy Champion who feels his time is here to ascend to the main event scene. Bianca, Roxie and Lennon are all scrappy dreamers, eager to prove their doubters wrong. Eager to shed the labels that have been put on them by others in this match or even just the company at large. 

I’ve been doing this wrestling thing for a little while now and I’ve learned one of the best ways to prepare for matches is to understand the perspectives of those that you’re facing. The more you understand a person’s thinking, the better you can anticipate their moves, prepare for their strategies, and realize just how far you may need to go to put them down. 

I offer up my friend Roxie as an example. We’ve already fought in the ring, we’ve fought together. We’re training together often more and more along with Cerwiden, who I believe will become the PCW Valor Champion. I understand a lot more about what I have to deal with, and how I’m going to have to do it. If I have to be the one to take Roxie out, I won’t take a lot of joy in that fact but I’m more than capable of doing so.

Maximus and Nayati, I’ve wrestled them both before and got pinned in that triple threat tussle we had over the Prodigy Championship. Maximus is about as straightforward as it gets. There’s a unique charm to him, I gotta say. He’s going to give you everything and even though he’s confident in his abilities and sincere about his aspirations, he never gives off the vibe as he thinks you’re beneath him. Nayati is a little more….rough around the edges, but just as determined and perhaps even more vicious. I don’t think it was an accident he became PCW World Champion ... .but I don’t think it was an accident he lost it either. He’s explosive and someone that’s definitely NOT to be fucked with, but he can get sloppy in his anger, unfocused. Having had to take on both of these super heavyweight badasses at the same time gave me just a taste of what this kind of match will provide. I understand where both of these men came from and what they went through to get to where they are. I know getting past either of them will be the challenge of a lifetime. 

I have a little more difficulty reading some of the others. Jupiter is someone who I thought I had a good read on. I thought that we were both craving the same sort of competition, adhered to the same principles and pursued the same sort of goals. Now that she’s involved in this Salvation business, I don’t know what to think. Is she in it for the security of being around someone like Sabertooth? Is she content with being the lapdog? Is she lost? I don’t know. But what I do understand is that she attacked my friends, one of them without provocation. She chose to help them beat down me and Roxie. She chose to pick that side of the fence she’s standing on now. 

She’s chosen the beating that awaits her. 

So has Mercadier. But Lion-O has piqued my interest. I have listened to a lot of his pontificating and perhaps I was too quick to dismiss him as a lap dog. The more I hear him speak, the more his ambition seems to seep out. You proclaim yourself a conqueror, someone that has a higher ambition than what I’ve seen you actually perform. While the idea of you actually beating Christopher and driving him into hiding because he can’t fathom the prospect of losing to anyone is appealing to me, something that you said stuck with me. You see the potential, but you think yours dwarfs mine. You know what? We’ll see. I do know this though: my “potential” is not limited because of whom I associate with- only yours is. Roxie isn’t a burden or albatross, she’s an adrenaline boost. The more you disparage and insult her, the more frequently you get me pissed off.

Your pal Chris can tell you why that is not exactly the smartest thing to do. 

Kasey. Yes, you’ve got heart. You’ve got drive. You have a reason to succeed. But…do you honestly think that makes you special? Do you think the other fucking people in this match haven’t worked hard, haven’t pushed to get themselves to this point? You’re disappointed that I don’t remember you? Maybe you should do a little MORE research of your own: I’ve been busy. With what? Being a World Champion for going on 500 days now, being undefeated in Singles competition there. I’m sorry if remembering your ugly mug and interacting with you don’t trigger pleasant memories for me. Or a memory of anything at all. Perhaps if you were a little less of an asshole, maybe we’d have a more cordial relationship. I don’t just give out respect because someone feels like they’ve earned it and it should be afforded to them. Look at the examples of people I’ve fought: Roxie and I are tag partners now after throwing hands. While Maximus and I aren’t bestest best friends, we have a healthy respect and acknowledge what the other can do in the ring. You want that sort of treatment from me? Come earn it. Otherwise, stop complaining because people don’t think the universe revolves around your ass. I don’t think you’re insignificant or anything, I just want you to stop complaining about how you’re treated. 

The same thing can be said about Tomi. What happened to you is regrettable. Broken back, the lost time off your career, learning how to walk again. All of it is traumatic and painful. None of it gives you the go-ahead to be a piece of shit. Look, you beat me last time we crossed paths, and I was a little nonchalant when I shouldn’t have been. When I looked at you then, I saw a madman completely off his rocker. But now I realize what I should have seen: an angry little rattlesnake pissed at the world who is willing to do anything to get what he feels like was stolen away from me. I don’t understand how you keep lumping me in with people who have wronged you before like you’ve tended to do, but I need you to understand that your ambitions to reach the Main Event of Standing Room only end the millisecond you and I cross paths. Not only do I owe you a receipt but also I feel that the biggest, most effective therapy for someone like you is a beating. 

And even though I have a lot of thoughts, there is one person who has stood above all else in showing me how skewed their perspective of the situation is. 

Bianca Reed, COME ON DOWN! 

Aight, You’re right. I have blown some opportunities. But, since you did your research, do you understand the context of those losses? Yeah, I lost the Prodigy Championship match, but that was after I beat the Prodigy Champion in my debut match clean as a goddamn freshly washed sheet. Yes, I failed in the Chamber of Valor, but after beating the CURRENT World Heavyweight Champion of this company in the middle of the ring to qualify for it, and outlasting his current #1 contender in that Chamber of Valor to make it to the last two. It took a star-making performance from a great wrestler to keep me from my first title here. And the tag team championship? First off, we earned that match, second off…

Come on.

Anybody with a brain saw that we had Salvation beat and their asses got saved. 

If you’re gonna read for filth, you really need to up your READING COMPREHENSION, sweetheart. 

Also, you’ve been here for all this time and...you're complaining about opportunities that I’ve gotten? Here’s the thing you Rainbow Brite haired little shitstain, every opportunity that you’re whining about I’ve earned. I came in the door, I demanded my spot and I’ve done anything possible to get there. You want to know why I don’t know who you are since you’ve been here since the very beginning? Maybe it’s because I never SEE you do anything worth a damn.

Did you headline a Pay-per-view in one of the greatest matches that PCW has had? No. 

Did you earn your way into a title match that also was one of the headline matches of a PPV against two of the best big men in the world? No. 

Have you gone about forming the first all-female trio in PCW history? No. 

Have you done anything of note except fucking up the few opportunities you’ve gotten, sitting around talking shit about how big and tough you are? 


You haven’t done anything but sit on your ass and expect me, the most go-getter type motherfucker around here to acknowledge your presence? Fuck ALL of that. 

If I’m the standard of what not to do around here, you’re the standard of laziness. YOU could have had all those matches that I had, done something to push yourself forward into a championship contender that can be relied on to put on classic match after classic match after classic match after classic match after FUCKING CLASSIC MATCH. 

No. You sit. You wait. 

Unlike the general lack of motivation or effort you’ve shown, I want all the fucking smoke possible. That’s why I’m holding gold in two companies in this sport and about to make it a fucking trifecta after I win this match and beat whoever is holding the PCW World Championship at Stand and deliver. You say you got that Mamba Mentality?! You look more like fucking Adam Morrison to me, which is fitting.


Because once I’m done with you, you’re going to lie in the middle of the ring crying like the little spoiled, lazy, self-entitled loudmouth bitch of a brat that you are. 

Sorry, I had to get that out. Ten people have called their shot, but only one of them will make it. For my fellow Queens, to wrap up all the scores I’ve got to settle, to finally put to rest that stupid “Emmanuelle can’t win the big one here” mantra I know that a lot of you have in your heads, to stop Salvation ... .I have to win this.

And I’m going to. 

It won’t be easy….but nothing worth having is.
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