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Join date : 2023-09-20

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PostSubject: sky vs lavender   sky vs lavender I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 17, 2023 2:20 pm

Ace is a paradoxical enigma in a different way than Brother Lavender. Rather than mystery he’s an anomaly therefore always been an outsider which Brother Lavender can relate to as well. As people we expect a certain community , humans are by nature social creatures and everyone is idiosyncratic however it varies , some more than others have eccentricities. With his ADHD, autism spectrum and histrionic personality disorder Ace has a scattered energy , he’s both disciplined yet devil may care.
I wanted more discipline with my mind spiritually  , from 0 to 30 my mind was wild, my meditation processes are always helpful because I can condense my thoughts to my words for a promo .

Promos haven’t been my strong suit despite how loquacious I tend to be. Charisma is a word that is so misused and bastardized in wrestling . You see in this upcoming vignette my charisma , because charisma is appeal, that’s the definition .

Since I was a backyard wrestler I could come out during my entrance not be shy and reserved , my
Energy radiates off like a video game character after a power up boost .

I had that out-going way of interacting when I worked as a paperboy in my neighborhood using my skateboard , doing tricks in between to impress people around me and show off .

I may not always have the words but I’ve had the personality from jump .

I only make one distinction between people , sayers and doers, Brother Lavender is a genuine mix of both which is rare .

We differ in many ways, I have more experience , he has size . Yet we both have this wisdom we share , a similar philosophy that is secular yet holistic .

We bring people together as one in a world so divisive .

It hasn’t always been a cake walk for Ace, despite being a fan favorite and in a black and white sense a “ good guy “. Being from Texas the love for things being big is ubiquitous not just a a stereotype so  being undersized gave Ace many insults such as
small-fry, firefly, half-pint.

This carried into wrestling where fans called him thumbtack during his entrance ( they changed their minds right after he did his first move in the ring ),
Promoters and veterans would call him featherweight and twinkle toes .

His history with his use of cannabis has led to parents not approving of him, first locally and to this day some globally. Ace never went on the dark side, the only time he’s ever been a douchebag is when he was a champion, that’s the catch 22 of being successful you hate looking at yourself in the mirror because you have to be a cocky prick as a champion level wrestler.

        Ace Sky vignette promo:

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