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 Paradise Lost pt. 1: I have my eye on you

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Join date : 2023-10-15

Paradise Lost pt. 1: I have my eye on you Empty
PostSubject: Paradise Lost pt. 1: I have my eye on you   Paradise Lost pt. 1: I have my eye on you I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 28, 2023 12:17 am

The camera flickers on, taking time to auto adjust on a wooden chair sitting in the middle of what appears to be a shack. A lightbulb hanging above the chair is the only light, casting the rest of the room in darkness.

From that darkness, a woman steps towards the chair. She’s dressed in black cargo pants tucked into combat boots and an oversized military jacket, M. BISHOP on the chest.

She sits, and leans her head back. JOSIE GREY. She smirks a little as she looks down her nose at the camera, before slowly leaning forward.


Do you all know…who I am?

Because you should.

I’m the woman that walked into a completely foreign industry, and dominated. I’m the woman that talks the loudest shit - with an adorable smile on my face - and backs it up the most. I'M the woman…that in her FIRST YEAR as a professional wrestler…has won TWO world championships in two different companies.

Ring any bells?

It’s ok…you’re all apparently very, VERY new to all this…

Take your time…

Fine. I’ll just flat out tell you. My name is Josie Grey…but all of you? Can call me “sir.” I’m The Prodigy. I am the LOOMING black cloud that hangs over every company I enter, I am the HUNTER of every division's top dog, and I am NOW… the CREEPING DEATH of PCW.

And who do I have in front of me…but soup cans, masquerading as threats…Bryan Charles, and Aurora Deathfyre.

I’ll start with Bryan, cos he seems like he needs some attention…poor little emo kid…

Hiiiiiiiiii, Bry. How ya doing?

You’re gonna get your ass kicked…you realize that, buddy?

It’s ok…don’t cry. Save these emotions for your next SoundCloud adventure…the Overdrive…or Overcharge or whatever…

But hey! You’re XTREME, right? You used to skate, yeah? Siiiiiick!

I imagine, then…you’re pretty used to the feeling of hitting your face on concrete, aren’t you? Wiping out? Think you’re landing bolts and ahhhh, damn…slam.

Well then damn, little buddy…my fists will feel downright nostalgic, won’t they?

See… the difference between you and me? I’m not a poser. At all. I’m not some little punk that thinks cos they kickflipped a 9, they can hang in THIS business. I’m a highly trained, downright feared SERIAL killer of a woman, and kiddo, you’re just…fodder. I’ve been trained by god damn Green Berets, I’ve been trained by cult leaders and pro wrestling gods, hell…I killed a fuckin bear with my bare hands…TWICE. And you think cos you’re RAWK and get hyped up by old Blink-182, you have an edge on me?

Come in close…this is just between me and you, Bryan…

You? Will screw up. You…will be embarrassed. YOU…Will do what you were BORN to do…and fail…because that’s what happens to posers when they have to drop in in front of everybody, and they have to finally put their money where their mouth is.

They fail. Beautifully.

The good thing is, Bry? You’re a skater kid. You’re used to trying and failing…trying and failing…trying and failing…trying and trying and trying and failing and failing and failing…over and over and over again, until you finally get wrecked to the point you can’t continue.

That’s how this match is gonna go for you, kid.

Familiar territory for a sick bruh like you, oui?

But hey…at least you can go back to the skatepark for good, with a siiiiiiick broken nose and a story for the homies.


Josie tsks. A Belgian Mal comes running up and sits beside her. Josie absentmindedly starts petting him.

And now for…Aurora.

Speaking of posers…


I bet your real name is Sarah, isn’t it?

Now, you seem kinda…ok. DEFINITELY not cool, but…OK. You seem fun, at least. You got all this fun witchy shit going on, you got your friends LUPUS THE BLACK, OH ME OH MY…and ATHENA DEATH GODDESS…and LENORA SWEET DEATH…


Are you AI? What is that?

I don’t wanna knock your shit you got going on - do you, Princess - but oh my god, you’re about as intimidating as a little green apple, and you’re from…where?


…so Florida. You’re from Florida.

ohmygod, dude…just SAY you’re from Florida.

So you’re a really pretty pale gal with just the…PERFECT tattoos for the vibe, with pretty, pale friends, and you all have…GOD AWFUL names, but fuck it, who am I to kink shame…and you’re from Florida.

WHEN do you get SCARY? And WHO in GODS NAME…in 2023…thinks YOU’RE a freak?

Cos all that I’m seeing, sweetie pie…are a eh couple of kids who got Mom’s credit card and went to Hot Topic for a shopping spree. That’s it. You guys have “pick me up outside Nordstrom’s” written ALL over you. You’re driven by anger and sadness?

Kid…I’m fuckin French…don’t start.

But hey…I’ll tell you what, Aurora. I’m gonna do you a solid.

I’m going to show you what REAL darkness is. I’m going to actually TAKE YOU through the seven circles of hell, and SHOW YOU what it’s REALLY like. You haven’t experienced darkness, you  or your cul-de-sac coven. You merely look at it from the safety of your suburban fortress and daydream about what it will feel like to actually BE a tortured soul. You have all the right tattoos, you say all the right buzzwords, but I can smell you from a mile away, little girl, you are simply a VISITOR to my daily life. You’re Nas, and I am Jay-Z, and I’ll be the one that tells you about the Tec on the dresser…cos you don’t want to feel what it’s like to ACTUALLY pull the trigger.

You? ‘Rora? Will actually know what it’s like…to be face to face with the god damned devil.

And I don’t think you’re gonna like what you see.

But don’t worry, honey…mama will pick you up outside the big store and if you ask super nice, maybe she’ll take you for ice cream. Some Spoooooooky ice cream! Ooooooo!

It’s funny how apropos the name Paradise Lost is for you two. Cos on that night, when you two step into that ring with me…you will lose all love for this business…you will lose all hope for your future…the PARADISE, that is making it in this business? Will take a step further away from you with EVERY forearm I throw, EVERY punch I deliver, EVERY SINGLE WEAPON I have in my LIMITLESS ARSENAL…until those dreams of paradise…are well and truly lost.

And you two? Will regret EVERYTHING that brought you to that ring. Every single missed birthday, every lost friendship, everything you two have sacrificed to make it to THIS part of your story will have been completely, and utterly, pointless…

Because at Paradise Lost…Josie Grey makes her debut…

And I will write MY story, with your blood.

Pray. Pray to whatever God you think might be listening. Pray to EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN ONE, if you have to!

Where I’m sitting, you two will need allllllllllllll the help you can get.

Now…before I go…I’d like to send a message to…whoever…the higher ups here in PCW…

You can give me ANYBODY you want…

…just NOBODY you want back.

And to every member of the PCW roster?

I have my eye on you…heheheheheheheheh-

Josie begins to cackle as her dog, Rasputin, howls beside her…the lightbulb suddenly goes out…

And Josie’s pale, demonic face shines through…her left eye glowing…



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