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 August 19th, 2023 - Open World

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August 19th, 2023 - Open World Empty
PostSubject: August 19th, 2023 - Open World   August 19th, 2023 - Open World I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 19, 2023 10:42 pm

(It is late at night in the streets of Tampa, Florida and Bryan is looking out into the Tampa Bay with his hood over his head yet again)

Ah Tampa, feels great to be back. Now getting straight to business.

(Bryan turns around to face the camera and pulls down his hood)

With my match against Destiny tomorrow night, I should really be more hyped up but right now, but I decided to stay at a nice level 1. I just wanted to relax and watch these waters you guys see out here. Mainly because as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be on straight 11. Some of you may be questioning why I’m putting so much hype into match and rightfully so as there are no stakes, at least no obvious stakes that is.

For me what’s at stake is the momentum I have building up so far, from my debut to my win over Niles Jenkins last week. I am at the top of my game right now and but it still is not my peak, that you will see in due time once things line up. As of right now though, I am just getting started but still giving it my all and I will be damned if let Destiny ruin that for me tomorrow night. While I still give respect to all opponents no matter who they are, respect is not what is going to get me that W that I am always looking for.

Now if Niles, Nathan, or even Nayati wanna poke their heads in my business and try to get their hands on me, I’ll be waiting in that locker room, behind those curtains, and in that ring ready for a fight. Difference is that I got my boy Percy ready to have my back. While we may not be the best of friends, we are still a force to reckoned with when things start to go south. He’s got the fiery passion and I got that thunder baby. You boys aren’t ready for what we’re cooking up, so I suggest you stay out the kitchen.
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August 19th, 2023 - Open World
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