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Join date : 2023-07-09

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PostSubject: (Show) No Fear   (Show) No Fear I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 04, 2023 5:16 pm

(Show) No Fear 0Sr3eSd
The lights were maybe too bright for Aiden Fletcher in his first-ever main event match against Matt Miles. He thought he had him, but Miles proved to be every bit of the wrestler others have claimed him to be. There was no shame in losing to Matt. Some would say it’s an honor. In this instance, for Fletcher, this was a learning experience.


“About last week”

Aiden Fletcher stands before us, scratching the back of his head. He wasn’t sure how to explain the loss, but he felt like an explanation was necessary.

“It- it was a lot different than the match the week before. I brought the fight to Matt Miles and he damn near earned my respect,” he said with a smirk. “But then last week happens and I look like a goddamn fool,” he sighs. “I’ve- I’ve been doing this a long time. My uncle taught me the basics and I figured out the rest. For over a decade, I’ve traveled these roads. Alone. Without anyone’s help. I have to admit, it was a bit challenging to accept Kasey Kash as my partner against Azumi Goto and Zack Fantana. Those three names are all way better known than mine, I know that. But you all saw what happens when Aiden Fletcher is in the ring with three of the world’s best. I just…” he pauses. “I just couldn’t capitalize on the opportunity.”

Aiden is clearly frustrated. The Blind Faith Tag Team Tournament was going to be his coming out party. The years of fighting underground at bingo halls and backyards was supposed to culminate to the finals of the tournament, which ended with him winning. Facing Matt Miles erased any doubt in his mind that he didn’t belong in the major leagues. As much as he wouldn’t publicly admit it, Kasey Kash was the perfect partner for this tournament. Yet it was clear that the bright lights were just too bright that night.

“And as much as I wish Kash and I were fighting Mordeau and Miles, that shit ain’t gonna happen. Miles, you and I are destined to fight again and the result will be much different, I promise you that. Instead, I got big Nate…. Nathan Bogard,” he continues. “Bogard, you may be two hundred seventy pounds of muscle and mayhem but I don’t don’t give a shit. You see, my uncle told me it’s not the size of the dog in the fight it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Old cliche, I know, but it makes perfect sense. You’ve been given this natural talent, Bogard. You are athletic beyond all belief and just as strong to match. But me? I’ve five-foot nothing, a hundred and nothing. You can’t pick me out of a lot, let alone in a wrestling ring. But I’ll be damned if I lose three in a row. I’ll be damned if I face three legends in the business like Goto, Fantana, and Miles, only to lose to you. That ain’t gonna happen, big man.”

“I don’t give a shit if Niles comes out, neither. He step up to me he’s gonna catch these hands. I’m too damn good to let the two of you get in my fucking way. It’s as simple as that. I’ve faced the absolute best that Prestige has to offer and you two just ain’t in my league,” Fletcher scoffs. He points at the camera. “Nathan Bogard, I’ll see your ass in the ring!”

Aiden Fletcher spoke with conviction. He knew the task ahead was not easy. He knew Nathan had the size, power, and strength advantage in the fight. But he had to show no fear. Make sure they never see you scared, kid, his uncle would say. And he’ll be damned if he did.
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