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 The Hobo King Contract

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The Hobo King

The Hobo King

Posts : 10
Join date : 2023-10-09

The Hobo King Contract Empty
PostSubject: The Hobo King Contract   The Hobo King Contract I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 09, 2023 7:01 pm

The Hobo King Contract Add_a_10


Wrestling Name: Jack Carlton
Picture Base: Eddie Kingston
Current Nicknames: The Hobo King
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 240lbs
Hometown: Hoboken, New Jersey

Disposition/Alignment: Choose from these options: Ruthless Heel
Gimmick: Jack Carlton, the Hobo King, is a character that blurs the line between reality and the realm of the eccentric. He portrays a man who has emerged from the harsh, unforgiving streets and train yards to become a force to be reckoned with in the squared circle. His gimmick combines elements of a vagabond, a survivor, and a master of chaos.

Theme Music: "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals
Special Entrance [Optional]: The arena lights dim, plunging the audience into darkness. A haunting and melancholic melody begins to play over the PA system, immediately capturing everyone's attention. The crowd hushes, unsure of what to expect.

As the first lyrics "There is a house in New Orleans..." echo through the arena, a single spotlight pierces the darkness at the top of the entrance ramp. Jack Carlton, the Hobo King, emerges from the shadows, his rugged and weather-worn figure illuminated in the dim light.

He's draped in his tattered ring attire, and his face is covered by a leather mask, adding an air of mystery. In one hand, he carries his makeshift satchel, filled with symbolic items from his past life. The crowd's anticipation grows as they witness this enigmatic figure.

Jack Carlton slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp, moving in time with the song's haunting melody. He acknowledges the outstretched hands of fans along the way, creating an intimate connection with his audience.

Upon reaching the ring, he slides under the bottom rope with grace, still guided by the haunting rhythm of the music. Rising to his feet, he stands in the center of the ring, his gaze locked on the audience.

The final verses of "House of the Rising Sun" play, building the tension in the arena. Jack Carlton extends his arms wide, as if embracing the chaos and unpredictability that is his domain. The audience watches in anticipation, knowing that something extraordinary is about to unfold.*

As the last note of the song fades away, Jack Carlton removes his satchel and hands it to a ringside attendant, signaling the start of the match

What are your character’s motivations for competing?
Tendency to Cheat: Sometimes

Wrestling Debut [Optional]: When did your character first debut?
Favorite Match Types [Optional]: What's your character's favorite match type? Barbed Wire match
Least Favorite Match Types [Optional]: What's your character's least favorite match type? (Minimum one)
Favorite Weapon [Optional]: Chair
In-Ring Achievements [Optional]: Any titles, tournaments, winning streaks, or notable achievements go here.

Common Moves: Minimum ten (10)

1. Hobo Haymaker: A powerful, wide-arching punch that delivers a knockout blow to his opponent.

2. Back Alley Bulldog: The Hobo King grabs his opponent's head, jumps forward, and drives their face into the mat.

3. Trash Can Lid Strike: He swings a metal trash can lid like a makeshift weapon, striking his opponent with a resounding clang.

4. Underpass Uppercut: A sudden and fierce uppercut that catches opponents off guard, sending them reeling.

5. Street Sign Swing: The Hobo King uses a metal street sign as a battering ram, smashing it into his opponent's body.

6. Sidewalk Slam: Similar to a body slam, but with an extra slam to mimic the impact of hitting a concrete sidewalk.

7. Gutter Grapple: He uses the ring ropes or turnbuckle to trap his opponent, then follows up with a devastating strike.

8. Boxcar Backdrop: The Hobo King tosses his opponent into the air and delivers a backdrop that resembles the fall from a moving boxcar.

9. Curb Stomp: He stomps on his opponent's face while they're down, emulating the harsh reality of the streets.

10. Railroad Spinebuster: A spinebuster that emphasizes the raw power of the Hobo King, making his opponents feel like they've been run over by a train.

Signature Moves: Minimum of two (2), maximum of five (5)

1. King's Ransom Kick: A swift, yet powerful kick to the midsection followed by a spinning roundhouse kick to the opponent's head, leaving them dazed and confused.

2. Hobo Shuffle: An unorthodox, unpredictable series of footwork and dodges that leaves opponents bewildered, often ending with a surprising strike or takedown.

3. Streetwise Submission: The Hobo King locks in a unique submission hold, combining elements of a crossface and an armbar, putting immense pressure on his opponent's neck and shoulder.

4. Pavement Plunge: From the turnbuckle or the top rope, the Hobo King performs a diving splash, crashing down on his opponent with the impact reminiscent of hitting the pavement.

5. Luggage Launcher: In a display of strength, he lifts his opponent onto his shoulders, parades around the ring for a few moments, and then slams them down with a punishing powerslam.

Finishing Moves: Maximum three (3) and one (1) optional ultra-finisher (UF)

Finisher Move: "Hobo's Havoc"

Description: The Hobo King starts by incapacitating his opponent with a combination of strikes and grapples, ensuring they're dazed and disoriented. He then hoists them onto his shoulder, showcasing his formidable strength. With a determined look in his eyes, he takes a few steps, building momentum, and finally executes a spine-jarring powerbomb. But what sets "Hobo's Havoc" apart is the added theatrics – as he slams his opponent, he unleashes a handful of crumpled, torn dollar bills into the air, symbolizing his reign over the streets and his willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed.

The impact of "Hobo's Havoc" is often enough to secure a triumphant victory for the Hobo King, and it leaves both his opponent and the audience in awe of his unyielding resolve and unique wrestling style.


Fighting Styles: Jack Carlton, the Hobo King, employs a unique and gritty fighting style in the wrestling ring, which complements his persona and adds to the excitement of his matches. Here's an overview of his fighting style:

Street Brawler: Jack Carlton's wrestling style is reminiscent of a street fighter. He incorporates elements of brawling, striking, and using his environment to his advantage. He's not afraid to get up close and personal with his opponents, trading punches and strikes in a relentless manner.

Unpredictable: Jack Carlton is known for his unpredictability in the ring. He often utilizes unconventional moves and tactics that catch his opponents off guard. This includes using objects found in the ring or around it, such as steel chairs, tables, or even glass, to create moments of chaos.

High-Impact Moves: While he may not have a traditional technical wrestling background, Jack Carlton compensates with high-impact moves. He's known for his powerful suplexes, impactful slams, and moves that focus on overwhelming his opponents with brute force.

Submission Skills: Despite his brawling tendencies, Jack Carlton incorporates a few submission holds into his arsenal. These holds are often used strategically to wear down opponents or to transition into his more devastating maneuvers.

Adaptability: Jack Carlton is adaptable in the ring. He's not locked into a specific style or strategy. Instead, he reads his opponents and the flow of the match, adjusting his tactics accordingly. This adaptability keeps his opponents guessing and adds an element of surprise to his matches.

Street Fight Elements: Occasionally, Jack Carlton may participate in hardcore or street fight matches, where he fully embraces the use of weapons and implements a more chaotic, no-holds-barred style.

Overall, Jack Carlton's fighting style is a reflection of his hardscrabble background and his willingness to use unconventional means to achieve victory. He thrives in chaotic situations and is not easily deterred by pain or adversity, making him a formidable and entertaining competitor in the wrestling world.
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