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» vs Alex Carter and Arata Asakura
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 vs Alex Carter and Arata Asakura

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Mercadier de Leon
Mercadier de Leon

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Join date : 2023-07-06

vs Alex Carter and Arata Asakura Empty
PostSubject: vs Alex Carter and Arata Asakura   vs Alex Carter and Arata Asakura I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2024 11:28 pm

I am not the kind of man that seeks solace, I am the kind of man who seeks success. I agree, Christopher, it is great that Salvation is all but guaranteed to make the finals of this tournament. Blind faith was no match for the true faith that the members of Salvation have in our cause. It is a cause that we did not fulfill in its ideal form at the end of Season One but Salvation itself is still growing then, is it not? We cut that festering rot Jupiter King from our ranks and upgraded her into one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in Arata Asakura, the man who I will be seeing in the ring come Triumph.

However... It is not the success of Salvation alone that I seek. That is not the success I prioritize and Christopher, you must have surely known that from the very start. It is my road to the top that matters the most to me. Do not get me wrong, however. While I am a part of Salvation, I will continue to devote myself utterly and entirely to our cause. I will never turn my back on my allies nor will I ever bring harm to them... well, outside of when one stands across the ring from me, like Arata will on Triumph. While I am part of Salvation, Salvation will get everything I can offer, and that is a vow I take seriously, but I have indeed broken my vows before. When the rank of Vidame offered me no further progress on my path to the top, I abandoned those vows. I broke my oath, I forsake my God, and I made myself the center of my universe. I joined Salvation because I believed that you were the right group of people to walk alongside the conqueror's road. I respect and acknowledge you as the Leader of Salvation, but I do not think of myself as your inferior, Sabertooth. And again, the truth here is that once Salvation stops serving its use to me as I aim for the top, well, that's another oath that I won't mind breaking.

The reason I get to say this without consequence is because I know that Sabertooth NEEDS me. Salvation cannot exist without its leader but as a soldier, I am as much a part of the essence of Salvation as Sabertooth is. Without me, there is NO Salvation.

Can we really say the same for Arata Asakura though?

No disrespect intended, I do understand that you are one of the best wrestlers in the world. When you were brought in to Salvation you came in with one mission, wasn't that right? You were to slide in as Jupiter King's replacement. Only someone the caliber of Arata Asakura would be able to enter a wrestling company and quite literally be handed a championship on a golden platter. I was there the day we won the Tag Team Championships and sadly, I was there on the day we lost them. You, Arata... you were only there on the day we lost them. I'm not blaming you of course, that is a level of asinine thought I'd never stoop to. What I mean to say is Arata, you were brought in for a specific reason and on your first night with Salvation... You didn't get the job done. What is this group, after all, if we cannot get the job done? What is Salvation if we fail to save this company from the rot that infects it? I failed that night too, just like you did. What separates us here Arata is that I avenged my mistake. I put that worthless piece of trash Tomi Venus in a coffin of his own creation at the biggest show of the year after he cost us the Tag Team Championships. What did you do that night? That's right.

These words are harsh, Arata, but take them not as insults, take them as encouragement. I don't want you to be better, I NEED you to be better. Show me that you deserve to continue to walk along Sabertooth and myself. Show me that when there is no one left at the top but the three of us in Salvation that you shall give us a fight worthy of the man who shall become the God of PCW. Just know Arata, that your chance to prove yourself will not come at my expense.

Alex Carter on the other hand, is an enigma. It is humorous how well opposites attract, and it seems that the stoic nature of Arata Asakura contrasted with the chaotic energy that Alex Carter has created quite the storm. Who is Alex Carter? That is the question, and it is not one I ask disparagingly. I am aware of Alex Carter, yet he is a man I cannot seem to understand. You're a man who has sought it all... kingship, anarchy, control, championships, and whenever one dream dies you come back with another. When I ask who Alex Carter is, I ask what drives Alex Carter. What is it that allows your embers of a dying dream to be reignited once again as you return to the ring over and over again, what is it that you want? This time, you are here to kill the notion of the "greatest" wrestlers, and you started very, very strong. You told Matt Miles you'd put a bullet in his head and that's what you did as far as his prospects for Season Two go by ending his bid to win the Blind Faith tournament for a second year in a row. However, I see through the facade. You might fancy yourself a Kingslayer, and you made the head of the Old King, Matt Miles, roll as you made your debut here in PCW.

This is where reality shall strike you hard Alex, because a Kingslayer you may be, but I am no mere King. I aim far higher, the throne of God, the seat atop the mountain of this wrestling world, and someone like you couldn't even reach me where I stand, let alone lay your blade against the side of my neck and cut me down.
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