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 A Noble Truth Bomb

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Join date : 2024-08-01

A Noble Truth Bomb Empty
PostSubject: A Noble Truth Bomb   A Noble Truth Bomb I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2024 10:32 pm

A Noble Truth Bomb YacRTL0

It wasn't the start I hoped for here in PCW, but that doesn't mean I give up and walk away.

In the basement, hidden beneath layers of dust and forgotten furniture, was a bomb shelter his grandfather had built during the Cold War. It had always been a curiosity, a relic of a time when fear of the unknown had driven people to such extreme measures. Now, it was his only hope for survival. He descended the stairs, the dim light from the single bulb hanging above revealing the stockpiles of food, water, and supplies he had gathered. The metal walls gleamed faintly, a stark reminder of the protection it offered from the harsh realities outside.

This is just the calm before the storm, Nobi.

The shelter was small, but it had been designed to sustain a family of four for an extended period. Jayce had filled it with shelves of canned goods, a water purifier, and a small stove that could run on propane. A bunk bed with a faded quilt was pushed against one wall, and a small table with chairs took up the center of the room. Taking a seat at the small table, he paused for a second before speaking in an angry tone.

I may have got carried away last time I stepped inside the ring, but this time is vastly different. I can't change the past or eliminate the loss from my record, but I can certainly even the score. You may be honourable and noble, but we, my friend, are polar opposites. I only care about creating chaos and carnage, and that's about it.

There was a radio, its antenna stretched out like a metal octopus, ready to provide them with updates from the outside world. The air was stale, but the small ventilation system hummed to life as he flipped the switch, bringing in a hint of the cool evening air.

For years I never had reason to explore this bomb shelter and see it with my own eyes. On this occasion, it dawned on me that you can prepare for the worst, yet it may never happen in this life. For years I prepared mentally and physically, but even with all that preparation, I can't predict the outcome. 

His eyes darted back and forth rapidly as his eyebrows raised. Tilting his head to the left a slight bit, he continued to talk in a raspy vocal tone.

With you, Nobi I plan to take a different approach than my last match. I will be the first to admit truthfully, I came out like a bull in a fancy shop. I wanted to cause so much destruction I lost sight of the end game. I didn't come this far into this profession to tuck my tail and walk away after my first match. I came here to grow within this sport and work my way from the bottom and separate myself from the other bootlickers. 

His eyes grew wider the longer he spoke, as you could physically see the anger on his facial expression. Slamming his sacred fist heavily on the table as the sound echoed throughout the small bomb shelter. 

At the end of the day the harsh reality is nobody cares about you when you're at the bottom. For me this is a giant step to climbing the ladder and moving towards the fueds, fights, and matches I know I can provide here in PCW.

Taking a long, deep breath followed by a short, silent pause.

Guys like me only come around once in a while; that's why I am a diamond in the rough. I know looking at it in hindsight it may not be apparent yet, but it will be, trust me. So go ahead and pray to the fanatics who care about you. Go ahead and remain positive and loyal to these sons of a bitch who come to see you wrestle. They don't honestly give a damn about you outside of this establishment. They are the same idiots that would approach you outside of a restaurant and hassle you mercifully for a picture. Everything changes when you refuse to take that picture just one time and they start seeing your true asshole self. It's at this moment they realize who you are on television and who you are in the eye of the public are two very different people. So next time that young girl asks for an autograph, you better shut up and smile. 

Me, on the other hand. 

I don't care about being a role model to these young morons who cling on to you. I don't care about being seen as a yes man to the powers to be who signs my paycheck. I would rather go out and do it my way than be forced to do it their way. You want to know why that is Nobi? It's because they take away your freedom to be creative. They take, take, and take but never give back. Even if you did have creative ideas, heaven forbid it will never be better than theirs. 

Now it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself.

Is it all worth it? 

The truthful answer may shock you, or you can continue to agree. Only you can dictate what path you want to choose. So what's it going to be on this night? My right fist or my left. I am ambidextrous, so for me it really doesn't matter. 

Getting up from the small table in anger, he flips the table upside down. He was already marching away from the bomb shelter and back to normal society. 
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