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 The Iron Will

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Maximus Steele

Maximus Steele

Posts : 24
Join date : 2023-10-02
Age : 34

The Iron Will Empty
PostSubject: The Iron Will   The Iron Will I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2024 10:01 pm

“Over the past few weeks, my life has been a whirlwind. From the moment Matt and I won these PCW Tag Team Championships, things have been a rollercoaster ride, and not always in the best way. You know, when I first grabbed this gold…when I first felt the weight of this title on my shoulder, I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a long time…a sense of pride…a sense of accomplishment. For a moment, I could almost forget about the chaos that Salvation had been spreading throughout this company. I could almost forget about the war they’ve waged on every single one of us in that locker room. Almost.

But reality has a funny way of always snapping you back to it, doesn’t it? Just when you think you can breathe…just when you think you’ve earned a single moment's peace, something…or someone…comes along to remind you exactly where you stand. For the longest time, Salvation has been that constant reminder. Chris Sabertooth and his pack of wolves have done everything in their power to tear this place apart…to make everyone here bow down to the supremacy you think they have. And I’ll be honest…there have been times when the odds have seemed insurmountable….when it felt like we were all drowning in the chaos that they created. But the thing is, I’ve always been a fighter. And no matter how dark things appear to be, I’ve never been one to back down. And I’m not going to start now.

When Matt and I won these titles, we knew that it was just the beginning. We knew Salvation would come after us with everything that they had, embarrassed and ashamed of what we did to them. But what I didn’t expect was to have to fight battles on all sides. I didn’t expect Damian Mordeau to be at my partner’s neck every time I turned around. I didn’t expect some spoiled rich kid like Hayden Isaac Monroe to finally step out from his father’s shadow and try to make his own name at my expense.

But here I am…a champion fighting with my back against the wall. Not just for myself, but for this company and everyone who believes in something more than just gold and glory. To protect what I’ve built here from the poison that is Salvation and the entitled scum like Hayden. They all think that they can tear this down and take it for themselves just because they want to. But I bring that fight with me every time I walk out to that ring. And I’ll be damned if I let anyone destroy what I’ve worked so hard to build, whether it’s Sabertooth, Hayden, Damian, or anyone else for that matter.

But Standing Room Only is on the horizon. Both Damian and Hayden will get what they have coming to them. For now, though, let’s talk about what’s right in front of us. Chris Sabertooth…the so-called leader of Salvation and the reigning PCW World Heavyweight Champion. You’ve been a thorn in my side…in EVERYONE’S side…since the day you decided to wage your war on this company. You’ve got your title, you’ve got your little army, and you walk around here as if you’re untouchable. But I’ve been paying attention, Chris. I see the cracks in the foundation, the seeds of doubt within your ranks. Salvation isn’t as strong as it once appeared to be. Jupiter King is gone. You threw her out because of one mistake and the rest of them are fully aware that the same thing could happen to them. Now you’re left with a group that’s more fractured than ever and a title reign that is on the cusp of finally ending. You’re not invincible, Chris. In fact, you’re more vulnerable than you’ve ever been…and that’s where I come in.

I refuse to be just another name on your long list of accomplishments. I’m the man who took the PCW Tag Team Championships away from you and your crew. I’m the man who stood face to face with your so-called ‘disciples’ and I came out on top. And now I’ve got the chance to cut the head off the snake….to face you one on one…no distractions, no excuses. Just you and me, Chris, in the center of that ring.

But this isn’t just about avenging my previous loss to you or proving some kind of point. This is about showing the entire world that you’re not as unstoppable as you want us to believe. And when I beat you, Chris, I’m not just pinning the man…I’m shattering the fucking illusion of Salvation’s dominance. I’m tearing down the very facade that you’ve built yourself to be.

You may hold the most prestigious title in this industry, but that doesn’t make you unbeatable. In fact, it makes you the perfect target. Let’s not forget what it means to beat the world champion. If I take you down, Chris, it sends a message loud and clear to everyone in that locker room, to everyone watching around the world…that Maximus Steele is exactly who he says he is. That I AM the Iron Titan. I have been fighting my whole life, clawing my way from nothing, and beating you? That’s just the next step in my journey…another chance to prove that I’m not merely a tag team champion…but that I am a future world champion in my own right.

Champion versus Champion. That’s what they’re touting this match as. But you’re not facing just a champion, Chris. You’re facing a warrior…a survivor…a man who’s more than ready to take everything from you. Kasey may be the one to eventually take your title, but I will be the one to break your spirit first…to destroy the air of invincibility that you’ve built…to make you doubt yourself for the first time in your miserable life. You may pretend to offer the world salvation, Christopher, but this Sunday…the only thing that you’ll find is your own damnation.”

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