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 The Book of Reed

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The Book of Reed Empty
PostSubject: The Book of Reed   The Book of Reed I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2024 10:23 pm

“So this has been… illuminating.”

“Seems like a lot of people in this match have gone all the way off the fuckin’ deep end. Mercadier and Tomi both somehow think they’re gods, prophets, whatever the fuck, filled with some kind of divine purpose that gets fulfilled through… pro wrestling, somehow. Mercadier I understand, he’s always been an overly zealous nutjob. Tomi Venus was a bit of a surprise, though.”

“After all, how you gonna stand there and accuse Kasey of faking all the AZAZEL shit and then stand there ten toes down and state with your whole chest that you’re better than Jesus Christ? Fuckin’ A, man.”

“Also, couple of things you may want to consider before going through another name and personality change - I missed the Target Smiles era, which was a dumb fuckin’ name by the way - and got here in time to watch you as Tomi Venus. And now you wanna be King Caesar, and do what he didn’t by killing Jesus Christ.”

“Except that Julius Caesar wasn’t king. He was a consul, then dictator for life, but not king. And he also died almost fifty years before Jesus was born. Roman leaders didn’t take on the title of emperor until Caesar’s nephew Augustus succeeded him. The man you’re wanting so badly to emulate here is Augustus’s stepson, Tiberius. See, a little bit of research goes a long way.”

“Speaking of research, it seems like Mercadier the Insufferable declined to do any because if you listen to him? Apparently I ain’t even in this match. Not even a goddamn mention, you believe that? Iron Giant knows who I am, but apparently this French fucktard has no idea. Which is fine - when I’m done with the Conquest Colosseum, he’ll never forget the name Bianca Reed.”

“Neither will Kasey cause honestly? Y’all need better talking points. I don’t know anything about demonic possession, but AZAZEL? A whole lotta not my fuckin problem. Kasey fucking Kash on the other hand? That’s who I gotta deal with in this match, although maybe I should give the assist to the demon cause uh… man. Kasey was already kinda fucked in the head and now it’s gotten even worse. Maybe I’ll just let him know that his kids are gonna be okay without him. Shit, my dad didn’t bother to meet me till I was 22 and then he decided to overdose just a few months later - on Easter Sunday, no less.”

“I turned out the way I did not because of him, but in spite of him. He was a cheating junkie asshole with more dreams than sense and he died with a needle in his arm, in a shitty apartment in Atlanta, all alone because he’d driven all his kids away by that point. I said I’d never be like him, and I’ve accomplished that.”

“I’m more successful than my father ever was. But people still insist on underestimating me - like the Iron Giant. Did I lose to him last time we met? Yes. However, he is entirely too convinced that he’s got this in the bag and I think I’m the perfect person to let him know just how fucking wrong he is about that. He and I have history, you know? Once I get Pocket Pussy out, then it’s time for me to remind Maximus Steele that it doesn’t matter how big and brawny he is - he ain’t standing between me and what I want, which is that main event spot at Standing Room Only.”

“Maximus Steele is never gonna know what it’s like to be the underdog, to have all the odds stacked against him, and still come out on top. He’s never had to fight from behind. So that’s why he’s never gonna see me coming. Cause if he thought I took him to the limit the last time we met? He’s gonna realize that when I don’t have to risk getting disqualified, there is nothing stopping me from beating the everlasting shit outta him.”

“Max is also showing he’s almost as dumb as TJ Alexander. He thinks Conquest Colosseum is his turf? Absolutely the hell not. And I ain’t saying it’s mine either - this is like the third time I’ve been in a match with weapons and the last time I ended up on the losing end with a piece of glass in my scalp. Not fun, and not an experience I wanna repeat. But I know that I’m in there with a guy who made his name on deathmatch wrestling, so I gotta keep my head on a swivel.”

“I’m jumping right into a pit of vipers. This is the goddamn Hunger Games, only slightly less murder. Mercadier thinks this is gonna fulfill his purpose, but all it’s gonna do is show why he’s Chris Sabretooth’s bitch boy. Him and Jupiter can ride those coattails for a long ass time but when we get down to it? Mercadier’s gonna fail because he thinks he’s destined for this. Ain’t nothing written in the stars, bud. Hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re not a god. You’re a mortal man, you bleed just like anyone else. You fall, just like anyone else. You wanna talk about sins? Let he without sin cast the first stone.”

“I was raised Southern Baptist, I know the Bible pretty well. I know how Scripture gets cherry-picked too, to serve people’s own ends. That’s something Tomi Venus is gonna have to be on the lookout for with this new cult he’s trying to start. Boy thinks he’s some kinda prophet, but he’s got all the charisma of a dumpster hobo. No one’s gonna fuckin’ listen, bruh. You might get one or two gullible idiots but there is no way in hell anyone is following Tomi Caesar Salad anywhere. This ain’t a movement, it’s barely a step. Also, we already have Brother Lavender, we don’t need another weird fuckin’ cult lead by a dude who’s so mid it’s painful.”

“Nah, what this company needs is someone new at the top. Someone who don’t give a shit what needs to be done in order to get and keep a title, and who doesn’t need a bunch of lackeys doing her dirty work for her. I said it before, I’m a solo act. Ain’t got time for shit like prophecies or cults or anything like that - I stand on business and business alone.”

“Like I said when I was facing TJ Alexander, every match I’m in, I treat like a main event. Every match I’m in, I fight like my life and my career is on the line, because when you’re me? It fucking is. I have to be twice as good as everyone else just to rub it in all their faces that the girl who came up being called trash and told she’d never make it? Is now the only one from her rookie class left in the goddamn business. Everyone else burned out and faded away but me? Not a fucking chance.”

“Nah, because there’s nothing that can dim the way I shine out there in that ring. There isn’t anyone who can take away my goddamn spotlight. I am the center of attention whenever I show up and if y’all ain’t figured it out by now? You’re gonna learn inside Conquest Colosseum.”

“I am unlike anyone in this fight. Kasey’s probably the most like me, based on what he’s said, but even he don’t get it. He’s had those big successes. The world title wins. The history making, award winning runs.”

“Me? I am constantly overlooked and I’m getting fucking tired of it. I have a near perfect record in this company and even though I was forced into a match to get a title shot, fucking Jonah Aspinwall reappears, gets fucked up by Hood Thanos, and walks out with a title shot because Aaron Elliott thinks he’s ‘got potential’. I am fucking begging y’all, make it make sense.”

“Make it make sense how I gotta fight for a shot but this green as fuck rookie gets handed an opportunity.”

“So now that I’m in Conquest Colosseum? I am making every single one of you a fucking example. I am not letting myself be denied any longer! I tried playing nice, and look where that got me - fucking nowhere.”

“And I got the perfect match to be a menace in. I could’ve taken my anger and resentment out on TJ Alexander - especially after this dumb piece of shit decided that me saying I’ve been on my grind since 2015 means that I somehow haven’t been in a ring in almost a decade. I swear to god y’all need to start intelligence testing some of these people here in PCW.”

“Anyway. Everyone in Conquest Colosseum best be on notice. Chris Sabretooth and Matt Miles? Best not get comfortable with that belt, no matter which one of you walks out with it. Because after surviving this match to get my shot? I am not throwing it away like Lennon Armada did. I am gonna scratch and claw with everything I have in me, with every drop of blood and gasp of air in my body, to become the PCW World Heavyweight Champion at Standing Room Only.”

“Not a single goddamn one of you is gonna be able to get in my way. I don’t care how many boxes you try to fit me into, how many glass ceilings you try to put me under, I am breaking out and breaking through. This is the era of Bianca Reed, Killer B, the Princess of House Reed, the Undeniable One. But whatever you want to call me? One thing remains certain.”

“After Conquest Colosseum and Standing Room Only? You are all going to be calling me a fucking champion - whether you like it or not.”

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